Yang Xiao Long is one of the main heroines of the anime television series RWBY: Ice Queendom, an alternate timeline spinoff of the American animated web series RWBY. She is a Huntress-in-training at Beacon Academy and a member of Team RWBY. She is voiced by Ami Koshimizu, who also provided the Japanese dub voice for Yang in RWBY as well as voiced Kallen Kōzuki in Code Geass, Ryūko Matoi in Kill la Kill, and Sailor Jupiter in Sailor Moon Crystal. In the American English dub, she is voiced by her original English-language voice actress Barbara Dunkelman.
Yang is a tall muscular girl with ivory skin and light purple eyes. She has extremely long blonde hair, and stands slightly under six feet tall. When she is angry, her eyes change to a deep red, and her hair gains a fiery glow. Her outfits consist of yellows, browns, oranges, tans, blacks, and golds, and almost always include an orange scarf around her neck and purple fabric tied around her left leg.