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Wendy Testaburger is one of the secondary protagonists on the adult animated series Red And Friends. She is voiced by series creator Nolan Splavec and the long-time girlfriend of Stan Marsh. She first appeared in the season 1 premiere, Pilot. Wendy was supposed to be a recurring role but ended up being a main character after the show's runaway success.
Wendy has a very straightforward personality with little tolerance for nonsense. She is shown to be one of the more controversial characters in the show due to her sexuality, which many people have trouble accepting. Though she is an out lesbian, this fact doesn't stop her from dating Stan Marsh. Despite this, she still remains true to herself and will not tolerate any homosexual jokes on the show. Wendy is shown to be nice, caring and loyal; however, she can also be manipulative and selfish at times. Wendy is a nice and kind girl who would do anything for those around her. She is often shown to be the voice of reason in most situations, though she does make some mistakes sometimes like with her boyfriend Stan Marsh.