One day as the monsters were tunneling underground, they stumbled upon an immense underground vault containing several of the mysterious objects known as the Wubbox. Very little is known of their origin or purpose, save a few observations:
After being incubated in the nursery, sample analysis of the box's exterior indicates that it shares traits with every known monster species - in fact, it even has specialized compartments with an otherworldy shrinking technology. The box is also imbued with an elemental energy unfamiliar to those on the surface - a shocking discovery, to say the least. Gather some intrepid monster volunteers and see what happens when you 'box' them! |
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— Inactive description on the Natural Islands |
“ | Eureka! The Wubbox awakes! As it turns out, this extraordinary electric elemental is vital to the life processes of the colossal island monsters that the other singing denizens call home. The shrunken monsters used to power up the creature report that inside is as fun as any playground they've ever seen, so they are happy to stay indefinitely.
The robotic chirps and whistles it uses to express itself can take some getting used to, but eventually become a beloved and inextricable part of the island's tune. Besides, it's all the rage in "current" music. The specific breeding characteristics of the Wubbox have not yet been studied. |
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— Active description on the Natural Islands |
“ | In a startling turn of events that none in the Monster world could have ever predicted, more of the mysterious Wubbox have been discovered deep in the subterranean recesses of Ethereal Island. This discovery, which files in the face of the Monster's previous designation as Supernatural, has sparked intense debate among Monster classifiers, with some proposing a new theoretical 'Superethereal' class be created.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, however, is that this Wubbox variant is powered up in the same way as its Natural island counterparts... by 'boxing' other Monster species inside! Gather some intrepid Monster volunteers and see what happens when you 'box' them! |
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— Inactive description on Ethereal Island |
“ | What many have suspected for a while has finally been confirmed - The Wubbox is indeed the creator of the Wublins! This Monster admitted to being inspired to create life based on remembrances of an otherworldly visitor that seemed to come from the heaven above. Yearning to create a Supernatural Family of its very own, it tapped into its intrinsic elemental Electricity to devise the power to zap Monster eggs. Content with the diversity and Wublins it has created, the Wubbox has settled in to become a permanent resident of Wublin Island and has invited its brethren to share in the experience of being Boxed, just like Natural and Ethereal Monsters before them!
Only Wublins that have been awoken may be Boxed. |
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— Inactive description on Wublin Island |
“ | Upon being powered up, the Wubbox inspected Wublin Island from up close for the first time, as it only ever done so before through secretive, arcane methods. Pleased with the Electricity-themed decor of the island but deciding it needed a little sprucing up, the Wubbox has made it possible for Decorations to be placed on Wublin Island for the first time. It has also lifted the limit on the number of unique Wublin statues on the island at a time, so multiples of the same Wublin can now exist. When not cavorting with its Supernatural family, the Wubbox can be found wistfully carving the initials W.B. + G.V in nooks and crannies out of sight... Not sure what's that about. | ” |
— Active description on Wublin Island |
The Wubbox is a monster species different from every other in many ways.
After its egg is hatched, the monster turns into a big and ornate yellow box with a huge red button on top, that appears to have a door on its visible face, complete with small stairs. Near the "door" there are strange, otherworldly patterns shaped like swirls and dots. On the back of the box are three pistons. In this dormant phase of its life cycle, it appears to be snoozing, like monsters that have been Muted - little "Rest notes" stream upwards from it.
After undergoing the unique feeding process that defines its species, it will transform: the Wubbox is the only monster who passes through huge changes after being born.
It now appears as a giant, yellow, humanoid robot, the tallest monster in the whole game, ready to be fed like any other monster is (Except the Wublins and Celestials.)
This robot has a big spherical power core suspended in the center of a gap in the middle of its body. The sphere glows blue-white, but it's insubstantial; one sees the background through it. From time to time, the power sphere pulses, or swings in a figure-8 around and through the Wubbox. The robot's limbs have multiple segments that appear to be connected by nothing more than brilliant electric arcs. (Some mysterious force fields may be at work here.)
Its hands are like huge iron bolts with fist-like structures on top of them, and its forearms, yellow like its body, have blue swirl and dot patterns that resemble the ones it had while in its box form, now powered up by the electricity.
Finally, it has a face with a big mouth and teeth, and metal cups supporting large red-and-white eyes with red lids. Its eyes occasionally flash. There is no head visible apart from the mouth and eyes; its neck consists of multiple cylindrical segments with no visible connection.