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Trini Kwan

Trini Kwan was the first Yellow Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


Trini was at the Angel Grove Youth Center with her friends, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack. Trini was helping Kimberly with her gymnastics when Bulk & Skull entered the Youth Center. Bulk & Skull walked up to the girls and gave them a hard time. But Trini and Kimberly were able to take care of themselves, and Kimberly and Trini had flip Bulk and Skull onto the mat. Zack who had offered to help the girls, was very amused.

Moments later, Trini and Kimberly sat and watch Billy in his karate class, taught by Jason. Bulk tried to interfere with the lesson, but ended up on the mat once more. After class, Trini and her friends gathered around a table enjoying each other's company.

Trini Kwan Daggers

Power Daggers

Suddenly the floor began to shake. Assuming it was an earthquake, everyone ran out of the Juice Bar. Trini and her friends were teleported to a strange place, the Command Center. There was a small robot there as well, Alpha 5. Then a floating head appeared in a tube, Zordon.

Zordon told the teens of Rita Repulsa, who had been trapped in a dumpster with her army and now has broken free. Rita's next target was Earth. Zordon had selected the five teens to become Power Rangers, in order to protect the Earth. Zack and Kimberly treated the whole thing as a joke. Jason was considering what Zordon had to say, and Trini was also thoughtful. But Zack and Kimberly persuade them and Billy to leave. As Trini and her friends walk out, Jason was trying to convince them the whole thing wasn't a joke, Zordon has chosen them to become super heroes. Trini and her friends were attacked by putties, Rita's foot soldiers. Trini and her friends try to battle the putties, but the putties were too strong. Trini and her friends still had the morphers Alpha 5 had given them. Trini and her friends used the morphers.

Trini became the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. The Rangers battle the putties with ease. Zordon had Alpha 5 teleport to the city where Goldar and more putties were at. The Rangers battle the putties and destroyed them. Goldar was soon giant size. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summoned their zords and formed the Megazord. The Rangers battled giant Goldar. Trini and her friends return to the Command Center. Their spirits were high as they agreed to become Power Rangers. Except for Kimberly who told them she didn't like the way her hair got messed up in the helmet. Trini was concern until Kimberly told them she was joking. Trini and her friends were now Power Rangers.

Trini was at the Youth Center, working on her kata. Kimberly, Jason, and Zack were at the Youth Center as well. Jason was getting ready to climb the rope as Zack and Kimberly gave him encourage. Jason was high up climbing a rope. Trini walks over and urges Jason to be careful. Trini had a fear of heights and would never climb the rope. Trini walked over to the exercise equipment and began working out. Billy walked in and Jason slips and lands on him. They swing around on the rope and eventually fall off and land on the floor. Zack and Kimberly found the whole thing funny. Bulk & Skull walked in and start taunting Trini and her friends.

Jason tells Bulk that at least he can climb to the top. Bulk wants to show Jason up. Bulk then attempts to climb up the rope, and on his first attempt doesn't get very far and falls to the mats. Bulk tries again and gets a little further, but falls again, taking a part of the plaster with him. Trini and her friends laugh. Kimberly kneels down and tells Bulk he really show them. Trini and her friends walk away towards the lockers. Billy has made a new inventions - communicators. The communicators would let them stay in contact with the Command Center, Zordon, and Alpha 5.

Trini, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly test the communicators and press a button, which causes them to teleport to the Command Center. They land in a heap on time of Alpha 5. Once they untangle themselves, Zordon praises Billy on his communicators and has Alpha 5 work on them to fix the malfunction. Alpha 5 begins immediately, but causes himself a short circuit and runs in circles in the Command Center. Trini and her friends back away until Alpha 5 is back to normal. Soon the alarms go off. Zordon informs them that Rita has sent down a device to open up a time trap. There are also Putty Patrollers gathering outside of town. Zordon wants them to find out what they are doing, as he analyzes the time device. Trini and her friends teleport out and land unseen by a group of Putties. Another group of Putties spot them. Trini and her friends go into action battling the Putties. Trini and Billy take off to spread out the Putties. Billy suggests they split up. Trini and Billy take two separate paths as the Putties follow them.

Trini finds a good hiding place, and the Putties cannot find her. After the Putties leave, Trini comes out of her hiding place. She spots Billy high up on the mountains. A Putty is still following him. Trini yells at Billy, but he doesn't hear her. Trini fights against her fear, as she climbs up to help Billy. Trini reaches the top and stands protectively by Billy. Trini taunts the Putty, calling him a dirt bag and telling him to leave Billy alone. Trini challenges the Putty. The Putty races over and Trini and Billy move out of the way, and the Putty falls over. Trini and Billy spots their friends in trouble and race down to help them. The Putties have Jason, Zack, and Kimberly surrounded and are pressing down on them. Trini and Billy race in and break the hold the Putties have on them.

Jack, Kimberly, and Jason form a human chain and knock the remaining Putties into the cactus, and the Putties retreat. Zordon contacts the teens and tells them they did a superb job defeating the Putties. Especially Trini, who had overcome her fear of heights. The alarms go off in the Command Center, and Zordon tells them to hold their position. In a moment, Zordon informs them that Rita has sent down Bones. Bones can fire energy bolts out of eyes. Zordon believes he controls the time device as well. Zordon tells them it's morphing time. The teens morph and teleport to an amusement park. Before the Rangers can do anything, they are teleported into the time warp. Bones is there as well. The Rangers battle Bones. Several Skelton type creatures come running out and the Rangers battle them as well.

Baboo and Squatt are in the dimension as well. They light up a bomb to blow up the time device to trap the Rangers. Pink Ranger spots what they are doing and alerts the other Rangers. The Rangers use their Blade Blasters on Bones. Bones falls to pieces, but the reassembles quickly. Blue Ranger knows they need to destroy his head and leaps up and grab sit. Yellow Ranger throws it down a crevice. Giant breaks through and grabs Red Ranger. The rest of the Rangers are knocked out of the time wrap. Giant drops Red Ranger. Zordon send sin Tyrannosaurus Dinozord. Red Ranger is happy to see him and leaps into the zord. Red Ranger, with his zord, battles Giant. Red Ranger destroys Giant. Later, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason returned to the Youth Center. They are sitting at a table and overhear Ernie talking to a customer about the Power Rangers. Trini and her friends are very amused. They get up from the table and walk over to the climbing rope. Billy thanks Trini for coming to his aid. Trini tells them she just hopes she never has to climb that high again. Zack comes up from behind, wearing a mask, and scares Trini. Trini is so scared, she climbs the rope to the very top. Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly laugh. Zack tells Trini she has really overcome her fear of heights.

Trini and Kimberly were standing in front of a display in the hall of Angel Grove High School. They were trying to get a petition signed to stop pollution at a waste site. Trini and Kimberly also planned to stop by the plant and show them their petition. Although they had enough signatures, Jason, Billy, and Zack were unable to come with them as they had other plans. Of course, Bulk & Skull mocked their efforts to clean up the environment. After school, Trini and Kimberly left for the plant. Pollution covered the plant and Trini and Kimberly had an uneasy feeling as they walked up to the place. Their unease was justified as several putties appeared. Trini and Kimberly battled the putties. But it was difficult as there were so many Putties, and only two of them. Eventually there were only two Putties left. Trini and Kimberly came up with an idea and used the empty bins to finish off the last two Putties. Alpha 5 contacted the girls and told them to morph, and try to hook up with the others. Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger were battling Minotaur. Plus, Goldar had arrived in Angel Grove as well. Trini and Kimberly morphed. Yellow Ranger and Pink Ranger battle more Putties and Goldar. Goldar struck Pink Ranger down with his sword. Yellow Ranger came up from behind and held Goldar back. Yellow Ranger told Pink Ranger to go get the others for help. Eventually Yellow Ranger join the rest of the Rangers. Minotaur was giant size. The zords were summon. Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord fired and then leaped into the air and knocked against Minotaur. Triceratops, Mastodon, and Tyrannosaurus Dinozords all battle against Minotaur. Pterodactyl Dinozord fired at Goldar and the Putties. After awhile, Red Ranger gave the instruction for the Megazord to be formed. The Rangers battled Minotaur with the Megazord, but it was not enough. Zordon contacted the Rangers and told them to come to the Command Center for new instructions. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleported to the Command Center. When they arrived, they wondered what was going on. Zordon told them their zords have gone into hiding and presented them with new power weapons. Yellow Ranger received the Power Daggers. The weapons also come together to form a more powerful weapon. The Rangers teleported out. Red Ranger gave the rest of the Rangers the plan, as they flew across the terrain. First they were going to use their new weapons against Minotaur and if that didn't work, they would put their weapons together. Minotaur was normal size when the Rangers arrived. The Rangers used their new weapons against Minotaur. Zordon instructed them that the time was right to bring their weapons together. The Rangers did so. Minotaur was destroyed. Trini and her friends returned to school after the battle. The hallway was a mess and when Mr. Caplan came out, he assumed it had been Trini and her friends. Mr. Caplan received a call and had to go. Trini and her friends very quickly cleaned up the hall. When Mr. Caplan returned he was puzzled to see a clean hallway. Mr. Caplan gave up and walked away. Zordon contacted the teens. He congratulated them and told them they ha done well. Zordon also asked them to excuse the static as it was a result of Alpha 5 practicing his dance steps and short circuiting the controls. Zack (who had given the dance lessons) told Alpha 5 to forget about the hip hop, go back to being a robot and keep the controls working. Trini and her friends laughed.

Trini with Billy in his lab when Zack and Kimberly came racing in. Kimberly and Zack were concern for Jason. Earlier they had been battling King Sphinx and several Putties. King Sphinx had used his wings and sent Black Ranger and Pink Ranger back to the Youth Center and demorph. Red Ranger was on his own. Trini used her communicator to try and contact Red Ranger, but didn't hear anything back. Trini and the rest were concern. Kimberly suggested they go to the Command Center. Trini and the rest teleported out. They arrived in the Command Center. The viewing globe showed Red Ranger trying to battle a giant King Sphinx and Goldar. Zordon told them to bring forth their Power Crystals. Trini and the rest did so. The Power Crystals would allow them to reach Jason. Alpha 5 came over with a packet and the Power Crystals were placed inside. The packet was sent to where Red Ranger was. Once Red Ranger release the crystals, Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrived. The zords were summon and the Megazord was formed. The Rangers battled King Sphinx and Goldar. The Megazord in tank mode used it's cannons against the two. The Megazord then went into battle mode. Eventually the Megazord's Power Sword was summon and King Sphinx was destroyed. Goldar retreated. After the battle, Trini and her friends went to the Youth Center. Jason tried one more time to beat the bench press record. Trini counted the bench presses this time. Zack, Billy, and Kimberly, along with a huge crowd cheer Jason on. Jason beat the record and the crowd erupted in cheers. Jason told Trini and the rest he couldn't have done it without them. Ernie walked in with a cake on a cart to celebrate. Jason noted that written on the cake was "Happy Birthday Mom". Ernie replied what do you expect at the last minute. It was the last one. Bulk & Skull walked in. Bulk was upset over Jason beating his bench press record. Bulk told Jason that he was going to get his record back. Skull repeated what Bulk said. Bulk grabbed Skull by the shirt and told him he could speak for himself. Kimberly told them to get a life and Trini asked them if they ever gave up. Zack suggested they have some cake and chill out. Bulk liked the idea of cake and told them he gets the first piece. Skull repeated it. Bulk turn towards Skull, angry at him for repeating what he had just said, and tripped over some weights on the floor. Bulk fell face first into the cake. Trini and her friends laughed. Skull walked over and pointed at Bulk and laughed. Bulk grabbed a piece of the cake and shoved it into Skull's face.

Trini was at the Youth Center with Zack and Jason. Trini and Jason were arm wrestling. Trini was holding her own against Jason. Kimberly was teaching an aerobics/dance class. Billy was in the class. As Billy tried to keep up with the steps, he bumped into Ernie, who was dancing, and then tripped. Billy landed on a cart full of towels. The cart careen through the dance class. Billy waved his arms to warn people away. Trini and Zack watched Billy apprehensively. The cart went out into the hall with the lockers and they all heard a crash. Moments later, Billy, still on the cart, was rolling back into the dance class. This time he crashed into a wall and he was covered in toilet paper and various debris. Billy crawled over to them. Trini went over and helped Billy up and had him walked over to where she and Jason and Zack were. Trini removed the debris from Billy and straighten up his hair. Billy told them, with Trini's translation, that he can't dance. After awhile, Bulk & Skull walked in and immediately began making fun of the dance class. Zack challenge Bulk by telling him he would like to see him try. Bulk then copied the dance steps in the class and kicked away the legs of the chair Jason was sitting on. Jason was very angry. Zack held him back and Trini walked over to calm Jason down. Zack then challenge Bulk to do his dance steps. A crowd had gathered. Zack did a dance routine and got applause. Bulk tried to copy it and only got applause from Skull. Zack did a spinning move. Bulk tried to do the same spinning move and got stuck. Skull had to help him back to his feet as everyone laughed. Zack then did a headstand on the counter. Bulk charge towards the counter, and then went over it, taking Zack's dish with him. When Bulk came up, his face was covered in food. Trini and the rest laughed. Zack told Bulk he could have his meal, he wasn't hungry anyways. Zack then told Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy they needed to bail if they were going to make the movie. Bulk threaten that they better bail as no one tricks them. Zack remarked it looked like they did. Laughing, Trini and her friends left. Later, Jason found Trini and the rest. Jason had a note from Melissa, Melissa is deaf, that said her friends were in danger. Trini and her friends followed Melissa as she leaded them through the fields and to an entrance of a cave that was guarded by Putties. Kimberly signed to Melissa to hide behind a bush, they would take care of friends. The teens morphed. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers used their Power Weapons against Gnarly Gnome, who had kidnapped the girls. The Rangers then formed the Power Blaster. With the Power Blaster, Gnarly Gnome was defeated. Rita threw down her wand and Gnarly Gnome was back and giant size. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed the Megazord, first in tank mode and then into battle mode. Gnarly Gnome played his music and it cause the Rangers to see a city, even though they were in a field. It made things confusing for awhile. Eventually the Megazord's Power Sword was summon and the Rangers destroyed Gnarly Gnome. The Rangers demorph. Trini and her friends rescue the girls from the cave. The girls had been excited to see the Rangers. Trini and her friends gave Melissa and the Rangers all the credit for their rescue. Zack suggested they go get some ice cream. Everyone agreed and they headed back to the Youth Center. Kimberly, Melissa, Jason, and another girl sat at a table. Trini, Billy, Zack, and the rest of the girls gathered around the table. Jason tried to sign to Melissa. Melissa grinned and Kimberly told Jason he had signed that he had a smelly dog. Everyone laughed. Melissa signed for Billy to dance with her. Billy did not want to dance. Melissa dragged him to the dance floor. Trini sat down at the table and they all watched Melissa and Billy dance. Kimberly told them she always thought Melissa was a happening girl and then she rescued the girls. Billy then did some amazing dance move. Kimberly added that Melissa was a miracle worker. Trini, Jason, Zack, and the rest laughed.

Trini and her friends were working at the Food Festival in the Angel Grove Youth Center. The festival was to earn money for new playground equipment. Mr. Caplan had stopped by and was pleased with how well the event was going. Ernie was helping out as well. Trini and Billy ran the booth for Asian food. Bulk & Skull were goofing around and soon a food fight erupted. When it died down, the place was a mess. Mr. Caplan was very angry and blamed Trini and her friends for the mess. After Mr. Caplan left, the teens' communicators went off. Trini and her friends found a quiet place and listen to Zordon. There was trouble in Angel Grove. Trini and her friends teleported to the Command Center. The viewing globe showed a large pig, Pudgy Pig, attacking all the food in sight. Zordon told them Rita's plan was for the pig to eat everything and the citizens would starve. Trini and her friends quickly morphed. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled Pudgy Pig, but things did not go well for the Rangers and they sent into a vortex. Pudgy Pig had also eaten their weapons. The Rangers had demorphed as well. Trini and her friends ended up at the park. Jason checked in. Pudgy Pig was now at the Food Festival. Trini and her friends hurried back to the food festival. The place was a bigger mess and they had just missed Pudgy Pig. Trini noticed none of the spicy food had been eaten and this gave her an idea. Trini and her friends gathered some food and placed spicy ingredients in them. The Rangers were teleported to where Pudgy Pig was eating once more. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers tossed their food at Pudgy Pig. Once Pudgy Pig tasted the spicy food, he spit their weapons out. The Rangers defeated Pudgy Pig. Trini and her friends, once more, returned to the Youth Center. The place was still a mess when Mr. Caplan walked in. Mr. Caplan was in a better mood, the festival had still raised some money. Almost enough. Trini offered Mr. Caplan some food, for a price. Mr. Caplan relented because he realized it was all for a good cause. Mr. Caplan had some spicy food. It was so hot, he needed water quickly. Mr. Caplan splashed the water onto his face, causing his wig to fall off. Trini and her friends laughed.

Trini was at the Youth Center. Jason was teaching a karate class. Trini followed along for a few moments, then she walked over to the counter where Billy sat. Billy watched Jason's class with envy. Bulk & Skull were there as well, and had been playing a video game until they ran out of money. Billy was taking some containers to the recycling bin when Bulk spotted him. Bulk & Skull walked over to Billy and demanded money. Billy told them he had none to spare. Bulk & Skull picked up Billy and turned him upside down, shaking the coins out of him. Bulk & Skull then dumped him into a trash can. Trini walked over. Bulk & Skull bump their heads when they bent down to pick up the coins. Dizzy, Bulk & Skull staggered out of the Youth Center. Trini picked up the coins and then helped Billy out of the bin. Billy felt bad, he was always being picked on. Trini thought she could cheer him up by telling him her uncle, a famous scientist, was coming for a visit. But not even scientific achievement could cheer Billy up. Billy walked away from Trini and watched Jason's class. Billy decided he was going to reenroll in Jason's class. Trini, Kimberly, and Zack sat on the sidelines as Billy practice along with the rest of Jason's class. Jason dismiss the class and reminded them there would be a test later that day. Trini and Kimberly ran up to Billy and told him he had done well. Zack walked over to Jason. they all gathered at the sidelines. Trini is very excited for her friends to meet her uncle - he had just invented a secret formula. Jason asks Trini isn't he also a world famous martial artist? Kimberly is surprise Jason knows this. Jason tells her the guy is a living legend. Billy finds some inspiration - a karate scientist. Trini thinks her uncle would be a perfect tutor for Billy. Trini spots her uncle at the same time as he spots her. Trini runs up and gives her uncle a big hug. Trini tells her uncle these are her friends. Trini goes and pulls Billy up to his feet and introduces Billy to Uncle Howard. She hopes her uncle can give Billy some extra training. Uncle Howard tells Billy with karate training, he can sharpen his body and his mind. Billy thinks this is great. Uncle Howard tells him he has a few other things he would like to teach him. Uncle Howard walks up to Billy and leads him out of the Youth Center. Jason tells Trini, Zack, and Kimberly that he thinks Billy is in good hands. Trini, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly remain at the Youth Center. Trini and Jason practice their karate moves, as Kimberly and Zack sit close by. Billy runs in and tells them the Putties have captured Uncle Howard. Billy couldn't stop them. Trini doesn't know what the Putties would want with her uncle, he is a harmless old man. Ernie delivers a group of black balloons to Trini. the balloons pop suddenly and there is a note on the floor. Kimberly picks up the note. It is from Dark Warrior. Dark Warrior wants them to deliver the formula in the park or Uncle Howard will never be seen again. Zack concludes Dark Warrior is one of Rita's monsters. Trini tells her friends she doesn't have the secret formula. Knowing her uncle, he probably forgot where he put it. Jason tells Trini not to worry, they will find her uncle. Jason tells them they need to teleport to the Command Center. Trini and her friends hurry out of the Youth Center. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly teleport to the Command Center. Alpha 5 and Zordon are there. Zordon welcomes them, as he was expecting them. Trini asks Zordon what is going on. A monster, named Dark Warrior, has kidnap her uncle. Zordon tells them that unfortunately Uncle Howard's creation has inspired Rita to hatch her most diabolical plan ever. Trini and her friends are directed to the viewing globe. There they see Uncle Howard making his formula - an invisibility formula. Rita had dispatched Dark Warrior to get the formula form Uncle Howard. Rita's master plan is to use the formula to make the Rangers disappear forever. The Dark Warrior is holding Uncle Howard hostage in an abandoned cave. Dark Warrior will destroy him if he does not get the formula. Trini is very worried about her uncle. Billy reassures her that they will save him. Trini and her friends teleport to the outside of the cave. Several Putties are guarding the entrance. Trini, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy battle the Putties. Eventually the Putties vanish and the teens can enter the cave. They easily find Uncle Howard. Uncle Howard is very happy to see them. Uncle Howard asks them how they found him? They tell him they got a message form Dark Warrior. Uncle Howard asks if Dark Warrior told them about the bomb? Jason tells him yes and they have to hurry. Trini, Kimberly, and Jason work frantically on loosening the ropes. Zack asks Billy if he can disconnect the bomb? Billy becomes a little stress. Uncle Howard tells him to use hi karate training to focus his mental energy. Billy does so and defuses the bomb. Everyone is happy. The ropes are loose enough for Uncle Howard to stand up. Uncle Howard wanders off, wondering what he did with the formula. Jason quietly contacts Zordon and tells him they have freed Uncle Howard. Zordon tells them good. Now they have to hurry to the park and put an end to Dark Warrior. Trini tells her friends now that Uncle Howard is safe, it's time to put out Dark Warrior's lights. The teens morph and teleport to the park. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle Dark Warrior with their Blade Blasters. It is a difficult battle as Dark Warrior has a small cannon under his wrist and fires it at the Rangers. Dark Warrior also battles the Rangers with his sword. Pink Ranger uses her Power Bow and fires several arrows at Dark Warrior. Rita makes Dark Warrior giant size. The Rangers summon their zords and the Megazord is formed. The Rangers battle Dark Warrior in tank mode and then go into battle mode. Dark Warrior battles the Rangers with a chain. Eventually Red Ranger summons the Power Sword. The Rangers destroy Dark Warrior with the Megazord's Power Sword. After the battle, they all return to the Youth Center. Billy is taking his yellow belt test. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and the karate class watch. Billy does really well and passes the test. Trini, Kimberly, and Zack run up to Billy, very happy for him. Jason tells Billy he earned it. Billy remarks that he just had to prove to himself that he could do it. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly start to walk away. Bulk & Skull yank Billy away form his friends and start giving him a hard time. Zack wants to step in and help, but Jason stop shim. Jason tells Zack Billy's okay. Uncle Howard walks up to them. Trini is very happy to see him. Uncle Howard sees Bulk & Skull hassling Billy and remarks those bad boys need to be taught a lesson. Uncle Howard drinks some of his formula and passes the jar to Trini. Uncle Howard then vanishes. Trini, Jason, and Zack look around for him. Bulk & Skull are stunned when they are suddenly knocked around by an unseen force. Kimberly draws Trini's, Jason's, and Zack's attention to what is going on. Bulk & Skull get knocked to the floor. Billy leans over and tells them to remember to keep your mental energy tightly centered, like the nucleus of an atom. Frighten, Bulk & Skull get up and run away. Uncle Howard reappears next to Billy. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Jason run over to Billy and Uncle Howard. Kimberly tells Uncle Howard that was great. They all laugh together.

The Youth Center is having a karate tournament. Ernie, along with a large crowd, is watching the competition. Jason is in the competition. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy are standing with him as he prepares. Zack tells Jason to think positive and concentrate on your moves. Trini adds to focus your mind as well as your body. Jason thanks them and point out a young man practicing. Jason tells his friends it looks like he is going to need all the help I can get. Trini, Zack, Billy, and Kimberly all watch the young man. Zack remarks the guy is pumped. Zack asks who is he? Trini answers that she doesn't know - she thinks he is the new kid in school. Kimberly adds that he is really cute. The announcer announces that next will be Angel Grove's finest and a new challenger. The competition between Jason and Tommy begins. It is a very close match. Jason initially takes the lead, but they are soon tied. Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy watch the match anxiously. Within a few moments, Tommy has surpassed Jason in points. Zack yells out that time is running out. Trini and the rest are very happy when Jason gets another point. At the end of the match, there is a tie and no winner. The crowd cheers enthusiastically. Jason walks back to his friends. Zack tells Jason he was awesome. Trini, Kimberly, and Billy all compliment him on the match. Jason notes that he didn't win. As they walk away, Trini tells Jason that it's the dignity and the spirit in which you compete that is import. Jason tells his friends he is going to take a shower and meet them at the Juice Bar. Trini, Billy, and Zack walks away. Trini notices Kimberly is not with them and turns around. Trini asks Kimberly if she is coming? Trini notices who Kimberly is staring at - the guy Jason fought - and comments that he is gorgeous. Kimberly agrees. Trini tells Kimberly that maybe she can catch him at school tomorrow. Kimberly nods her head in agreement and they both leave the Youth Center. The following day, Trini meets with Kimberly. Kimberly is not happy - she had met the guy (Tommy) Jason fought and they had made plans, but he never arrived. Trini and Kimberly walk over to Billy's house, where the guys are washing the Rad Bug. Zack tells them they are just in time to help. Zack gives a rag to Kimberly and she gives it back to him, telling him she is not in the mood. Zack asks her what is wrong? Trini replies Tommy. Kimberly is irate that Trini had said anything. Jason is confused and asks if it is the guy he fought in the competition? Kimberly confirms that it is and tells them they were suppose to meet at the Youth Center, but he never showed. Zack suggests that maybe something came up. Jason's communicator goes off. Trini and her friends gather round. It's Alpha 5, but he keeps breaking up. Billy checks his communicator and is surprise to find it is non-functional. Billy adds that teleportation is down as well. Trini, Zack, and Kimberly check their communicators. Trini becomes alarmed and tells them something is seriously wrong. Jason tells them they have to get to the Command Center. Billy suggests the Rad Bug. Zack adds it's the only way to fly. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly hurry over to the Rad Bug and get in. They are soon up in the skies. In the Rad Bug, Trini is worried - Alpha 5 sounded upset. Jason thinks something bad is going down. Kimberly bets Rita is up to something. Zack asks Billy if the Rad Bug can go any faster. Billy replies alright and the Rad Bug is flying faster. In no time at all they land in the Command Center. Trini, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy get out of the Rad Bug and see their fears confirmed. The Command Center is dark and the panels are ripped out. Alpha 5 is walking very jerkily. Kimberly points out that Zordon is gone. Trini and her friends hurry over to Alpha 5. Zack asks what is wrong with Alpha 5? Billy concludes someone must have fed a virus into his data banks. Trini asks Billy if he can help him? Billy tries and removes a disc. Alpha 5 is back to normal. Zack asks alpha 5 who did this to you and where is Zordon? Alpha 5 tells them all his memory chips has been scrambled. Alpha 5 was barely able to contact them. Jason points out someone obviously broke into the Command Center. Trini asks but who? No on has access to the Command Center without a power coin. Kimberly notices the image on the viewing globe and points it out to her friends. Trini and her friends hurry over to the viewing globe. It's Goldar. Jason tells Alpha 5 they have to stop him and asks him if he is going to be alright? alpha 5 tells him he is semi-operational. Alpha 5 tells them to take care of Goldar, he will try to locate Zordon. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive in the mountain area of Angel Grove. Several Putties arrive. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle the Putties with their Blade Blasters. Giant Goldar watches the battles. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Ranger give their all as they battle the Putties and eventually defeat them. Goldar takes his sword and slices a stone tower. The rocks fall all around Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they got to stop Goldar. The Power Rangers summon their zords. The zords come and the Megazord is formed, first in tank mode. Red Ranger gives the instruction to switch into battle mode. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle Goldar in the Megazord. Red Ranger quickly summons the Power Sword. It is an intense battle as Goldar battles them with his sword. Goldar warns them to prepare to feel the wrath of Rita Repulsa. During the battle, Blue Ranger notices another Ranger standing by and asks who it is? Green Ranger declares my turn and leaps up onto the Megazord. Green Ranger lands on top of the Megazord and declares it's time for the Rangers to meet Green Ranger. Green Ranger bursts through the cockpit and declares long live Empress Rita. Green Ranger battles the startled Power Rangers. Sparks are shooting out of the Megazord's head. The Rangers are knocked out of the Megazord and land on the ground. Green Ranger leaps out, eager to continue. Green Ranger declares they are finished and battles them with his all. Pink Ranger tires to use her Blade Blaster against Green Ranger and is knocked aside. Black Ranger also uses his Blade Blaster against Green Ranger. Pink Ranger leaps back in. Green Ranger knocks both of them to the ground. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger race over to the fallen Rangers and make sure they are okay. Red Ranger challenges Green Ranger to take him on. Green Ranger throws a Blade Blaster at Red Ranger, knocking him the chest. Red Ranger and Green Ranger race towards each other and battle. After a few minutes, Green Ranger knocks Red Ranger to the ground. yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Blue Ranger race over to Red Ranger. Green Ranger summons up a bright green energy ball and shoots it at the Rangers. They are knocked off their feet and land on the ground. Green Ranger laughs. The teens teleport to the Command Center. Alpha 5 informs them that he still hasn't been able to bring back Zordon. The teens are obviously upset. Jason tells alpha 5o to keep trying - we need answers now! Kimberly informs Alpha 5 that a guy in a green costume attacked our zords. Zack tells Alpha 5 how Green Ranger just busted into their cockpit. Zack asks alpha 5 if he has any idea on who it was? alpha 5 tells them sorry, he doesn't. Alpha 5 then begins to jerk around and act funny. Billy quickly examines alpha 5. Billy informs his friends that Alpha 5 still hasn't fully recovered from the virus. With a few more jerky movements, Alpha 5 shuts down. Zack can't believe they have more bad news. Kimberly tells her friends, that first Zordon disappears and then this green guy shows up. Jason is worried that they only have a small sample of his power. Trini thinks the whole situation is all too weird. Trini asks her friends what are they going to do? Jason replies they will have to prepare themselves - they don't have Zordon to help them this time. Zack realizes they will have to do it on their own. Jason tells his friends he thinks they have only made it through round one. It looks like to be a major battle. Billy points out the viewing globe to his friends. They all walk over. The viewing globe shows Green Ranger. Green Ranger laughs evilly. Green Ranger shouts out to the fall of the Power Rangers! Green Ranger vows to destroy them one and all. Trini and her friends are very worried.

Trini, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy are inside the Command Center. Zordon is still missing. The Command Center is still in shambles. Billy is working on repairing Alpha 5. Trini is helping Billy. Trini feels bad for Alpha 5. Jason asks Billy if he is making any progress? Billy is doing the best he can, but he is unfamiliar with the circuitry. Trini wants Billy to be careful not to hurt Alpha 5. Billy reassures Trini that Alpha 5 can't feel anything. Billy has doubts as to what shape Alpha 5's memory will be even if they get him working again. Alpha 5 starts up and it's apparent that he is back to normal. Trini laughs, she is so happy to see Alpha 5 is back. Kimberly shouts out good job Billy! Zack is happy to see Alpha 5 is back as well. Jason, Zack, and Kimberly leave the Command Center. Trini and Billy continue to work on repairing the Command Center. Billy is working underneath the control panels. Trini and Alpha 5 stand close by. After awhile, Trini asks Billy if he has come up with any answers? Billy rolls out and gets up. Billy shows Trini and Alpha 5 how the cables and wires have been completely burned. Trini realizes this is the reason they cannot contact Zordon. Billy tells them the cables and wires will have to be replaced before they can do anything. Alpha 5 tells them if they can get the main generator online again, he can proceed with locating Zordon. Billy adds and they can repair their communicators. Trini asks Billy if he can do it? Billy believe he can, it's just going to take time. Alpha 5 exclaims time - the one thing we don't have. The following day, Trini and Billy still have not left the Command Center. They are still working. Trini, Billy, and Alpha 5 are at a control panel when the Rad Bug arrives. Zack and Kimberly quickly get out and walk over to their friends. Zack asks if there is any progress in locating Zordon? Trini tells them Billy almost has the main computer back up. Billy adds a couple more wires to connect and they should be getting something. Alpha 5 tells them to cross their fingers as Billy connects the last set of wires. Kimberly points out the viewing globe. It shows Green Ranger. Zack thinks now is their chance to nail him and get to the bottom of what is going on. alpha 5 announces the sub generator is now active communicator once more. There is no response from Jason. Trini wonders where Jason could be? Zack knows they need to leave now. Zack tells Alpha 5 to try and contact Jason and have him meet them at the bluff. Alpha 5 reassures them he will work on it. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy morph and teleport out of the Command Center. Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Blue Ranger arrive at the bluff with their Blade Blasters drawn. The four Rangers battle Green Ranger with their Blade Blasters. Green Ranger battles them with his Sword of Darkness. The four Rangers have a difficult time against Green Ranger. Green Ranger tells them he is going to finish them. Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, and Blue Ranger summon their zords. All of the zords arrive and the Megazord is formed. Green Ranger uses the Sword of Darkness against the Megazord. Green lightening heads towards the Megazord. The Megazord uses it's shield and deflects the energy back to Green Ranger. Green Ranger is knocked off his feet. Green Ranger vows you have not seen the last of the Green Ranger before he teleports away. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy have returned to the Command Center. Alpha 5 is working on locating Zordon as the teens stand close by. Alpha 5 tells them the sub generator has locked onto something. Billy asks if it is Zordon? Alpha 5 is uncertain and replies we will know momentarily. Zack hopes it is - we need him. Billy has more negative news - he hasn't been able to locate Jason anywhere. Trini can't believe it - not Jason too! Zack tells them if Rita is behind this, she is doing some serious damage. Suddenly the hear Zordon's voice. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack hurry over to Zordon's tube. Zordon's voice keeps breaking in and out. Zack gets excited and tells Alpha 5 you almost have him. Trini tells Zordon to hold on. Zordon is trying to tell them about Green Ranger, but the teens cannot make out what he is saying. Alpha 5 loses contact with Zordon. Trini becomes very upset - Zordon we need you.

Alpha 5 is working on trying to get Zordon back. Zack tells him, come on, you almost had a lock on Zordon. Alpha 5 is working as fast as he can. Billy announces that the sub generator is losing power. Alpha 5 tells them Zordon's signal is fading. Trini urges Alpha 5 to hurry. Alpha 5 decides to switch to alternate energy source. Billy tells them we are still not getting enough power - Zordon's signal is too weak. Alpha 5 and the four teens have lost him. Zack tells his friends in the brief second they had Zordon back, he was trying to tell them about the Green Ranger. Trini concludes that probably means Green Ranger is involved in all of this. Alpha 5 tells them the computer is still trying to locate Jason, unfortunately it has come up with nothing. Kimberly has a bad feeling about this. Zack adds something isn't right. Zack suggests they split up and try and find Jason. Later, Zack and Kimberly return to the Command Center. Kimberly tells Trini we couldn't find Jason. Zack adds we had to leave without him. Trini tells them we haven't been able to locate him here either. Alpha 5 walks up to one of the control panels. Kimberly just hopes Jason is okay. Zack asks Alpha 5 how long until the computer is ready to locate Zordon? Alpha 5 replies 15.2 minutes. Billy walks in and announces the communicators are fixed. Trini tells Billy that is great. Billy is confident they can get a fix on Jason and teleport him back here. After awhile, Billy announces they have partial power in the main computer. Alpha 5 tells them it's locked onto Jason's wrist communicator. Trini asks Billy if he can teleport Jason here? Billy can, it just going to take a minute as he has to feed in the coordinates manually. Zack asks if there is anything they can do? Billy tells them to cross their fingers, which they all do. Billy begins working. Kimberly asks Billy how much longer. Billy replies he almost got it. Alpha 5 is having a tough time dealing with the suspense. Kimberly urges Billy to hurry. A few minutes later, Billy announces that he has locked on! Jason is teleporting now! A few seconds later, Jason lands on the floor. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy hurry over to him. They are very happy to see him back. Jason tells them that was way too close - Green Ranger nearly sliced and diced him. They help Jason to his feet and he tells them he has a lot to fill them in on. Jason fills in his friends what had happened to him. Jason tells them it all started at school. He had finished talking to Tommy and the next thing I know...Kimberly interrupts him. Both Kimberly and Zack are puzzled. Zack tells Jason that Tommy told them he had never showed. Jason thinks that is weird, but continues with his story. The next thing Jason knows he's fighting with Goldar and Goldar has his power morpher. Then the Green Ranger shows up and we went at it. Billy asks Jason if he found out any more information on the Green Ranger? Jason tells them Green Ranger is one mean fighter. Zack can't believe that their enemy this time is another Ranger. The alarms go off. Trini asks what's happening? Alpha 5 instructs them to watch the viewing globe. There is a new villain. Alpha 5 informs them this is Scorpina. Alpha 5 hasn't seen her in over 10,000 years. Zack notices she is launching an attack on the warehouse district of Angel Grove. Trini states we got to stop her. Alpha 5 wishes them good luck. Alpha 5 also warns them to beware of Scorpina's sting. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason morph and teleport to the warehouse district. Scorpina launches an attack on them as soon as they arrive. Scorpina blasts them and then summons several Putties to attack the Power Rangers. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle the Putties. Eventually, Red Ranger battles Scorpina. Scorpina knocks Red Ranger to the ground. The rest of the Rangers race over to make sure he is okay. Scorpina laughs. Although Scorpina was doing well against the Rangers, Goldar thinks she needs to pull back, because she is outnumbered. Rita agrees and Scorpina retreats. Trini and her friends return to the Command Center. Jason is positive Rita will strike again. Kimberly points out with Scorpina and Green Ranger out there, we have to keep our guard up. Zack doesn't get it. Every time Rita attacks, she pulls back. Trini feels as if Rita is holding back, getting ready for a bigger battle. Billy tells them communicators are functional and the computer is back online. Jason asks if it's powered up enough to start looking for Zordon? Alpha 5 immediately starts scanning the sector Zordon was in. Zordon is barely visible in the tube, but his voice comes through. Jason tells Zordon they can barely make him out. Kimberly urges Zordon to hang on. Jason tells Alpha 5 to do something! Alpha 5 got him, but he doesn't know how to keep him. Billy suggests Alpha 5 lock onto his molecular pattern. During all of this, Zordon is trying to get a message to them. Trini tells Alpha 5 he can do it. The Command Center starts to lose some power. Alpha 5 announces it's not holding. Billy tells them something is drawing power from the Command Center. Unfortunately, they lose Zordon again. Rita sends down Goldar and makes him giant size. Goldar immediately launches an attack on downtown Angel Grove. An attack heard in the Command Center. Alpha 5 tells the teens to look in the viewing globe. There is a major disturbance in downtown Angel Grove. The viewing globe shows Goldar attacking the city. Zack thinks Goldar has gone off the deep end. Trini states we got to stop him. Billy thinks it might be a trap. Jason points out they don't have a choice.

Trini and her friends continue to watch the viewing globe for a few more seconds. Zack is alarmed and tells his friends Goldar is blowing the world to bits. Jason tells his team we got to move. Trini and her friends take out their power morphers and begin to morph. The power morphers shoot out large sparks and then begins to smoke. Kimberly asks what is going on? Zack wonders the same thing. Trini states something is seriously wrong. Alpha 5 is working at the control panels. Billy hurries over and asks Alpha 5 what is it? Trini, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly join them. Alpha 5 tells them it's an international power surge cause by them trying to locate Zordon. It's shutting down all power in the Command Center and throughout the morphing grid. Jason is not happy with the idea that they can't morph. Alpha 5 states they will not be able to morph until the power surge ends. Zack wonders what they are going to do with Goldar ripping the city apart. Alpha 5 tells them there is nothing I can do. After a few minutes, Alpha 5 announces they have lost the computer too. Jason tells his friends if they can't morph, Goldar is going to trash the world. A few minutes pass. Jason is very frustrated - he can't believe they are stuck here. Zack adds that it looks like things keep going from bad to worse. Alpha 5 tells them he wishes there was something he could do. Billy gets an idea and walks over to a control panel. Billy wants to try something as he opens one of the control panels. Billy starts working on the wires. There are sparks and smoke as he works and Alpha 5 panics. Zack tells Alpha 5 that Billy is trying to concentrate. Tense moments pass, as Billy continues to work on the wires. He is watched intently by Trini, Kimberly, and Alpha 5. Trini gives Billy encouragement, telling him he can do it. Billy works steadily. Jason walks up from behind and watches as well. There are more sparks and smoke, but the power comes back on. Billy is thrilled that it worked. Billy tells his friends they should be able to morph now. Jason instructs Alpha 5 to keep looking for Zordon while they take care of Goldar. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive and immediately begin battling the Putties. Scorpina emerges from her boulder and leaps on top of a building. Scorpina screams ready and then leaps off the building. Scorpina battles the Power Rangers. She knocks them off their feet easily. Baboo and Squatt arrive and stand on either side of Scorpina. Scorpina wants the Rangers to feel her sting and throws her weapon like a boomerang towards the Rangers. The weapon hits each Ranger and knocks them off their feet once more. Giant Goldar arrives. Goldar tries to step on the Rangers, but they leap out of the way. Blue Ranger tells Red Ranger we got to use a new tactic. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers quickly get up. Rita laughs. Red Ranger yells at Rita that she can't win! Rita announces that it is time now to complete her evil plan. Red Ranger yells no! Rita doesn't pay any attention as she commands Goldar to do it. Goldar reaches down and picks up a bus. Red Ranger screams at Goldar that they are civilians! Goldar already knows. Goldar tells the Rangers that actually they are friends of yours - Bulk & Skull. Red Ranger demands that Goldar put them down. Goldar tells them not until they surrender. Rita tells Goldar to take them to the beach. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they got to save them. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive on the beach. Rita and Scorpina are standing on a cliff above them. Rita asks them what took them so long? Black Ranger points Rita out to the rest of the Rangers. Pink Ranger asks where is the bus? Rita points to where the bus is. The bus is on a ledge. Several Putties are shaking the bus as Baboo and Squatt try to push the bus over. Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers this is serious. Pink Ranger points out the bus can go over any second. Yellow Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they got to do something. The Putties continue to shake the bus. Pink Ranger points out the bus is almost over the edge. Yellow Ranger panics as she cries out oh no! Red Ranger tells them they got to get up there. Pink Ranger is concern if they make a move, they will send the bus over for sure. On the ledge, Squatt and Baboo are working hard on trying to get the bus to go over. Red Ranger points out they are going over anyways. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers race across the beach. They are stopped by Goldar slamming down his sword in front of them. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers leap out of the way. Rita reminds them not to forget the bus. The Putties are still shaking the bus. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords. Rita is very happy to see the zords arrive. Rita commands Baboo and Squatt to do it. Baboo and Squatt work harder to push the bus over and it starts to move closer to the edge. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers leap into their zords and the Megazord is formed. The Youth Center bus goes over the ledge. The Megazord's hand reaches out and catches the bus. The Megazord places the bus safely down. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers in the Megazord and Goldar start battling. The eclipse starts. Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers the solar power is diminishing. The Megazord flips Goldar onto his back. Rita becomes concern and sends in Scorpina. Scorpina leaps down. Rita tosses down her wand and Scorpina grows to giant size and turns into her monster form. Scorpina joins in the battle against the Rangers. Blue Ranger warns the rest of the Rangers to watch out for her stinger. The Megazord battles both Scorpina and Goldar. Blue Ranger announces that the solar power is down twenty five percent. Goldar and Scorpina are relentless in their attack against the Megazord. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they are losing power fast. The power is now down fifty percent. Goldar takes a flying leap towards the Megazord and kicks it in the chest. The Megazord falls to the ground. Rita gleefully states a black sun is a thing of beauty. Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers that some of the solar power cells are almost out. Yellow Ranger urges Red Ranger to call for the Power Sword. Red Ranger does so. When the Power Sword arrives, the Megazord gets back up. The battle continues. Then a giant Green Ranger, with his Sword of Darkness, arrives and battles them. Scorpina uses her stinger to grab the Megazord and shoot her stinger, causing massive amounts of electricity to go through the Megazord. Green Ranger and Goldar combine their weapons and fire at the Megazord. A hole forms in the ground, with flames shooting out. The Power Rangers are ejected from the Megazord. The Megazord break apart, and the zords fall into the hole. The Power Rangers demorph. Trini and her friends race to the edge of the hole. They are very upset to lose their zords. Trini and her friends return to the Command Center. Trini, Billy, Zack, and Kimberly are ready to admit defeat. Not Jason. Jason feels how ever small their chance, they need to keep fighting. Zack tells Jason that Green Ranger was Rita's trump card and she played him. Jason doesn't buy it. Alpha 5 tells the teens that the computer has been working on trying to identity Green Ranger. Earlier Green Ranger had entered the Command Center once more and managed to lose Zordon. But Alpha 5 had trapped Green Ranger in a force field. Only Rita's spell allowed Green Ranger to escape. Trini and her friends went over to the viewing globe. Trini and her friends were stunned to see Tommy identified as the Green Ranger.

The image of Tommy continues to rotate in the viewing globe. Kimberly still can't believe Tommy is the Green Ranger. Jason asks Alpha 5 if he is sure about this? Alpha 5 is confident in the computer's matching. Zack points out that the computer has been under repair. Zack thinks maybe the computer made a mistake. Billy tells them it's not likely. Alpha 5 had corrected the malfunction. Trini is convince that Tommy is the Green Ranger. Zack becomes upset and asks how Tommy can do this to us? alpha 5 tells them Rita must have cast a spell on him and is controlling his mind. Jason tells them this is why they can't give up. They have to break Rita's spell and save Tommy. Trini, Billy, Zack, and Kimberly are still not convinced. Alpha 5 panics at the thought of Rita ruling the world, she will enslave mankind, she will destroy the Command Center again. Zack walks up to Alpha 5 and tells him he made his point. alpha 5 asks them if they will reconsider? Trini agrees, as does Kimberly, Billy, and Zack. Jason tells them they need to find Tommy and break Rita's spell. Jason suggests they split up and look for him. Kimberly wonders if he is at Rita's palace? Billy suggests they wait him out. Tommy will have to show up sooner or later. Trini asks Alpha 5 about Zordon. Alpha 5 tells them Green Ranger may have thought he got rid of Zordon, but there is a chance he can still bring him back. Jason tells Alpha 5 to keep working on bringing back Zordon. Trini and her friends leave to find Tommy. Later, Trini runs to Billy's house. Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Jason are outside. Trini tries to catch her breath as she tells them a monster is attacking the business district in Angel Grove. Jason tells them Rita is not going to give up. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack morph and teleport to the business district. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive and immediately race to the edge of the top of a building. The Power Rangers quickly spot Dragonzord as it towers over their building. Green Ranger yells surprise and leaps off of Dragonzord and on top of a taller building. Green Ranger commands Dragonzord to destroy the Power Rangers. Green Ranger starts playing his flute. Yellow Ranger is puzzled as to what Green Ranger is doing. Red Ranger has already figured out that Green Ranger uses the flute to call his Dragonzord. Missiles appear at the end of Dragonzord's fingers. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers become alarmed. Dragonzord fires and knocks Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers off the building. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers land in an alleyway. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers quickly get up as Dragonzord continues it's attack. Red Ranger pleads with Green Ranger to stop, you don't know what you are doing. Green Ranger states he is destroying them because his empress commands it. Soon she will rule the world. Red Ranger screams no! Dragonzord continues it's assault in the shipping yard. Red Ranger shouts out don't do this! Green Ranger tells them he must, there is no other choice. Green Ranger starts playing his Dragon Dagger again. Dragonzord continues to attack the warehouse district. The ground shakes beneath the Rangers' feet. Blue Ranger calls out a warning - look out for it's tail! Yellow Ranger shouts we got to stop him! Green Ranger continues to play his Dragon Dagger. Dragonzord kicks through several buildings and fires start in several places. The ground continues to shake and a crack has formed in the pavement. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers struggle to keep their balance. Red Ranger notices his Power Morpher is glowing. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers look down and noticed their Power Morphers are glowing as well. Red Ranger knows this means Zordon is back. Alpha 5 teleports Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers out of the city and into the mountain area. Their zords reappear from beneath the ground. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers immediately leap into their zords. Dragonzord leaves the city and enters the mountain area. Tyrannosaurs Dinozord and Dragonzord have an intense battle. After awhile, Tyrannosaurs hits Dragonzord in the chest with his feet. Dragonzord is knocked to the ground. Red Ranger gives the command for the rest of the Rangers to power up. the Megazord is formed, first in tank mode and then quickly into battle mode. The Megazord walks over to where Dragonzord is laying. the Megazord picks up Dragonzord and holds it above it's head. The Megazord spins around for a few turns and then lets go of Dragonzord. The Megazord then has it's Power Sword and battles Dragonzord with it. Red Ranger instructs the rest of the Rangers to increase power. The Megazord grabs Dragonzord by the end of it's tail and spins it around. The Megazord then lets go of Dragonzord. Dragonzord goes flying into a mountain, knocking a good portion of it off. Dragonzord lays on the ground. Red Ranger tells Green Ranger to give up. Green Ranger replies no way. Red Ranger tells Green Ranger he is sorry it has to be this way, but Zordon had told him he's got to destroy Green Ranger's sword in order to save Green Ranger, before Green Ranger and Rita destroy the world. Red Ranger leaps out of the Megazord. The battles continues on ground with Red Ranger and Green Ranger. It is a tough battle for Red Ranger. Red Ranger throws his Power Sword at Green Ranger. Green Ranger is knocked to the ground and both of his weapons fly out of his hands. Red Ranger uses his Blade Blaster and fires it at the Sword of Darkness as Green Ranger tries to reach for it. The Sword of Darkness is destroyed. Green Ranger demorphs. Tommy lays on the sand, confused. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers demorph. Zack is very excited. Zack tells Jason you destroyed the Sword of Darkness - Rita's spell is broken! Jason runs over to where Tommy is laying. Jason asks Tommy if he is okay? Tommy asks Jason what has happened to him? Jason tells him you are no longer under Rita's power. Tommy's head is spinning. Jason helps Tommy up. Jason tells Tommy you will be okay. Tommy has his doubts - what have I done? Jason tells him what you did, you did under Rita's influence. You own the power now. Fight by our side, and we can defeat Rita. Tommy feels really bad for what he did. Tommy asks Jason after everything that has happened? Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy join them. Jason tells Tommy we need you - it's where you belong. Tommy looks over at Kimberly and Billy and they nod their heads in agreement. Jason asks Tommy if he will join them and holds out his hand. Tommy takes it and they shake hands. Trini and her friends morph. Zordon's voice reaches them. With our new friend, comes new power. The Dragon Dagger floats towards Green Ranger, and Green Ranger grabs it. Zordon instructs Green Ranger to use his flute and bring new life to the Dragonzord. Dragonzord stands up. Sabretooth Tiger, Triceratops, and Mastodon race towards Dragonzord. Dragonzord combines with Sabretooth Tiger, Mastodon, and Triceratops Dinozords to form Dragonzord Fighting Mode. The Rangers admire Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Zordon's voice tells them the safety of the universe is one again in your hands, Power Rangers. Trini and her friends return to the Command Center. They are very happy to see Zordon is back. Jason tells Zordon they missed him. Zack adds that morale was pretty low without him. Zordon tells them the fact remains, that even as you faced your greatest danger, with all the odds stacked against you, you carried on like true super heroes and persevere. Trini tells Zordon they really owe a lot to Alpha 5. Alpha 5 is flattered by the compliment. Zordon tells Alpha 5 you displayed exceptional leadership abilities in my absence. I am very proud of you. Trini smiles as Alpha 5 becomes very flustered and walks away. Zordon then welcomes Tommy. Tommy steps in the front of the group as Zordon tells him the three basic rules of being a Power Ranger. One: Never use your power for personal gain. Second: Never escalate a battle, unless Rita forces you. Finally: Keep your identity a secret. No one must know you are a Power Ranger. Tommy tells Zordon you can count on me. Billy walks up to Tommy and presents him with is own communicator. Tommy is touched and thanks Billy. Jason walks up and tells Tommy you are one of us now and welcomes him aboard. Zordon tells them a new chapter has begun. Let the Power protect you. Trini, Zack, Jason, Tommy, Kimberly, and Billy form a semi circle. Jason places his hand in the center. Kimberly then places her hand on top of Jason, followed by Zack, Trini, Billy, and finally Tommy. The teens leap into the air and shout out Power Rangers!

Trini and her friends are at the park. Zack and Jason are playing basketball. Tommy is standing by the court, cheering them both on. Trini, Kimberly, and Billy are sitting on a picnic table, also cheering the guys on. Zack makes an incredible shot. Trini, Kimberly, and Billy cheer. Kimberly shouts out totally styling move, Zack. Jason steps out and Tommy is now playing basketball against Zack. Jason watches for awhile and then joins in the game as well. Tommy is knocked down. Zack helps him up. The basketball rolls out onto the grass. Suddenly several Putties arrive. Trini and her friends notice them immediately and start fighting them. Eventually Zack leads them away from his friends as he races across the court and makes a basket. The Putties chase after Zack. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Tommy race after the Putties and surround them. The Putties suddenly vanish. Tommy tells his friends that he is late for karate practice and takes off. A hot dog vendor comes up, and Billy realizes that he is hungry. Trini and Billy head over to the vendor as their friends shout out what they want on their hot dogs. Jason and Zack start playing basketball again. Bulk & Skull walk up and give Kimberly, Jason, and Zack a hard time. The three outwit Bulk & Skull. Bulk & Skull stagger into the vendor's cart. The condiments and food dump on them. Trini tells the vendor, we didn't order that. The vendor tells them they have to pay for the food. Neither of them have money. The vendor marches the two off, figuring it would take them two weeks to pay everything off. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly laugh at them. Zack and Jason are playing basketball once more. Trini, Billy, and Kimberly are sitting, eating, and watching them. The ball rolls away and then is blasted apart. Jason and Zack spot Baboo, Shellshock, and Squatt hidden among the trees. Trini and her friends immediately morph. Shellshock uses his ray, the traffic light on top of his head, and hits Yellow Ranger. Yellow Ranger can't stop moving and she runs away, calling out for help. Soon, Zordon will send Yellow Ranger on a mission. Yellow Ranger needs to go to the Mountain of Hope to find a rare flower called the Deandra. Yellow Ranger reaches the Mountain of Hope. Yellow Ranger is determined to get that flower, as it is the only way to stop Shellshock. After awhile, Zordon's voice reaches Yellow Ranger. He has sent Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord to assist Yellow Ranger. Call on his power to lead you to the Deandra flower. Yellow Ranger has doubts as to whether she can make it. Zordon tells her you must, you are almost there. You can do it! Yellow Ranger becomes very excited when she sees the flower. Yellow Ranger calls on the power of the Sabretooth Tiger. The flowers float into the air. The flowers float over to Yellow Ranger's hand. Yellow Ranger tells Zordon she's got them and she is on her way. Yellow Ranger arrives in the city just as Shellshock froze Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and Dragonzord. Yellow Ranger leaps up onto the top of Shellshock's head. Yellow Ranger tells Shellshock he is history, these flowers will reverse your power. Yellow Ranger states by the power of the Sabretooth Tiger, I command you to release us from Shellshock's power. Yellow Ranger shakes the flowers over Shellshock's head. Pollen from the flower fall onto Shellshock. Shellshock's traffic light starts to spark. Shellshock hates this stuff. Electrical charges run through Shellshock and soon his stop light rays no longer work. Yellow Ranger tells Shellshock he is finished. Yellow Ranger then leaps off of Shellshock and lands on the pavement. The pollen falls over the two zords and they are able to move once more. Red Ranger tells Yellow Ranger she did a great job. They will take it from here. Red Ranger and Green Ranger, in their zords, battle and destroy Shellshock. After the battle, Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly return to the park. Zack is shooting hoops as the rest watch. Jason talks about the battle with Shellshock to Trini, Kimberly, and Billy. He is very glad they blew that turtle into oblivion. Kimberly remarks if I never see another turtle again, it will be too soon. Trini tells Kimberly you can say that again. Tommy walks up and everyone greets him. Tommy challenges Zack to a point game. Tommy states all that fighting made me really hungry. Tommy remembers the deal was the loser buys lunch. Zack is ready to take on Tommy. the two start playing basketball. Zack makes the basket and wins the game. Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy cheer. Zack jokes around: Waiter, he'll take the check! Billy walks onto the court and asks Zack if he would care to double his odds. Zack is reluctant - he couldn't punish a guy like him. Billy offers the loser buys lunch for two. Zack asks him if he is sure? Billy tells him absolutely and gives Zack a small shove. The game starts. Billy quickly gets the ball. Billy then makes an incredible jump and makes the basket. Trini, Jason, Tommy, and Kimberly cheer. Billy walks over to them and Trini gives him a high five.

Trini was at Angel Grove High School. She and Billy have part of the hall cornered off as they try to get signatures on a petition. The petition is to save the Forest Spirit statue. A crowd of students have gathered, including Tommy, Kimberly, Jason, Zack, and Bulk & Skull. Bulk wants to know what's the big deal? Trini explains the big deal is the city council wants to tear down the statue and put in a barbecue pit. Bulk is all for the idea - maybe they get some decent chicken and ribs. Skull repeats this, which annoys Bulk. Trini tells the crowd it's not good. Everyone has forgotten why the statue has been put up in the first place. Billy tells the crowd, according to the legend, the Forest Spirit forms a buffer against harmful arthropods. No one knows what Billy means. Trini explains - to protect all of us from bad insects. Zack is standing by a table that has several containers set up with different insects in each one. There are a couple of pictures of the statue as well. Zack is all for that, cause crawlers give him the heebie jeebies. Trini walks over and points out the flower on the picture of the statue. The flower in her hair is to remind us that most insects are helpful to humans. Bulk & Skull decide to throw the containers of insects towards their fellow students. The students start screaming and running. Zack really freaks out when he spots a large spider on his shoulder. Tommy hears him screaming and runs over. Trini is trying to help Zack, but she can't get close enough. Tommy tells Zack to hold still as he aims his notebook at Zack. The spider jumps off just as Tommy slams his notebook onto Zack's shoulder - which hurt a lot. The students start to calm down. Kimberly walks up to Bulk & Skull and tells them what goes around, comes around. Kimberly walks away. Bulk & Skull roll their eyes. Bulk makes a hissing sound at Kimberly's retreating back. The next day, Trini and Kimberly are at their lockers. Zack walks up and joins them. Zack asks Trini how did it go at science lab? Trini tells them Mr. Barts went berserk when she only turn in three ants and a cockroach. Kimberly feels bad for Trini that the rest of them got away. Kimberly adds you can thank Bulk & Skull for that. Jason joins them as they walk down the hall. Jason tells Trini they will help her replace the bugs. Kimberly suggests they have a picnic, and then they will come to us. Trini, Zack, and Jason are amused by the idea. Trini tells Kimberly, I think we need to be a little more aggressive than that. Billy walks up to his friends. In his hand is a mouse. Kimberly is charmed by the mouse. Kimberly had always wanted a little mouse for a pet. Billy is offended. The mouse is Jack, his research assistant. Zack likes mice only a little more than he likes creepy, crawly bugs. Zack gives a shudder. Bulk & Skull walk up. Bulk tells Skull look, the geeks have a new mascot. Skull laughs and repeats what Bulk said. Zack tells them the mouse is smarter than some humanoids he knows. Skull is outrage and tells Zack you can't talk about Bulk like that! Bulk elbows him. Zack remarks all he knows is the mouse never failed an IQ test. Bulk reaches over and grabs Trini's English Fundamentals book out of her hands. Bulk wants to see if the mouse can handle an obstacle course. Bulk throws the book towards Billy. Billy drops the mouse when he catches the book. Jack scurries across the floor and crawls up Skull's leg. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack start laughing as Skull starts to twitch his leg. Skull runs in circles around Bulk, trying to shake the mouse as he continues to climb up on Skull. Skull jumps into Bulk's arms. Billy gives Trini her book as he walks over to Skull. Billy reaches into the collar of Skull's shirt and retrieves Jack. Billy tells Jack that was very brave of you. Kimberly tells Bulk, nice catch. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly walk away. After school, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly walk along a path in the foothills of the mountains. Billy thinks the place is excellent for acquiring insects. Kimberly asks where Tommy and Zack are? Trini replies that Tommy is going to catch up with us later, after his karate practice. And you know how Zack is around bugs. Jason remarks especially spiders. Trini points out that Zack had a hip hop kido class to teach. Billy suggests they get to work and the teens spread out. Billy captures a butterfly with his net. Trini finds a large cricket for the collection. Kimberly comments that they are not so bad once you get to know them. The insects are placed into several containers. A sound in the air makes the four teens look up. It's several Putties. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason battle the Putties. Eventually the Putties retreat and vanish. Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy gather together. Kimberly asks them if they are okay? Everyone is okay. Trini wonders what that was all about? Jason doesn't know, but he is positive Rita is up to no good. After awhile, Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy walk through the fields. Billy thinks they have enough specimens for Mr. Barts. Kimberly remarks between Putties and bugs, I am wiped. Trini feels the same way and suggests they head back. Just then Jason's communicator goes off. Zordon tells them Zackary is in trouble. Get to the Forest Spirit statue now! Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy morph. Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, and Blue Ranger arrive. Rita makes her monster, Spidertron, giant size. The zords are summon and the Megazord is formed. The battle continues, until the Megazord is caught in Spidertron's web. The Rangers contact Zordon and let him know they need help. Soon Green Ranger with Dragonzord arrive. Dragonzord battles Spidertron, but it is not enough. The Megazord has broken free of the web. The Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed. The Rangers battle and destroy Spidertron. The next day, Trini is back in school Trini is very excited as she announces, from the top of the stairs, that the students had saved the Forest Spirit statue. The city council was so impress with the amount of signatures they had collected, that they declared the Forest Spirit statue a historical monument. Everyone cheers. Trini and Billy walk down the stairs to join their friends. Tommy asks Zack if this experience help him overcome his fears of spiders. Zack tells him he is definitely over his fear of spiders. Tommy remarks that is good, cause there is a big one of his shoulder. Zack takes a look and starts screaming. Tommy laughs and tells Zack to relax, the spider is a fake. Trini and her friends laugh.

Trini, Billy, Jason, and Zack enter the Youth Center with supplies for Kimberly's model float. The place was empty except for Tommy, Kimberly and several Putties the two were battling. Trini, Jason, Zack, and Billy immediately leap into the battle. As the six teens battle the Putties, the Putties suddenly vanish. Jason shouts out don't come back clay brains! Kimberly is sitting on the floor, among the wreckage of her float model. She is in tears. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Tommy walk over to her. Kimberly looks up and tells them look at my model. Trini, Zack, Tommy, Billy, and Jason feel really bad for her. Zack kneels down and softy remarks they really demolished it. Kimberly tells them without the model, they can't build the full size float. Trini sits down next to Kimberly. Trini tries to cheer up Kimberly by telling her there will be other parades you can design floats for. Kimberly replies that Rita will probably wreck them too. Billy suggests they simply reconstruct it. Kimberly tells them all that time and effort for nothing. Tommy tells her they can help her build a new one. Kimberly tells them there is no way they can get more flower sin time. The model is due today. Kimberly gets up and walks away form her friends to sit at the counter. Jason comments that Rita is a real witch. Trini, Zack, Jason, Tommy, and Billy clean up the mess. As they are cleaning, Trini suggests taking Kimberly out to lunch to cheer her up. Billy thinks it's a good idea. Zack thinks what happen to Kimberly's model float is a real bummer. Jason adds Kimberly really had her heart set on having a float in the parade. Trini wishes there was something they could do. Tommy's got an idea, but we'll deal with it later. Tommy tells them he's got to go. Tommy goes over to talk to Kimberly before leaving. Jason tells Trini, Zack, and Billy they will show Rita that it's not that easy to defeat the Power Rangers. Just then Jason's communicator goes off. Zordon tells them I need you in the Command Center immediately. Jason looks over to where Kimberly is sitting and tells her Zordon needs us in the Command Center, right away. Kimberly gets up and joins her friends. Jason tells his friends to prepare to teleport and the five teens teleport away. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack arrive at the Command Center. Alpha 5 is working at the control panel when they arrive. Zordon tells them that Rita wants to destroy the Flower Power Peace parade. Kimberly exclaims that means she will destroy all the floats. Alpha 5 panics. Zordon informs them that Rita has jut unleashed a new monster on Angel Grove. Behold the viewing globe. Trini and her friends turn around and face the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows them Spit Flower. Zordon tells them Spit Flower has the ability to turn every flower into an evil and ferocious blossom. Kimberly states with that thing around, no one is going to be safe. Zordon adds and peace on Earth will be dealt another blow. Zordon gives them more information about Spit Flower. It's body is like armor with few weak spots. You must avoid his claws and fangs. Zack exclaims man, that is one ferocious bug! Zordon has located the Spit Flower near the park bridge. Trini and her friends morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger arrive with their power weapons drawn. Spit Flower shoots numerous flowers at Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers. The Rangers jump out of the way. It is a small reprise as the ferocious blossoms launch themselves form the pavement onto the five Rangers. Spit Flower uses his antennas to blast the five Rangers off their feet. Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, these things are really digging in. Pink Ranger feels herself getting weak. Blue Ranger exclaims they are draining our energy. Spit Flower Laughs at them. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers struggle against the ferocious blossoms. Pink Ranger can barely move. Yellow Ranger exclaims they are picking away at all our strength. Spit Flower walks over to them. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers manage to get up and start battling Spit Flower with their power weapons. It is a difficult fight for the five Rangers. Spit Flower grows to giant size. Red Ranger exclaims we got to get rid of these flowers. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers start yanking the various flowers off of them. Spit Flower blasts them once more and the five Rangers are knocked off their feet. Spit Flower is about to step on the five Rangers when Green Ranger arrives. Green Ranger uses his Dragon Dagger and fires at Spit Flower. Spit Flower is knocked off his feet. Green Ranger races over to the rest of the Rangers and makes sure they are okay. Spit Flower gets back up and uses his breath to pull in hundreds of flowers. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers have been watching Spit Flower. Red Ranger makes the decision that they need Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Green Ranger summons Dragonzord. Yellow Ranger summons Sabretooth Tiger zord. Blue Ranger and Black Ranger summon their zords. the zords all arrive and form Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. The five Rangers leap into Dragonzord in Fighting Model. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battles Spit Flower, first using his drill. During the battle Spit Flower grabs the drill and lands a kick on Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Spit Flower releases his flowers. they land on Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and it begins to spark. Red Ranger informs the rest of the Rangers they are losing power. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode falls to the ground. Spit Flower laughs. Alpha 5 teleports the Power Rangers into the Command Center. Red Ranger is angry - that monster almost trash the Dragonzord! Pink Ranger never thought flowers could be dangerous. Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to track Spit Flower. Alpha 5 immediately gets to work. Spit Flower soon shows up on the viewing globe. Zordon tells the Ranger he has retreated their zords since they were ineffective against Spit Flower. Spit Flower's strength grows with every minute. alpha 5 tells them flowers are on the attack all over town. Zordon tells Alpha 5 to being an analysis of the last battle. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are watching images of Spit Flower on the viewing globe. Yellow Ranger asks how are we going to stop that thing? Zordon tells them the analysis from their last battle has located Spit Flower's weak point. If you destroy the Spit Flower's spit sack, he will be unable to produce any more biting bloomers and his strength will be reduce. Red Ranger asks Pink Ranger if she can hit that with her Power Bow. Pink Ranger replies, no problem. I'll show Rita not to miss with me. Zordon tells Green Ranger he must stay here. If the Power angers fail, you will be our last hope. Green Ranger is disappointed and bows down his head. alpha 5 teleports the rest of the Rangers out. Spit Flower is back to normal size when the five Rangers arrive in the park with their power weapons drawn. Red Ranger tells Pink Ranger to go get him! Pink Ranger leaps into the air with her Power Bow. Pink Ranger hits Spit Flower's spit sack with several arrows. Spit Flower goes flying through the air. The five Rangers then form the Power Blaster. The five Rangers fire the Power Blaster and destroy Spit Flower. The following day, Trini is at the Youth Center. She is sitting at the counter with Billy. The TV set is showing the parade. Zack and Jason had been sparring. Zack hollers at Ernie, what's up with the parade? Ernie hollers back to hurry up, it's about to begin. Zack and Jason walk over to the counter. the TV set is showing Angel Grove's High Marching Band and Drill team. Ernie just loves parades. Jason wishes they could have gotten Kimberly to go down in person. Ernie notices Billy is looking at the TV through a pair of binoculars. Ernie asks him what is up with the binoculars. Billy replies they make me feel like I'm there. Kimberly and Tommy walk in and head over to the counter. Kimberly is not happy to see the parade on the TV and reminds her friends that she did not want to watch the parade. Tommy tells her but you have to. Kimberly reluctantly watches the parade. The announcer comments on an award winning float by a high school student. Kimberly recognizes the float as her own. Trini, Billy, Jason, Tommy, and Zack yell surprise! Trini tells Kimberly that Tommy put it back together in time. Kimberly gives Tommy a hug and thanks him. Tommy is thrilled. Just then Bulk & Skull walk in. Skull asks about a hug for him. Tommy and Jason get up and face Bulk & Skull. Tommy tells them to buzz off. Bulk tells Tommy that maybe they want to watch the parade too. Zack gets up as well and tells them to watch this. Zack does a magic trick that produces a bouquet of flowers. Skull starts to hiss at the flowers. Bulk & Skull are scare of the flowers and start to back away. Laughing, Jason, Tommy, and Zack join their friends at the counter.

The Youth Center is packed as several teens are decorating the place for an upcoming costume party. Trini and her friends are there helping with the decorating. Bulk & Skull are there as well, trying to hang garland around a door. Bulk had tugged on the garland, which was caught around a chair. The tug knocks the chairs against each other, which hits a broom, which hits a bucket of white paint. The bucket of paint goes flying through the air and lands on top of Bulk's head. Skull laughs as Bulk removes the bucket from his head. Skull tells Bulk he looks like a ghost. Trini, Billy, Tommy, and Kimberly had gathered together and Trini tells them that is a scary thought. Seeing that Bulk is not amused, Skull goes back to work. After the place is decorated, the teens all head out to get ready for the party. Later, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack have gathered outside Billy's house. They are already dressed in their costumes. Trini is dressed as a Native American. Kimberly is very excited - this is going to be a morphinomenal party. Zack tells Billy he looks just like that Sherlock Holmes dude. Billy thanks "King Tut". Trini wonders who is going to win first prize in the costume contest. Zack is positive it is going to be him. Kimberly asks where Tommy is? Jason replies that his costume isn't finish yet, he'll catch up with us later. Zack suggests they head over to the party and they eagerly leave. The Youth Center is packed with teens dancing and enjoying the costume party. Trini and Kimberly are standing by a table that is set up for music. Ernie is behind the table. Ernie is dressed like Count Dracula and tells Trini and Kimberly he wants to suck their blood. Kimberly replies I'll take a pass, Ernie. Ernie is surprised that they knew it was him. Alpha 5 enters the Youth Center. Trini spots him immediately and points him out to Kimberly, who is stunned. Billy has spotted Alpha 5 as well and quickly walks over to him. Two guys walk up to Trini and Kimberly and ask them to dance. The girls walk away with he guys just as Frankenstein approaches. Frankenstein just misses them. A few moments later, Frankenstein is dancing with the Bride of Frankenstein. A crowd has formed a circle around them. Frankenstein tries to walk away, but Bride of Frankenstein yanks him back. They dance for a little bit, but then Bride of Frankenstein accidentally steps on his feet. Frankenstein becomes very angry, grabs her, and holds her up into the air. Bride of Frankenstein starts screaming as Frankenstein tosses her into the crowd. Bulk catches her. Trini, Zack, and Billy are puzzled by Frankenstein's behavior. Bulk tells Skull to get him. Skull uses his dart gun and the dart lands in the middle of Frankenstein's forehead. Frankenstein becomes more angry as he yanks the dart off. Skull laughs. Frankenstein angrily starts to walk over to Bulk & Skull. The Bride of Frankenstein runs away. Bulk tells Skull to give him that and tires to use the dart gun. Frankenstein picks up Skull and holds him up in the air. Skull tells him it's just a joke man. After growling at him a little bit. Frankenstein tosses Skull aside. Bulk catches him. Skull tells him some people just can't take a joke. Frankenstein tries to take a swipe at them, but Bulk & Skull duck out of the way. Jason and Zack become concern as Bulk & Skull race out of the Youth Center and Frankenstein goes after them. Billy follows the trio outside. After awhile, the Youth Center starts to shake. The kids at the party start to panic and race out the door. Ernie tries to get the teens to settle down. It's just a small earthquake, just a tremor. Billy has return and races over to his friends. Billy tells them we've got a major crisis situation. Kimberly replies no kidding, we just had an earthquake. Billy tells them it's Rita and that Frankenstein monster is one of her goons. Kimberly is stunned. Jason tells his friends that they need Zordon to explain some of this, they also need to find Tommy and teleport to the Command Center. Zack tells them Tommy hasn't shown up yet. Trini, Billy, and Jason look around the Youth Center. Jason makes the decision we have to go without him. Trini agrees. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly race out of the Youth Center. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack teleport into the Command Center. Jason asks Zordon what is going on? Zordon informs the teens that Rita plans to use the Frankenstein monster to destroy them, then conquer the Earth with an army of Super Putties she created. Trini asks Super Putties? Zordon replies yes, a new form of Putty that is nearly indestructible. Zack is blown away by the idea of indestructible Putties. Kimberly suggests they try and contact Tommy. Jason tries to reach Tommy over his communicator, but gets no response. Alpha 5 tells them he's not online. Alpha 5 goes over to the control panels, trying to locate Tommy's signal. Zordon tells the teens there's not a moment to spare. Rita's monster is on the loose. It's up to you to stop him. Good luck Rangers and may the power protect you. Trini, Kimberly, Zack, Jason, and Billy morph and teleport out. yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger arrive with their power weapons drawn. Frankenstein takes a flying leap towards them. The five Rangers battle Frankenstein with their power weapons. At one point, Blue Ranger has his Power Lance on either side of Frankenstein's neck. Frankenstein breaks free and knocks Blue Ranger to the ground. Black Ranger and Red Ranger take a flying leap towards Frankenstein and battle him with their power weapons. Frankenstein knocks them both to the ground. Frankenstein starts swing his bolt chain. Then Frankenstein grows to giant size. The five Rangers summon their zords. The zords arrive and the Rangers leap into their zords. The Megazord is quickly formed. Frankenstein has a large ball on a chain now. Megazord and Frankenstein battle. Frankenstein hits the Megazord several times with the chained ball. Red Ranger decides it's time for more fire power. The power sword arrives. the Megazord battles Frankenstein with the power sword. It is a tough battle for the five Rangers. Frankenstein manages to wrap the chain around the Megazord's neck. Frankenstein lifts the Megazord up into the air and then lets it drop to the ground. Frankenstein continues to slam the Megazord against the ground. Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, this guy is tearing us apart. How are we going to stop him? Red Ranger replies, first we have to get the Megazord back on it's feet. Frankenstein lands a kick on the fallen Megazord. Red Ranger informs the rest of the Rangers to switch us over to emergency power before he hits us again. The Megazord manages to get back up. Frankenstein throws his chained ball against the Megazord. it hits the Megazord in the chest several times. The Megazord goes flying through a building. Sparks start to shoot out of the fallen Megazord. Frankenstein lifts the Megazord over his head, spins around and then lets go of the Megazord. The Megazord crashes into another building. Green Ranger arrives and summons Dragonzord with is Dragon Dagger. Dragonzord emerges and quickly joins in the battle. The Megazord is back on it's feet. Megazord and Dragonzord battle Frankenstein. Dragonzord tries to knock Frankenstein down with his tail, but Frankenstein grabs it's tail instead. Frankenstein lifts Dragonzord into the air, spins it around and knocks it against Megazord. Megazord falls to the ground. Frankenstein spins Dragonzord a couple of more times and then lets it go. Dragonzord falls to the ground. Megazord and Dragonzord get up. Frankenstein blasts them with his mouth. Frankenstein then takes the bolts out of his neck and hits Megazord and Dragonzord with them. Red Ranger declares it's time to regroup. It's time for Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed. Frankenstein takes a flying leap at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. the two fight. Dragonzord in Fighting mode tries to blast Frankenstein, but Frankenstein returns the blast to him. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode power sup the power staff. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode destroys Frankenstein with the power staff. After the battle, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack return to the Youth Center. They are dressed in their costumes. The costume party ahs resumed and everyone is having a good time. Jason tells his friends that Rita finally got what was coming to her. Zack adds we sure sent that Frankenstein monster back to the lab. Kimberly notes that it looks like they got back just in time to see who won the costume prize. Tommy walks in and joins his friends. Trini asks him where is his costume? Tommy tells them he's got it in his gym bag. Tommy dashes off to change. Billy wonders whatever happened to Alpha. Zack has spotted Alpha 5 and comments that it looks like he's got his hands full. Alpha 5 is there and surrounded by three girls. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly walk over to Alpha 5 and the girls. Kimberly tells Alpha 5 he is a hit. Alpha 5 replies they like me! Bulk & Skull walk over. Bulk asks what is there to like? Who are you anyway? There is a growling sound. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly turn around and become frighten when they see Frankenstein. Frankenstein removes the top part of his head and it is Tommy. Tommy laughs at them. Frankenstein had given him some ideas on the final touches on his costume. he asks them what do they think? Billy replies that it's quite believable. Kimberly tells him he looks great in gray. Ernie announces the winner of the costume prize. Bulk & Skull are confident it will be them. Ernie awards the blue ribbon to Alpha 5 - whoever you are. Bulk is outrage - you're kidding right?! One of the girls wants to know who is the mystery winner. Bulk would like to find out himself. Bulk asks Skull for a can opener. Skull pulls one out of his jacket. Alpha 5 tells them this is a mystery that will have to remain unsolved. alpha 5 leaves the Youth Center, followed by the ladies and Bulk & Skull. Trini, Kimberly, Jason, Tommy, Zack, and Billy laugh.

Trini and Kimberly walk into the Youth Center and join Zack and Billy. Jason and Tommy are training for the upcoming Team Ninjas finals. Kimberly asks how's it going? Billy replies they are having a little trouble developing their team work. Once more, Jason and Tommy land on the floor mats. Trini tells them they need to learn how to gung ho. Jason and Tommy have no idea what Trini is talking about. Trini tells them it's Chinese for working together. You have to learn to work together if you want to win the Team Ninja finals. Tommy and Jason don't listen as they get back up to train once more. They soon end up arguing with each other. Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy, have been watching them. Zack tells them to stop. Billy adds they lasted 7.8 seconds that time. Bulk & Skull enter the Youth Center. Bulk is laughing. Bulk tells them their boys need some work. Skull adds a lot of work. Zack replies don't worry about it Bulk. Tommy and Jason are ready for the finals. Bulk tells them they better be. My ninjas are the best. Two young men leap into the Youth Center, covered from head to toe in black ninja gear. Skull laughs. Trini comments that is some heavy competition. Bulk states you are looking at the team who is going to win the ninja finals. I only manage the best. Gentlemen, time for your workout. Skull repeats that it is time for their workout. The ninjas walk over to the floor mat as Tommy and Jason leave. The four guys stare each other down as they pass each other. Bulk tells them to look at them, that is what losers look like. The two ninjas begin their workout and they doing extremely well. Kimberly is impressed and tells her friends they look like pros to me. Billy states they are extremely proficient as he glances at his stop watch. Zack adds yeah, and they are good. Jason claims he can take them on by himself. Tommy states he can as well. After awhile, Bulk has the ninjas stop and tells them now, a power kick. The two ninjas take a flying leap towards the punching bag and kick it. Bulk brags I told you they were super ninjas. The punching bag swings back and knocks Bulk down. Everyone in the Youth Center laughs. Trini and Kimberly leave the Youth Center. They are walking through the park. Trini tells Kimberly that Bulk's ninjas were really awesome. Kimberly replies that Tommy and Jason are going to have to learn to work together if they are going to beat them. Trini tells Kimberly that Zack is going to work with them all day. Kimberly thinks it will help them work as a team. Several Super Putties come flying through the air and land several feet in front of them. Trini and Kimberly battle the Super Putties. The two girls struggle in their fight against the Super Putties. During the battle, a Super Putty knocks Trini down with a tire swing. Kimberly quickly races over to her friend. Trini is hurt and comments on how tough the Putties are. Kimberly remarks it's like a whole new breed of Putties. Kimberly contacts Zordon and tells him they have been attacked by Putties and can't stop them. Kimberly is still trying to protect Trini from the Super Putties when the guys arrive. Billy runs over to Trini to protect her. Kimberly joins Zack, Jason, and Tommy in their battle against the Super Putties. Despite their best efforts, they cannot defeat the Super Putties. The teens gather together. Zack tells his friends they are getting pounded. Jason instructs his team - everyone back to the Command Center to regroup. Trini and her friends teleport away. Trini and her friends arrive in the Command Center. Jason tells Zordon we never had that much trouble with Putties before. Zack asks what is the deal with those clay heads? Zordon informs them they are not ordinary Putties. They're Rita's new Super Putties. Behold the viewing globe. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, Tommy, and Kimberly walk over to the viewing globe. It shows Finster's monster room and the Super Putties being made. Zordon informs them they are made from the super putty she mined and they are nearly indestructible. Alpha 5 announces the Super Putties are attacking a factory. Zordon tells Tommy and Jason he is sending them on a quest to get the weapons they need to defeat this new menace. Kimberly asks what will the rest of them do? Zordon replies they have to keep the Super Putties at bay. Jason tells them to hold off those Super Putties as long as you can. Trini, Billy, Zack, and Kimberly morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrive at the factory. Numerous Super Putties are at the factory. Black Ranger suggests they blast them. The four Rangers pull out their Blade Blasters and start firing. The Super Putties are still standing. Pink Ranger exclaims it didn't work. Black Ranger notes there is not a scratch on them. The four Rangers race towards the Putties. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger battle the Super Putties with their Blade Blasters. No matter what they do, they cannot defeat them. If the Super Putty falls to pieces, it simply reassembles itself. Black Ranger pulls out his Power Ax and battles the Super Putties with it. Not even the Power Ax is strong enough to defeat the Super Putties. The four Rangers gather together. Black Ranger notes that nothing seems to work on these dudes. Pink Ranger calls out a warning - look out. Black Ranger warns his friends - here they come again! Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger continue to struggle against the Super Putties. The four Rangers are knocked to the ground. Yellow Ranger exclaims those Putties are unbeatable! Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger continue to struggle in their battle against the Super Putties. The four Rangers are knocked to the ground. Black Ranger tries to encourage his friends. Black Ranger tells them, come on guys. We can't let them beat us. Suddenly several blasts hit the Super Putties. It is Red Ranger and Green Ranger above them. Red Ranger shouts out we are back and we've got some presents for you, courtesy of Zordon. Green Ranger and Red Ranger tosses the weapons down to Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger. The four Rangers catch them easily. They are impressed with the new weapons. Black Ranger instructs the rest of the Rangers to fire at will. Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Black Ranger, and Blue Ranger fire at the Super Putties. The Super Putties are destroyed by the weapons. Red Ranger shouts out - you lose again Rita! On Saturday, Trini and Kimberly wait for their friends. Soon Tommy, Jason, Billy, and Zack enter for the Team Ninja finals. Zordon contacts them to let them know that Titanus (a zord that Tommy and Jason had battled to get the weapons) was actually a friend. Jason and Tommy had learned the value of teamwork on their quest. The competition started. Tommy and Jason were up against Bulk's ninjas. Jason and Tommy did really well against Bulk's ninjas. Trini, Billy, Zack, and Kimberly cheered them on. Tommy and Jason won the Team Ninja finals.

Angel Grove High School is doing the play Rumpelstiltskin. Rehearsals are in one of the classrooms. Mr. Caplan is overseeing the production. Billy is the director. Trini is his assistant. The cast includes Kimberly as the miller's daughter, Jason as the King. Skull as a court jester, and Bulk as Rumpelstiltskin. Zack and Tommy are watching the play rehearsal. The cast goes through their lines. All goes smoothly until Bulk misses his cue. Bulk hasn't been paying attention and Trini points out that he has missed his cue. Bulk quickly starts doing his lines - with a little Bulk flavor added to it. Mr. Caplan asks Bulk where is his costume/ Bulk replies that he is just adding a touch of the 90's. Mr. Caplan checks his watch and then tells Bulk to get on with it. The play rehearsal continues. Bulk is very rough with the spinning wheel. This upsets Kimberly as it is her grandmother's spinning wheel. Bulk tells Mr. Caplan that Kimberly is making him mess up his liens. Bulk spins the spinning wheel way too fast. The wind from the spinning wheel makes Mr. Caplan's toupee fly off. Bulk starts laughing. Kimberly gets really mad. Kimberly checks the spinning wheel and is furious to find it is broken. Kimberly yells at Bulk that he has ruined her grandmother's spinning wheel. Mr. Caplan calls a break before anything else gets broken. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, Tommy, Kimberly, and the rest of the kids walk out with Mr. Caplan. After school, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Zack enter the Youth Center. They see Kimberly looking sad and sitting by herself. They walk over to her and sit down with long faces. Kimberly looks at them and she smiles a little. Trini asks her what is the matter? Billy adds you look quite distressed. Kimberly replies you are not going to believe this, someone walk off with my grandmother's prize antique spinning wheel. Zack tells her that is awful. After a few moments, Jason's communicator goes off. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly get up and walk over to where the lockers are. it is Zordon and he tells them it is urgent they get to the Command Center. We have a desperate situation. Jason tells Zordon they are on their way. When the five teens arrive, Zordon tells Kimberly the mysterious disappearance of your grandmother's spinning wheel ahs been solved. Goldar has stolen it. Kimberly asks why? Zordon explains so that Rita can put an evil spell on it. Now it can destroy everything it touches, Power Rangers, including you. Kimberly can't believe it. Zordon instructs them to behold the viewing globe. Trini, Zack, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy walk over. The viewing globe shows Tommy tied up and guarded by Putties. Zordon tells them part of Rita's plan is to keep Tommy out of the way. By outsmarting her, you can break the spell and destroy her evil wheel. Kimberly feels bad for Tommy. Trini states we got to help him. Zordon tells the teens they have something more urgent to do. Goldar and Scorpina are on the rampage. You must deal with them. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrive with their Blade Blasters drawn. Scorpina quickly blasts them off their feet. The five Rangers get back up and charge towards Goldar and Scorpina. The five Rangers battle Scorpina and Goldar with their Blade Blasters. Rita has teleported down to the battle. Rita makes Goldar and Scorpina giant size. Scorpina goes into her monster form. The five Rangers summon their zords. when the zords arrive, the Rangers immediately leap into them. Rita screams to get the Red Ranger - throw the net. Goldar has a large net that he throws over Tyrannosaurus Dinozord. Tyrannosaurus is unable to break free of the net. Blasts from Goldar's fingertips hit Tyrannosaurus. Black Ranger notes Red Ranger is in trouble. Goldar is ready to finish Red Ranger for good! Goldar starts battling Tyrannosaurus with his sword. Scorpina leaps in and battles Tyrannosaurus with her sword. Tyrannosaurus is knocked to the ground. Yellow Ranger screams for Red Ranger to hold on. Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord race towards Goldar and Scorpina and fires at them. The rest of the Dinozords join in the battle. Scorpina blasts them all. Red Ranger tells his team to get out of here. You have to save yourself before it is too late. Goldar starts kicking Tyrannosaurus. Green Ranger arrives after breaking out of his bindings and defeating the Putties. Green Ranger starts playing his Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord. Dragonzord arrives and fires at Goldar and Scorpina - knocking them off their feet. Dragonzord walks over to Tyrannosaurus and removes the net. The Wheel of Misfortune flies over the mountains and towards the two zords. The Wheel of Misfortune hits them several times. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers to power up their crystals. The Megazord is formed, first in tank mode, and then in battle mode. Red Ranger immediately summons the power sword. The Megazord tires to destroy the Wheel of Misfortune with the power sword. Dragonzord is busy battling Scorpina and Goldar. Rita commands the Wheel of Misfortune to chop them down. Attack! Green Ranger calls out a warning. Red Ranger declares we are not finished yet. The Rangers summon Titanus. Titanus arrives. The zords combine to form Ultrazord. The Wheel of Misfortune heads towards them. Red Ranger instructs his team to lock on and fire all weapons. The Wheel of Misfortune is destroyed. Rita is furious and then vanishes. Scorpina exclaims you destroyed our wheel! Scorpina and Goldar retreat. After the battle, Trini and her friends return to school. They walk down the hall in high spirits. Zack exclaims that was so cool! We really sock it to Rita that time! Jason tells his friends Rita's Wheel of Misfortune is gone forever. The teens enter the classroom. Kimberly pauses outside. She tells her friends we destroy it alright, but you guys, what about my grandmother's spinning wheel? What am I going to tell her? Kimberly is the last to enter the classroom. Trini, Jason, Zack, Tommy, and Billy are very surprised to see the spinning wheel is back in the classroom. Kimberly is also surprised and happy. She walks over to the spinning wheel. Kimberly tests the spinning wheel and it works. Kimberly laughs. Trini asks how did it get there? Billy adds this is most mysterious. Jason's communicator goes off. Zordon tells them it is no mystery Power Rangers. When you defeated Rita's henchmen, her magic spell was broken. Therefore, Kimberly, the spinning wheel was returned to it's original location. Trini, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Tommy, and Billy are very happy. The following evening, the Youth Center is hosting the play Rumpelstiltskin. Kimberly is on stage, waiting for the next scene to start. Behind the curtains is Trini, Tommy, Zack, Billy and Ernie. Zack tells Kimberly to break a leg. Tommy tells her don't you dare and gives her a wink. Kimberly gives a smile. Billy gives the signal for the play to continue. Jason and Skull take their places and the play continues. Everything goes smoothly until Bulk, once more, misses his cue. Kimberly repeats the lines a couple of more times, with no "Rumpelstiltskin" making an appearance. Almost shouting, Kimberly asks if Rumpelstiltskin can hear her? This amuses the audience. Backstage, Trini and Billy are trying to get Bulk on stage. Bulk tells them to take a chill pill. Trini and Billy push Bulk onto the stage, and accidentally wind on stage as well. Trini and Billy quickly exit and the play continues. "Rumpelstiltskin" tells "miller's daughter" never fear fair babe. I said I would be here and here I am. Kimberly mutters to him that it took him long enough. From backstage, Ernie signals it's time for the kissing scene. Bulk is very eager, but Kimberly reminds him he ahs to turn the straw into gold. Bulk starts gathering the straw, with his behind towards the audience. His pants rip and the audience burst into laughter. Everyone backstage laughs as well. Skull shouts out ay to bare your soul for your audience. Bulk slowly back up. Bulk angrily grabs Skull and quickly leaves the stage. Kimberly faces the audience, tells them the end, and gives a bow.

Zack is at the Youth Center, practicing his dance moves for an upcoming dance contest. Trini, Jason and Kimberly are watching Zack practice. Kimberly shouts out great moves Zack! Jason tells Trini and Kimberly he's going to blow them away at the dance contest this week. Bulk & Skull walk up and stand behind Trini, Jason, and Kimberly. Bulk tells them he thinks Zack is going to blow it at the dance contest. Skull laughs. Zack has overheard their words and is trying not to let it upset him. Zack does a dance move and gets very close to his friends. Kimberly panics and jumps out of the way. Her drink spills all over Bulk. Zack tells Bulk he is sorry. Zack is upset with himself - he doesn't feel he has what it takes to win. Bulk is very angry. Bulk follows Zack out onto the floor. Bulk tells Zack he's got what it takes to make him lose. Zack and Bulk have a dance off. Trini, Jason, and Kimberly watch them. Zack does really well with his dance moves. Bulk tries, but can't match Zack's ability. The crowds are impressed with Zack's dance moves and amused by Bulk's. Bulk ends up crashing into several columns that are on the floor. Both Bulk & Skull end up on their backs on the floor. Everyone laughs. Billy joins Trini, Jason, and Kimberly. Zack walks over to them. Kimberly tells Zack guess you taught them a new dance. Tommy walks over and agrees - crash and burn. Everyone laughs, except for Zack. Zack tells them he just tripped himself up. Just like I'm going to do at the dance contest. Zack walks away. Trini and Billy think Zack doesn't have enough confidence in himself. Jason tells them Zack's cool. He'll get over it. A few moments later, a large electrical storm arrives. It is strong enough to shake the Youth Center building. The teens inside panic and race out of the building. Trini, Billy, Jason, Tommy, and Kimberly cling to each other. Trini shouts out what is going on? Kimberly is confident that it is Rita. Ernie shouts he hates when this happens as he races out. Jason leads his friends to a empty area of the Youth Center. Bulk & Skull go running past them screaming. Jason tells his friends we got to contact Zordon and he does so. Zordon tells the teens he is picking unusual power surges from Rita's moon base. The energy is more massive than I have sense before. Rita may be harnessing a power I'm not familiar with. Be on your guard. Jason tells his friends they got to find Zack. Trini, Kimberly, Tommy, Jason, and Billy race towards the door. They stop when they hear kids calling for help. It is Tommy's students. Tommy tells his friends, he can't leave his students. Go now, I'll catch up. Jason tells him I understand. Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly race outside. Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly soon located Zack outside. Zack looks upset when they reach him. Jason tells him bad news bud. Trini tells Zack that Zordon has told them Rita is about to start something. Kimberly tells them it already has and points up into the sky. Several Putties arrive. Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy battle the Putties. Goldar and Scorpina arrive. Trini becomes alarmed. Guys, we are surrounded! Jason tells her not for long. The five teens morph. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger battle Scorpina and Goldar. Red Ranger uses his Power Sword in the battle. Mutitis heads straight towards the Rangers. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords. The zords arrive and the Rangers immediately leap inside them. The Megazord is quickly formed, first in tank mode and then in battle mode. Red Ranger shouts let's go get ugly man! Mutitis has a chained ball that he throws against the Megazord. Sparks shoot out of the Megazord and falls to the ground. Green Ranger soon joined them with Dragonzord. Mutitis sprays foam all over Megazord and Dragonzord. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers were ejected and landed on a strange island. Trini and her friends soon realized they did not have their communicators or power morphers. An image of Goldar's face appeared in the sky and he taunted them. Pineoctopus, Pudgy Pig, Eye Guy, Snizzard, and Shellshock appeared in front of them. Trini and her friends prepared to fight as the five monsters ran toward them. The five monsters suddenly vanished. Trini and her friends explore the island. They ran into Quagmire. Quagmire disappeared once they mentioned Rita. Trini and her friends continued to walk around the island. Zack was ahead of the group. He saw a huge snake and started screaming that he hated snakes. Trini, Jason, Billy, Tommy, and Kimberly don't see any snake and try to tell Zack there isn't one, but he kept screaming. Zack's lower part of his body started to disappear.

Kimberly cries out, Zack you are disappearing! Jason tries to encourage Zack by telling him not to let Rita get him, fight it! But Zack doesn't know if he can as he continues to fade. Trini and Billy note the more Zack doubts himself, the less there is of Zack. Jason shouts out to hang on man! Quagmire appears in a puff of smoke. Quagmire states fight Rita, if you can. Only Quagmire knows her plan. Quagmire then vanishes. Kimberly points out that Zack is getting fainter. Zack is upset, he can't beat Rita's magic. Trini wishes they could contact Zordon. Tommy wonders about the weird little dude they saw. Jason tells his friends, he said he knew Rita's plan. Jason and Kimberly try to remember his name, but it is Trini who remembers - Quagmire. When Trini says his name, Quagmire appears on a branch of a tree above them. Quagmire states speak my name and I appear. Kimberly runs over to the tree. Quagmire wants to know why they called him. Kimberly tells him it's about their friend Zack. Rita is making him disappear. Quagmire realizes they are no friends of Rita and he is very happy to meet them. Quagmire jumps out of the tree. Kimberly and Quagmire hurry over to Trini, Billy, Tommy, and Jason. Quagmire tells Zack to keep from getting caught, think a positive thought. Tommy wonders if this guy is for real. Billy points out that lack of confidence is the operative factor - it might just work. Jason tells Zack to try it. Zack decides to give it a try. Zack remembers a really tough fight with Nasty Knight. Kimberly notes that it's working as more of Zack appears. Jason tells Zack to keep it up! Zack continues to concentrate on the memory of his battle with Nasty Knight and how he beat him. Zack is back. Trini, Tommy, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Quagmire run over to Zack, very happy for him. Zack thanks Quagmire. Quagmire welcomes him back and tells him the key was inside him. Zack notes they are still stuck on the island. Jason tells his friends, if we don't find our power coins, we don't stand a chance. Tommy suggests that maybe Quagmire might be able to help. Quagmire tells them the coins they seek, they must find on their own and he vanishes. Trini has no idea where they would start. Zack adds they have already look over half of the island. Billy makes calculations and tests the wind and suggests a direction to go. Before they head off, Goldar's face appears in the sky. Goldar tells them let's get started with an illusion for Kimberly's confusion. Kimberly walks away from the group as she is stunned by what she sees - Bulk & Skull being nice. Trini and the rest do not see Bulk & Skull. Kimberly is totally blown away. If Rita can make them act like that, she can make anything happen. Kimberly starts to fade away. Trini screams for Quagmire to come quick and help Kimberly. Quagmire appears. Quagmire advises Kimberly a toad might frighten you to the marrow, but stay your course, straight as an arrow. Quagmire then vanishes. Kimberly really doesn't want to remember her battle with Terror Toad. Tommy steps forward and tells Kimberly she's got to. Kimberly closes her eyes and remembers her battle with Terror Toad and how she destroyed him. Kimberly returns to normal. Tommy hurries over and tells her nice going, you beat the illusion. Tommy is the next one that is affected. Tommy sees his friends as Putties. Jason notes that now it's Tommy suffering from an illusion. Jason approaches Tommy and Tommy fights him. Trini cries out for Tommy to stop it. Tommy battles the Putties, which are actually his friends. Trini and her friends surround him inside a circle. Zack tells him to come on man, snap out of it. Kimberly tells Tommy it's us. Jason and Zack approach Tommy once more. Zack tells him to chill, it's us. Tommy insists he'll take them all on. Jason and Zack are still trying to calm Tommy down. Kimberly steps forward and tells Tommy it's us! Tommy feels like there are too many Putties and he can't win. Trini is the first to notice that Tommy is fading. Zack calls for Quagmire. Quagmire appears on top of a tree. Quagmire tells Tommy to not let Rita steer you wrong, think strong thoughts and you'll be strong. Quagmire then vanishes. Tommy remembers the time he had to fight numerous Putties outside the Youth Center. Jason tells Tommy to hang in there. Kimberly pleads with Tommy not to leave them. Tommy continues to remember his battle with the Putties and realizes that he knew he could do it. Tommy exclaims and I did it! Kimberly, Jason, and Zack run over to Tommy, happy to see that he is back to normal. Trini becomes worried and walks away from the group. Only Billy notices her look of concern. Kimberly glances away and notices something is not right with Trini. Kimberly walks over and asks Trini if she is okay? The guys follow Kimberly. Trini is afraid that Rita might come after her next. Jason tells her that's just what she wants you to think. Billy is the first to notice that Trini is fading. Trini's illusion is that Billy is too high up on the rocks. Jason tells her it's Rita's illusion. Quick think positive! Tommy tells her to remember what Quagmire says. Quagmire appears. Quagmire tells them Trini had to conquer heights, even though that was her greatest fright. Quagmire tells Trini do your best to pass this part of Rita's test. Quagmire vanishes. Trini remembers how she climb to the top and helped Billy with the Putty that was after him. Trini returns to normal. Billy is the next one to start fading. Billy tells them not even all his scientific knowledge can get us out of this one. I failed. Jason tells Billy it's not his fault. Don't let Rita get to you. Trini screams for Quagmire. Quagmire appears once more. Quagmire senses a fight in a land of dreams, where Billy fought a nightmare Queen. Quagmire vanishes. Billy remembers the battle he had with Madame Woe and how he defeated her. Billy returns to normal. Trini, Kimberly, Tommy, Zack, and Jason run up to Billy. Jason tells them now maybe they can find their power coins and get out of here. Goldar's face appears in the sky. Goldar tells Jason if he was a real leader, he would have saved his friends already. Jason states you are right. Jason thinks he should have figured a way out. Zack shouts out don't listen to her, Jase! Jason starts to fade. Billy calls out for Quagmire. Quagmire appears and states nasty magic happening here and vanishes. Jason sees his friends fading and calling out to him, although they are alright. Jason feels awful - they were depending on me and I let them all down. Zack notes that Jason can't see or hear us. Jason remembers his battle with King Sphinx. As the memory gives him strength, Jason shouts out you haven't won yet, Rita! Jason returns to normal. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Tommy, and Zack all run up to him, happy to see that he is okay. The communicators reappear on the teens' wrists. Jason is the first to notice their communicators are back. Kimberly retrieves her power coin and points out their power coins are back. Trini notes they could have had these all along. Tommy adds they each had the power to break Rita's spell. Zack tells his friends all they needed was a little self confidence. The teens feel the ground shake. Billy tells his friends they got to hurry. Jason tells them it's morphin time. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers manage to teleport off the island before Rita blasts it. The Rangers arrive in their Megazord and Dragonzord. Dragonzord and Megazord get back on their feet. Rita is back in Angel Grove, watching from a building. She is furious to see they have all gotten off the island. Megazord and Dragonzord combine to form Megadragonzord. Lokar screams when he sees the arrival of Megadragonzord. Rita commands Mutitis to attack. Mutitis runs towards Megadragonzord. Red Ranger gives the command to fire. Megadragonzord fires at Mutitis. Mutitis fires back at Megadragonzord. Red Ranger gives the command for full power. Megadragonzord fires and destroys Mutitis. Red Ranger tells Lokar he is next. Red Ranger summons Titanus. Titanus arrives and Ultrazord is formed. Red Ranger tells Lokar it's all over for him. Red Ranger commands for all weapons to be fired. Lokar is hit and screams out in pain. Lokar quickly retreats before the Power Rangers can destroy him. Pink Ranger is upset that Lokar got away. Red Ranger vows next time. Rita screams and vanishes. The day of the dance contest arrives. The Youth Center is packed. Trini, Jason, Tommy, Kimberly, and Billy are standing with Zack watching the contest. Bulk is one of the contestants for the dance contest. He does his routine. The spectators are amused by Bulk's routine. Bulk does a spin and falls to the floor. Skull immediately leaps onto the dance floor and starts dancing. Trini, Jason, Zack, and Billy are amused by Skull's dancing. Bulk gets up, grabs a hold of Skull and tosses him aside. Bulk then finishes his dance routine. Bulk gets scores from the judges. Ernie walks up and tells the audience another fine effort from Bulk & Skull. Ernie then introduces Zack as the next contestant. Zack is hesitant to go on the dance floor. Trini tells Zack to go out there and have fun. Zack feels something is not right. Jason tells Zack he is the best. Kimberly can't believe Zack is losing his confidence. Tommy points out after all we've been through. Jason tells Zack to go out there and do it. Still a little nervous, Zack goes out onto the dance floor. Zack starts his dance routine and he is very impressive. The crowds bop along to Zack's dancing. Trini, Tommy, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy are smiling and having a great time watching Zack dance. Jason comments the tunes are styling. Kimberly agrees and asks who is the DJ? Kimberly is stunned as she points out the DJ and calls him Quasimodo. Trini corrects her by telling Kimberly it's Quagmire. Zack finishes his dance routine and he did great. The judges agree and Ernie announces Zack is the winner. Trini, Kimberly, Tommy, Billy, and Jason run onto the dance floor and congratulate Zack. Everyone is in high spirits. Zack suggests they boogie and Zack starts dancing again.

Trini walked over to Billy's house with a tray of food. Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy were already there. The teens had planned on going on a field trip, except for Jason. Jason was staying behind to visit with his cousin, Jeremy. Trini apologizes for being late. She offers the tray to her friends and tells them she made them in her gourmet cooking class. Billy, Zack, and Jason gathered around and take a piece of food off the tray. Kimberly runs up and also grabs a piece. Kimberly takes a sniff and isn't impressed. She asks Trini what is in these? Trini replies it's an exotic recipe. It's very popular in France right now. They call it Torte a la escargot. Zack thinks its tasty, until Billy tells them it means snail. Jason and Zack start coughing. Trini is unaware of them tossing away their escargot as she wraps the tray. Trini looks up and smiles at her friends as she carries the tray to the Rad Bug, intending to take the dish on their field trip. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy take off in the Rad Bug. After they have been on the road awhile, the ground starts to shake. The Rad Bug has a hard time staying on the road. Kimberly is sure it's an earthquake. Zack instructs everyone to hold on. A few moments later, Billy has pulled the Rad Bug off the road and the teens are outside when Zordon contacts them. Zordon tells them to teleport to the beach immediately. Zack replies we are on our way. Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy teleport to the beach. Jason spots them and calls out to them. Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy race over to where Jason is pinned down by three large boulders. The four teens reach Jason and struggle to remove the boulders off of Jason. Zack tells Jason, not to worry, they will free him. Trini asks him if he is okay. Eventually the boulders are removed and Jason can stand back up. Jason thanks his friends. Jason realizes they need to find Jeremy - Jason had told Jeremy to run during the attack. Jeremy's got the map that Scorpina is looking for. Zack replies let's go. Trini, Kimberly, Jason, Zack, and Billy teleport off the beach. In a wooded area, Trini, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy search for Jeremy. They call out his name as they search the area. Jason's communicator goes off. Zordon tells them they must go and fight Scorpina and the Rockstar monster at the beach club. Jason is worried about Jeremy. Billy offers to find Jeremy and takes off. Zordon tells them they must go immediately! Trini, Zack, Jason, and Kimberly morph. Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrive outside the beach house by the swimming pool. Scorpina has the Putties attack. Yellow Ranger battles a couple of Putties. Red Ranger battles a couple of Putties. Black Ranger battles several more Putties. Black Ranger even tosses one of the Putties into the pool. The three Rangers do well against the Putties and they are defeated. Pink Ranger goes flying through the air, firing her Power Bow at Scorpina. Scorpina blocks each arrow with her sword. Pink Ranger battles Scorpina and is knocked to the ground. Red Ranger races over to protect Pink Ranger from Scorpina. he has his Power Sword drawn. Red Ranger races forward and battles Scorpina with his Power Sword. Yellow Ranger and Black Ranger battle Rockstar. Yellow Ranger uses her Power Daggers against Rockstar and Black Ranger uses his Power Ax against Rockstar. Black Ranger is knocked to the ground. Yellow Ranger races over to make sure he is okay. Rockstar shoots boulders out of his chest. The boulders hit Yellow Ranger and Black Ranger and they are knocked off their feet. Rockstar walks towards the two Rangers. They are pinned down and unable to get away. Rockstar kicks Black Ranger into the swimming pool. Rockstar grabs Yellow Ranger and tosses her into the swimming pool. The boulders are still attached to the two Rangers and they try desperately to stay above water. Baboo and Squatt have been watching the battle. Baboo calls out a warning to Scorpina that they got to find the kid with the map. Scorpina has been battling Pink Range rand her Power bow and Red Ranger and his Power Sword. Scorpina gives the command to hurry and finish them. Scorpina knocks Red Ranger and Pink Ranger aside and takes off. Rockstar takes off as well. Red Ranger and Pink Ranger hurried over to the swimming pool. Pink Ranger asks Yellow Ranger and Black Ranger if they are okay? They are, but they need help getting out of the pool. Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Black Ranger go to the beach where Scorpina, Baboo, Squatt, Rockstar, and more Putties are. Scorpina gives the command to attack. Baboo shouts out there they are! Get them! The Putt ties race forward. Baboo and Squatt become frighten and take off. Red Ranger battles three Putties. Scorpina laughs as she watches the battle. Pink Ranger battles another three Putties. Rockstar also laughs as he watches the battle. Red Ranger defeats the Putties he was battling. Red Ranger takes a flying leap towards Rockstar and kicks him. Rockstar knocks him to the ground. Pink Ranger helps Red Ranger to his feet as Rockstar laughs at them. Rockstar asks Scorpina if he should finish them off? Scorpina tells him it's a good idea. Rockstar shoots our more boulders, which hit Red Ranger and Pink Ranger, knocking them off their feet. Scorpina then blasts the two Rangers. Scorpina laughs as the two Rangers go flying through the air. An explosion and blast hits the hillside. Scorpina realizes Jeremy has found the Mirror of Destruction and sends Rockstar after him. Jeremy will destroy Rockstar with the Mirror of Destruction, and then tosses the mirror away. The Mirror of Destruction lands by some rocks on the beach. Scorpina races towards it. She is blasted by the Power Rangers and their Blade Blasters. Blue Ranger has joined the rest of the Rangers. The five Rangers battle Scorpina with their Blade Blasters. Scorpina has an easy time against the Rangers. She knocks Pink Ranger to the ground. Pink Ranger lands close to the Mirror of Destruction and picks it up. Pink Ranger shouts out look what I found! Pink Ranger leaps into the air. Scorpina throws her weapon into the sky. It hits Pink Ranger and knocks the Mirror of Destruction out of her hands and into Scorpina's hands. Scorpina grows to giant size and into her monster form. Scorpina tells the Rangers, now you're mine. The Power Rangers summon their zord sand form the Megazord, first in tank mode and then in battle mode. Scorpina holds out the Mirror of Destruction. The Megazord shields it's face as the Rangers inside cover their eyes. The Megazord and Scorpina battle. Suddenly a giant Goldar leaps into battle. Goldar strikes the Megazord with his sword. Goldar grabs a hold of Megazord to hold it still. The Megazord cannot break loose. Scorpina tells them nothing can save you now. Scorpina holds out the Mirror of Destruction once more. The Megazord covers it's face and then slams it's foot onto Goldar's foot. Goldar shrieks in pain and lets go of the Megazord. Goldar accidentally glance sin the mirror. Alarmed, Scorpina tosses the mirror aside. The Power Rangers size their chance. They summon the power sword. The Power Rangers destroy the Mirror of Destruction with Megazord's power sword. The Rangers are jubilant. Scorpina warns them they will pay. Goldar adds count on it. Scorpina and Goldar retreat. On the beach, the Rangers report into Zordon. Zordon tells them another job well done. Red Ranger thanks him. Jeremy comes running up, thrilled to meet the Rangers. he tells them they were awesome. Black Ranger tells Jeremy you were pretty brave yourself. Pink Ranger adds we're real proud of you, the way you kept outsmarting those Putties. Jeremy replies you know what they say, brains before brawn. Blue Ranger thinks that's an exemplary motto. Jeremy can't believe he finally got to meet the Power Rangers. He can't wait to tell Jason. Jeremy wonders where Jason is and hopes he is okay. Blue Ranger reassures Jeremy that he is sure that Jason is just fine. Trini, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Jeremy are at the Youth Center. The teens are sitting at a table as Jeremy gives several karate demonstrations as he talks about his battle with a Putty and how a magic mirror blew it to bits. Jeremy almost hits another customer as he continues with his story and physical demonstration. Trini, Billy, Zack, Kimberly, and Jason are very entertained. Trini tells her friends, wow, to think we were stuck on a boring field trip. Ernie over hears the conversation and is impressed that Jeremy met the Power Rangers. Jeremy walks over to the counter. he tells Ernie that he sure did. There was also a rock monster and a scorpion lady. Jeremy returns to the teen's table. he tells them about the rock monster throwing rocks as big as a house. Then he gives a flattering account of the Pink Ranger. Kimberly is thrilled with the compliment, but Zack only wants to hear more about the Black Ranger. Jeremy continues with his story of how the scorpion lady turned into a huge monster, and another monster came down and how the Power Rangers got into a huge robot. Jason tells Jeremy it sounds like he had a pretty wild time. Jason tells his friends he's got to go. Jeremy tells Jason he should have seen the Red one battle the scorpion lady. he was the greatest. Jason decides he has a bit more time and sits back down to listen to Jeremy. Jason tells Jeremy to continue. Jeremy gives another karate demonstration as he talks about the Red Ranger. Jeremy returns to the table and asks Jase where were you all that time? Jason has no idea what to say as Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy look at him expectantly. Jason tells them he has a martial arts class he needs to teach. Jason and Jeremy leave as Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack laugh.

Trini, Billy, Zack, and Jason are at the Youth Center. Trini is helping Billy go through the moves of a kata. Zack and Jason are sparring. Jason's communicator goes off. Zack and Jason gather close. Jason asks Zordon what is wrong? Zordon informs them that one of Rita's monsters has captured Kimberly in the park. Tommy was injured while attempting to rescue her. Jason tells Zordon they are going to teleport to the Command Center right away. Trini, Billy, Zack, and Jason run over to the locker area. Once they make sure the area is clear, they teleport out. Alpha 5 is dusting off a reclining chair when Trini, Jason, Zack, and Billy arrive. Jason immediately asks Zordon where's Tommy? Zordon replies they are teleporting him from the park right now. A few moments later, there is a flash of green and then Tommy appears on the chair, still unconscious. Trini kneels down and takes Tommy's hand. She asks Zordon if he is going to be okay? Zordon has Alpha 5 check on him. Alpha 5 runs a scan on Tommy. Alpha 5 informs them he will be alright, it just might take some time. Billy asks Zordon about Kimberly. Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows Kimberly in a nasty place screaming for help. Zordon tells them as you can see, her present accommodations are rather unpleasant. Trini, Zack, Billy, and Jason become alarmed. Zack asks Zordon where is she? Zordon tells them she is trapped in another dimension, inside the Samurai Fan Man's jar. The dimension only exists for a short period of time. When it disappears, so will everything in it. Trini, Zack, and Billy are very worried for their friend. Jason becomes angry. He tells Zordon they will morph to the Samurai Fan Man and kick him into another dimension. Zordon warns them to be careful. Samurai Fan Man is known for setting traps, and he will try and trap you as well. Trini, Jason, Zack, and Billy morph. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger arrive. Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, and Blue Ranger had their Blade Blasters drawn. Red Ranger has his Power Sword drawn. The four Rangers battle Goldar. Samurai Fan Man laughs as he watches the battle. Red Ranger leap into the air and then battles Samurai Fan Man with his Power Sword. Samurai Fan Man strikes Red Ranger and sends him flying. Red Ranger lands on the ground and the rest of the Rangers race over to him. Samurai Fan Man is joined by Goldar, Baboo and Squatt. He taunts the four Rangers, telling them they will never get Kimberly back. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger are ready to go after Samurai Fan Man. Black Ranger cautions them to be cool. We got to be careful. If that jar breaks, Kimberly is inside, she will be trapped in the other dimension. Yellow Ranger becomes very angry. She yells at Samurai Fan Man to let her friend go. Yellow Ranger takes a flying leap towards Samurai Fan Man. He knocks Yellow Ranger to the ground and she rolls to her friends. Samurai Fan Man knows they are pretty steamed. He takes out his fan and waves it towards them. Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger have a tough time against the force of the fan. Soon Black Ranger and Red Ranger go flying through the air. They are quickly followed by Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger flying through the air. Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger land in the Command Center. Black Ranger is very happy they landed in the Command Center. Alpha 5 tells them he is happy they landed here as well. The Samurai Fan Man almost trapped them in a distance dimension. Red Ranger asks how Tommy is doing? Zordon tells them he is improving. Yellow Ranger and Black Ranger kneel by Tommy. Black Ranger tries to encourage the unconscious Tommy by telling him, come on buddy, you got to get better for us. Blue Ranger wants to know how they battle this evil monster? Yellow Ranger wants to know how they are going to get Kimberly out of that jar? Zordon tells them to use their zords and they can defeat him. When the Samurai Fan Man is defeated, Kimberly will be freed. Yellow Ranger points out they need Tommy's help. Red Ranger adds and the power of the Dragonzord. Black Ranger doesn't think Tommy looks any better. Red Ranger demands to know where are the creeps who did this? Zordon tells them his sensors have tracked them to the Putty Bowl Restaurant. Zordon has them observe the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows Samurai Fan Man, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt at the Putty Bowl Restaurant being served by Putties. They are laughing and having a great time. Squatt informs them the dimension in the jar will disappear any minute, and so will Kimberly. Baboo adds then they will make the other Power Rangers disappear. Baboo uncorks the jar and peers inside. Kimberly hits the wall and demands he let her go! Kimberly then pleads for them to let her go. Alpha 5 feels bad for Kimberly. Red Ranger tells Zordon we are out of here! Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Black Ranger, and Blue Ranger arrive at the Putty Bowl Restaurant. Samurai Fan Man has a rake appear in his hands. Red Ranger battles Goldar with his Power Sword. Goldar knocks Red Ranger to the ground. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger race to his side. Samurai Fan Man tells them they will never beat him. Samurai Fan Man pulls a couple of spikes off his helmet and throws it at the four Rangers. The spikes hit Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger with an explosion and they are knocked off their feet. Samurai Fan Man and Goldar grow to giant size. Black Ranger notes to his friends, it looks like we got big trouble. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and Red Ranger summon their zords. Once the zords arrive, they leap inside them. Triceratops Dinozord fires at Samurai Fan Man and Goldar. Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord also fires at the two. There is a huge blast, but Samurai Fan Man and Goldar are okay. Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and Goldar battle. Tyrannosaurus is knocked to the ground. Goldar uses his sword to blast Sabretooth Tiger, Triceratops, and Mastodon. Blue Ranger notes this isn't working. We need more fire power. Yellow Ranger agrees. We need the Dragonzord now! Red Ranger contacts Tommy. Soon Green Ranger arrives at the battle and immediately summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger. Red Ranger is happy to see that Green Ranger has arrived. Within a few moments, Dragonzord arrives and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed. Tyrannosaurus Dinozord battles Goldar while Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battles Samurai Fan Man. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode knocks the rake out of Samurai Fan Man's hands. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode also knocks Samurai Fan Man to the ground. Samurai Fan Man quickly gets back up. He grabs the spikes out of his helmet and throws them at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is hit with several explosions. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode's drill appears. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode uses the drill against Samurai Fan Man. The drill cuts loose the jar and it falls to the ground. The cork pops open and Kimberly is freed. Kimberly immediately morphs and summons Pterodactyl Dinozord. Red Ranger welcomes Pink Ranger back. Pink Ranger thanks him and tells the group let's get those guys. Samurai Fan Man summons his staff and uses it against Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Red Ranger announces it's time to change mode. The Megazord is formed, first in tank mode, and then in battle mode. Red Ranger summons the power sword. Megazord battles Samurai Fan Man as Dragonzord battles Goldar. Megazord snaps Samurai Fan Man's staff in half. Samurai Fan Man summons his fan and uses it against Megazord. The force sends Megazord spinning through the air and crashing into the mountain. Goldar goes to stand next to Samurai Fan Man as he uses the fan against Dragonzord. Dragonzord also goes flying through thee air and crashes next to Megazord. Samurai Fan Man charges towards Megazord and Dragonzord. Megazord struggles to get back on it's feet. Red Ranger calls on the power of the Ultrazord. Titanus arrives and Ultrazord is formed. Red Ranger gives the command to fire all weapons! Samurai Fan Man is destroyed. Goldar tells the Rangers he will get them for this and retreats. After the battle, Trini is inside Billy's garage, watching the TV. The guys are outside. Trini shouts out to them - Wow! Guys, come here quick! Jason, Tommy, and Zack walk into the garage. Billy stays outside to clean up his tools. Zack, Jason, and Tommy gather around Trini and they watch the TV. The TV Announcer is asking who are the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and how do they get their incredible power? The TV Announcer tells how the Power Rangers had destroyed another of Rita's lethal monsters when Kimberly walks into the garage. Kimberly says hi to her friends and asks them if the report is about them. Billy, still outside, asks his friends to increase the volume please? Tommy does a double take at Kimberly's improved appearance and tells her it looks like your day is getting better. Kimberly picks up the remote and sarcastically asks could it have gotten any worse? Billy joins his friends in the garage, as Kimberly presses the remote. The TV explodes. Trini, Zack, and Jason respond to Kimberly's question by telling her yes. Billy yanks the remote out of Kimberly's hands. Trini, Jason, Tommy, and Zack all laugh. Billy is not amused.

Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason are enjoying their day at the beach. Trini and Zack are tossing a small beach ball around. Billy is relaxing in his beach chair next to Kimberly, who is writing. Jason is practicing his martial arts. Bulk & Skull arrive at the beach. Skull is weighted down by various beach gear he is carrying. He accidentally kicks sand onto a couple of girls as he walks by. Bulk heads straight towards Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack. Skull follows him. Zack hits the beach ball and it goes into their direction and hits Bulk. Trini shouts out a sorry Bulk, as Bulk falls onto the sand, knocking Skull down as well. Bulk tells him this looks like a good spot. Trini grabs the beach ball and goes back to her game. Bulk gets up as Skull sets up their things. Bulk walks over to Jason. He mimics Jason's martial arts. Bulk tells Jason, your friend Tommy is history, muscle brain! Trini and Zack walk up to the Bulk and Jason. Bulk gloats that he is going to get this commercial. Kimberly and Billy notice what is going on and they get up and join the group. Jason replies, let's see about that Bulk. Bulk tells him, okay, we'll see. Bulk walks back over to where Skull is. Bulk throws Skull the sunscreen bottle and tells him to get to work. Bulk wants to get a tan before the audition. Skull accidentally sprays the whole bottle onto Bulk's face and chest. Bulk is furious. He tells Skull, I want to get a tan, not a bath. Watching the whole thing, Trini, Kimberly, Zack, Jason, and Billy laugh. After awhile, Bulk & Skull leave the beach. Trini and her friends play a game of volleyball. Trini hits the ball out of bounds and goes after it. Trini becomes very frighten when she sees Scorpina. Scorpina immediately has the Putties attack. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack morph. Yellow Ranger battles a couple of Putties. Red Ranger battles several Putties. Blue Ranger battles a couple of Putties. Black Ranger battles several Putties as well. Red Ranger defeats his batch of Putties and starts battling Scorpina. Scorpina strikes Red Ranger with her weapon. Red Ranger is hit, lands on the beach, and rolls away. The rest of the Rangers gather around Red Ranger. Red Ranger gets up and they all face Scorpina. She tells them, now meet my pet worm. An ugly looking worm appears and starts spraying the Rangers with strings. The strings wrapped around the Rangers, forms into a cocoon, and encases them inside. Red Ranger punches and kicks, but cannot break free from the cocoon. Red Ranger wonders, what is this stuff? Pink Ranger has no idea, but it's pretty strong. Red Ranger tries contacting Zordon, but gets no response. Blue Ranger notes his communicator's signal is jammed. He asks the rest of the Rangers if theirs is getting through and they all reply no. Yellow Ranger wonders if they can teleport out of here? Blue Ranger replies no, and there seems to be no way out. Pink Ranger suggests they keep looking, there's got to be a way. The Rangers are unaware that the Putties have pushed the cocoon off the cliff and into the ocean. Blue Ranger notes that they are moving and it feels like we are on water. Red Ranger instructs the team to hold on. The cocoon continues to float in the ocean. Blue Ranger tells the rest that the air is getting thin. The Rangers get tossed around in the cocoon. Black Ranger suggests they try their weapons. The Power Rangers pull out their Blade Blasters. Black Ranger thinks they can blast their way out of here. Red Ranger instructs the team to set the weapons on low power and fire on my mark. Red Ranger counts backwards from three and then the Rangers fire their weapons. A hole begins to appear in the cocoon. The Rangers continue to blast their way out of the cocoon and Alpha 5 teleports them out. Alpha 5 also informs the Rangers that Goldar has sent down Babe Ruthless, the baseball monster. The Rangers arrive and summon their zords. When the zords arrive, the Rangers immediately leap into them. Babe Ruthless is already giant size. Goldar is there and he grows to giant size. Scorpina goes into her monster form and is also giant size. Babe Ruthless tells them, play ball! Tyrannosaurus Dinozord battles Scorpina and Goldar. Scorpina strikes Tyrannosaurus with her weapon. Goldar quickly strikes Tyrannosaurus with his weapon. Babe Ruthless shouts out, batter up! Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord fires it's lasers at Babe Ruthless. Babe Ruthless is hit. Angry, Babe Ruthless shouts, try my curve ball! The blast hits Sabretooth Tiger, Mastodon, and Triceratops. Black Ranger informs the rest of the Rangers, they have Red Ranger pinned down. They got to do something. Blue Ranger suggests they come in from either side and draw him away from Red Ranger. Babe Ruthless gloats, his pitches are like lightening. All in his path shall be punished. Red Ranger tells his team, they have to take him down. Red Ranger instructs them to power up their weapons and give it all they got. Sabretooth Tiger fires it's weapons once more. The blast hits Goldar and Scorpina, knocking them off their feet. Babe Ruthless steps in front of them, as Goldar and Scorpina get back up. Blue Ranger is excited, alright! Way to go! Black Ranger adds, that was awesome! Green Ranger arrives at the industrial complex and immediately summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger. Red Ranger is happy to see Green Ranger has arrived. Dragonzord arrives at the battle and starts firing at Goldar and Scorpina, knocking them off their feet and freeing Tyrannosaurus. Yellow Ranger shouts out, great shot! Now let's pull it together and show them what we got! Dragonzord stands next to Tyrannosaurus. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed. Red Ranger switches Tyrannosaurus to remote. Red Ranger leaves Tyrannosaurus and leaps onto Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and enters the cockpit. Goldar, Babe Ruthless, and Scorpina charge at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and Tyrannosaurus. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battles Scorpina and Goldar. Tyrannosaurus battles Babe Ruthless. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode lands a punch on Scorpina and sends her flying. Goldar races up and strikes Dragonzord in Fighting Mode with his sword. Scorpina returns and battles Dragonzord in Fighting Mode with her weapon. Babe Ruthless takes a flying leap towards Tyrannosaurus. Babe Ruthless then joins Goldar and Scorpina. Goldar and Scorpina combine their weapons and send a powerful blast towards Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Babe Ruthless bends his head and fires pink gas at them from the top of his baseball cap. Blue Ranger tells Red Ranger, we need the shield. The shield is powered up and appears. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode uses the shield to protect him and Tyrannosaurus from the pink gas. Babe Ruthless tries another tactic. He summons a giant red ball and throws it at Tyrannosaurus. Tyrannosaurs uses his tail to hit the ball back at Babe Ruthless. The ball hits Babe Ruthless in the chest. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode powers up it's drill. Babe Ruthless charges at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode uses the drill and destroys Babe Ruthless. Goldar retreats. Zordon contacts the Rangers, and Red Ranger responds, yes Zordon. Zordon informs them that Scorpina is back in Angel Grove. Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, she's probably back in human form! Red Ranger tells his team, let's go get her! The five Power Rangers leap out Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. They face down Scorpina. Red Ranger pulls out his Blade Blaster. Scorpina's Pet Worm arrives and grows to giant size. Scorpina tells her pet to trap them and you better make the cocoon strong. The five Rangers become alarmed. Pink Ranger points out if he traps us again, we may never come out. Red Ranger is determined that is not going to happen again. The five Rangers summon their zords. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode disengages. Sabretooth Tiger, Mastodon, Pterodactyl, Tyrannosaurus, and Triceratops arrive. The Rangers leap into their zords. The Megazord is quickly formed. Scorpina's Pet Worm charges at the Megazord. Megazord and Scorpina's Pet Worm battle. Megazord knocks Scorpina's Pet Worm to the ground. Scorpina's Pet Worm gets back up and starts shooting it's strings at the Megazord. Red Ranger hollers for Tommy - we need your help! A strong cocoon forms around the Megazord. Scorpina's Pet Worm laughs. Green Ranger arrives and uses his Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord once more. Dragonzord fires it's missiles and hits Scorpina's Pet Worm, knocking it to the ground. Dragonzord uses it's tail to cut through the cocoon. Megazord pushes the two halves apart and is free. Scorpina's Pet Worm gets back up. Red Ranger gives the command that it's time for Megadragonzord power! Megadragonzord is formed. Scorpina's Pet Worm charges at Megadragonzord. Megadragonzord uses it's full power and destroys Scorpina's Pet Worm. The following day, Trini, Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack are at the counter of the Youth Center. Ernie is behind the counter and he asks them how was the beach yesterday? Billy replies that it wasn't exactly relaxing, Ernie. The TV Announcer appears on the small TV set. He is giving a report on those amazing heroes, the Power Rangers. The Power Rangers have once again, successfully defeated another attack on Angel Grove by Rita Repulsa and her seeming endless hordes of monsters and thugs. The TV Announcer continues by stating while the city sustain some property damage, no harm befell any of the citizens, thanks to the incredible Power Rangers. Trini and her friends are very flattered by this report. Ernie is impressed and tells the teens you got to love the Power Rangers. Kimberly asks Tommy when they are going to see his commercial? The day before, Tommy had auditioned for a part in a karate center commercial. Bulk & Skull has walked in and head straight for the counter. Bulk has overheard Kimberly's question and replies he can hardy wait himself. I got the part. Just then the commercial comes on. Bulk grins as he eagerly watches it, but the grin soon fades away. The commercial uses the footage of their audition and Bulk's as an example of what you could look like if you tried to learn karate on your own. Ernie is amused. Trini and her friends start to giggle and even Skull grins until Bulk gives him a look. The unflattering footage cuts away to Tommy's audition, with the announcement if you sign up for their classes, you can look like this. Skull laughs at the end of the commercial. Bulk yanks him by his jacket and tosses him aside. Bulk glares at Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Tommy, and Jason and then storms out. Bulk blames Skull - telling him you call yourself a manager! This is your fault. Ernie smiles as he watches them go. Trini, Tommy, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy all laugh.

Angel Grove's talent show was being held at the Youth Center. The place is packed with teens practicing for the talent show and people helping set up the show. Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy were there helping out Ernie. Jason and Tommy came in and walked over to them. Jason asks them how's rehearsal going? Ernie replies it's going fine, except they are having a hard time keeping track of everyone's props. Trini is helping with the props and she adds they are still looking for a few things. The conversation reminds Tommy that he has forgotten to bring their belts. Jason isn't worried, they can just get them later. Tommy insists that they have to have them. Tommy tells them he will be right back as he heads out. Moments later, Ernie asks Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack if they can help him sort the stuff out. Trini and the rest are more than happy to help. After awhile, Billy walks in and heads over to Jason.

Billy wonders what is keeping Tommy? Jason doesn't know and tells his friends, Tommy isn't answering his communicator. He should have been back half an hour ago. Kimberly adds, did he have to go to Japan to pick up the black belts or what? Zack tells them it's not funny. Tommy could be in trouble. Billy agrees, he is sure something is wrong. Jason's communicator goes off. Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy hurry over to the locker area. Jason states, we read you Zordon. Zordon tells them teleport to the Command Center immediately. Jason replies, we are on our way. Trini, Billy, Zack, Kimberly, and Jason teleport out. Trini, Billy, Zack, Kimberly, and Jason arrive in the Command Center. Jason immediately tells Zordon that Tommy doesn't answer his communicator. Zordon replies, that is why I have called you here. Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe. It shows Tommy being captured by the Putties. Zack immediately states, we got to help him. Zordon replies, not so fast Zack. There is another problem. Rita has released a gnarling fang monster, who intends to destroy the Earth. The viewing globe is now showing images of Fang. Zack comments, man, he's ugly. Billy agrees. Kimberly is at a dilemma. Zordon, shouldn't we help Tommy first? Zordon replies, Tommy is capable of handling his situation. Your first priority must be to destroy Fang, before he can release his awesome power. Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack morph. They teleport to where Fang, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt are. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive with their Blade Blasters drawn. Goldar commands Fang to attack! Fang refuses - not until I get some gooney bird eggs. Goldar tells Fang, that the Power Rangers have all the gooney bird eggs. Baboo adds with sprinkles on them! Fang charges past them. Fang knocks several boulders down to where Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are. Yellow Ranger and the rest of Rangers manage to avoid the boulders. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers leap into battle and start fighting Fang with their Blade Blasters. Fang knocks them all aside. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers gather together. Baboo, Squatt, and Goldar hurry over to Fang's side. Baboo threatens that they better leave, or he will be forced to raise his voice in anger. Goldar commands Fang to attack them! Fang picks up several more boulders and throws them at Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers.

Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers manage to avoid getting hit. Goldar uses his sword to blast the rocks and knocks Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers off the cliff. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers land in a crumpled heap. From above, Fang, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt look at them. Instead of continuing with the battle, Fang takes off to cry about his gooney eggs. Rita arrives and soon Fang is giant size. The Rangers summon their zords and soon the Megazord is formed. The Rangers battle Fang, but they need more help. Tommy has managed to free himself and Green Ranger and quickly summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger. Dragonzord joins in the battle. It is a difficult battle and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and Tyrannosaurus battle Fang. It is not enough and Titanus is summon. Ultrazord is formed. Fang is destroyed by Ultrazord. After the battle, Trini and her friends returned to the Youth Center. Jason let Zordon know that they had destroyed another of Rita's plans. Ernie walked over and asked where they have been? Tommy and Jason were next. Ernie announced them. Tommy and Jason walked down the aisle and jumped up on the stage. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack cheered with them, along with the audience. Tommy and Jason gave a martial arts demonstration. The audience really enjoyed it and gave them a lot of applause as they walked off stage. Bulk and Skull followed with their band. They played their song, which most of the audience didn't enjoy. When they were done, it was dead silent except for a few claps from Kimberly. Trini smiled and Tommy laughed.

Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly were at the Command Center. Kimberly told them about the attack on her and Tommy and how Tommy had been captured. Kimberly is pacing back and forth. Kimberly is convince this is another one of Rita's wicked plans. She's going to try to regain control of Tommy. I just know it. Billy is working on the computer with Alpha 5. Zordon tells the teens, I can't get a lock on him. Rita must be holding him in her dimensional prison. Jason asks Billy if he has come up with anything? Billy replies, not yet. Still trying to tune in to the frequency of his morpher. The alarm goes off. Kimberly notices the image on the viewing globe first and directs her friends to look. The viewing globe shows Dragonzord attacking Angel Grove. Zack concludes it can only mean one thing. Zordon continues, Rita has regain control of the Dragonzord. The five teens are alarmed. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly continue to watch images of Dragonzord attacking Angel Grove as the alarm continues to go off. Jason tells his team, we got to stop it. Kimberly is worried about Tommy and asks, what about Tommy? Zack replies, we have to take him down too. Zordon tells the teens to wait, his sensors tells him the Dragonzord they see is an imposter. Trini asks, one of Rita's creations? Billy concludes, she's trying to lure us into a trap. Jason tells his team, we don't have a choice. It's got to be stopped. Zordon warns the teens to be careful. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Jason, and Zack morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive in the city, ready to battle. Goldar is there and he has the Putties attack. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Black Ranger battle the Putties. Goldar leaps into the battle. Red Ranger battles Goldar with his Power Sword. Red Ranger demands to know where Tommy is. Goldar replies, you will never see your friend again! Goldar knocks Red Ranger to the ground. The imposter Dragonzord continues it's attack on the city. Rubble falls all around the five Rangers, who are still battling. Red Ranger exclaims, we got to do something and fast! Red Ranger battles the Putties with his Power Sword. The rest of the Rangers continue their battle with the Putties. Red Ranger exclaims, we need dinosaur power now! The Dino Zords are summon. When the zords arrive, Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers leap inside them. Megazord is quickly formed. Megazord and the imposter Dragonzord battle. Imposter Dragonzord uses it's tail against Megazord and hits it hard. Megazord lands a punch on imposter Dragonzord. Megazord also lands a kick on imposter Dragonzord. Imposter Dragonzord smacks Megazord with it's tail once more. Red Ranger can't believe it - imposter Dragonzord is just as powerful as the real Dragonzord. Pink Ranger adds and Rita controls it. What if we can't defeat it? Black Ranger replies, we have too. Pink Ranger wonders how. Red Ranger replies, we could if we had Tommy's help. Red Ranger instructs his team, we got to pull it together until he gets here. After awhile, Green Ranger arrives on top of a building, in the city where imposter Dragonzord is battling Megazord. Green Ranger runs over to the edge of the building and alerts the rest of the Rangers that he has arrived, Goldar had him trapped. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are happy to see him. Green Ranger exclaims, it's time for some real Dragonzord power! Green Ranger starts playing his Dragon Dagger. Megazord and imposter Dragonzord continue to fight. Imposter Dragonzord knocks Megazord to the ground. Green Ranger notices his powers are weakening already. Green Ranger continues to play his Dragon Dagger. Dragonzord arrives and joins in the battle against imposter Dragonzord. Black Ranger notices the real Dragonzord has arrived and lets the rest of the Rangers know. Green Ranger is happy to see Dragonzord has arrived. Dragonzord uses it's tail to strike imposter Dragonzord. Imposter Dragonzord loses it's shape and reveals itself to be Cyclops. Red Ranger notes, Dragonzord must have hurt it, Cyclops can't hold it's shape anymore. Cyclops tries again, using the shape of Megazord, but loses it quickly. Cyclops tries once more assuming the shape of Dragonzord, but it's only briefly and he reverts back to his true form. Before Megazord and Dragonzord can strike, Cyclops retreats. Red Ranger shouts out way to go Tommy! Glad to have you back. Green Ranger replies, I'm a Power Ranger till the end. After the battle, the teens go to the Command Center, where Alpha 5 runs a scan on Tommy. Kimberly wants to know what Alpha 5 is doing. Billy replies, checking Tommy for internal damage due to crossing dimensions. Alpha 5 announces the results, all clear. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Jason, Zack, and Tommy are very relived. Tommy thanks Alpha 5. Tommy is thankful that he was able to get out of the dark dimension. Jason remembers Rita's secret dimension, it's one bad place. Kimberly points out to Tommy that the important thing is that he is okay. Tommy has his doubts, am I? According to Rita, my powers are going to be gone soon. Trini is convinced that Rita is just bluffing, trying to scare you. How will she be able to take away your powers? Zordon tells the teens, he's afraid that it is possible. The teens face Zordon. Tommy asks Zordon if he found out something about the green candle he had told him about. Zordon replies yes. Rita has a special form of wax from the Gamma Tri system. Once touched, it retains a person's body energy. Tommy tells Zordon, but I never touch anything. Zordon replies, you did when you worked for Rita. Kimberly is in disbelief. No way! And she's been saving the wax all this time! Zordon replies, yes. And now she has made a candle from the wax and cast a spell over it. Connecting the Green Ranger's powers to it's flames. Tommy is stunned. Then Rita wasn't bluffing. Once the candle burns out.....I'm history. Green Ranger is....finished.

Trini, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, Tommy, and Zack are in the Command Center. Tommy is still having difficulty accepting the fact that Rita can take his powers. I don't believe this. Rita has linked my powers to a candle. Zordon confirms it. And if the flames burn out while in her possession, you will be stripped of those powers and they will belong to Rita forever. Kimberly steps forward and asks Zordon if there is anything we can do? Zordon tells them someone must journey into Rita's dark dimension and get the green candle before it burns out. Tommy immediately asks, how do I get there? Zordon replies, you don't. Your presence will only accelerate Rita's spell. Another Ranger must go in. Jason immediately volunteers. Tommy tells him to forget it. Jason tells Tommy, it's makes sense. I'm the only other Ranger that has ever been there. Tommy replies that it's dangerous. Billy reminds Tommy, that it's his only chance. Tommy still refuses, there is no way I'm going to risk something happening to Jason because of me. Jason tells Tommy, he is one of us. You're a Power Ranger. I'm not going to stand by and watch as we loss a teammate. Trini adds that Jason speaks for all of us. Tommy is overwhelmed by their concern and thanks Jason. Alpha 5 exclaims, Zordon, I found it! Tommy asks, found what? Trini, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, Tommy, and Zack gather around Alpha 5. Alpha 5 answers, the molecular energy patterns left by the Putties in the park Zack has no idea what Alpha 5 is talking about. Billy explains, Alpha's found the doorway to Rita's dark dimension. Later, Billy announces that the molecular decoders are ready. Alpha 5 hopes it works. Jason is ready to teleport. Trini, Billy, and Zack are all ready to go. Kimberly feels bad about leaving Tommy behind. Tommy tells her thanks, he doesn't know what else to say. Kimberly reassures him that he doesn't have to say anything. Just know that you mean a lot to us. Trini and Jason grin as they overhear their conversation. Kimberly joins the rest of the team and they teleport out. Kimberly leads Trini, Billy, Jason, and Zack to the place where Tommy was captured. Trini is eager to get to work and set up the decoders. Billy works on his as Trini and Zack work on the other decoder. Trini checks with Billy to make sure she has the decoder set up properly. Zack is working on the other decoder. Billy instructs Trini and Zack to line up the decoders exactly. Billy double checks the decoders. He thinks they are ready. Zack suggests they fire them up. Before they do, Kimberly asks her friends if they hear that really gross sound? Billy, Jason, and Zack hear it as well and reply yeah. Bulk and Skull have been climbing up the hill to reach them, and they are now out of breath. Bulk tells them they are in our private park! Skull backs him up. Billy walks over to Skull and Bulk and tells them, actually this is a public park, anyone can visit. Billy thinks he has the matter cleared up. Skull replies, anyone but you Brainic. So get going! Trini tells Skull and Bulk to leave them alone. They have work to do. Skull notices the decoders and asks Bulk what are those? Bulk doesn't know, but he is eager to find out. Zack tells them they can look, but don't touch. Bulk becomes angry - no one tells me what to do! Bulk charges towards Zack. Zack quickly steps out of the way. Zack has moved in front of a trash can. Bulk turns around and charges towards him once more. Zack steps away and Bulk lands, head first, into the trash can. The trash can tips over and rolls down the hill. Skull quickly races down the hill to help his friends. Trini, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Zack, watch from the top of the hill. The can stops rolling when it crashes into a tree. Skull helps Bulk out of the trash can. Trini and her friends go back to work. The teens start turning on the decoders. The decoders start to spark and Billy announces the first decoder has been activated. Within a few moments, Trini announces the second decoder has been activated. Zack notes the portal is open. Jason contacts Zordon to let him know he is going in. Zordon replies, good luck Jason and may the power protect you. Jason tells his friends he is ready. Close the portal, once I'm in. Zack is worried about his friend and wishes him good luck. Jason thanks him as he is going to need it. Jason walks into the portal and vanishes. Trini and Kimberly exchange worried glances. Unfortunately Green Ranger needed their help in battling giant Cyclops. Zack entered the portal to get Jason. Jason had been battling Goldar and was unable to get the candle. Zack and Jason left the dark dimension without the candle. Trini and her friends morph and quickly formed the Ultrazord. The Rangers battle giant Cyclops and eventually destroy him. Unfortunately, during the battle, the green candle burnt out. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleported to the Command Center. Green Ranger gave Red Ranger his power coin, to prevent Rita from obtaining them. Green Ranger soon demorph. Tommy no longer had any of his powers. Pink Ranger told Tommy that he would always be one of them.

The Youth Center was hosting the Junior Martial Arts competition over the weekend. Trini sat with Billy and Kimberly in the audience. Zack is talking to one of his students, Cameron, to help prepare him for the matches. After awhile, Zack joined them. After a few moments, Jason walks over to his friends. He points to his communicator and whispers that there is trouble. We got to go. Zack becomes upset, why now? Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason all feel bad for Zack and Cameron. Zack reluctantly walks over to Cameron, who is stretching. When Zack is done talking to Cameron, who is clearly upset, they leave the Youth Center. Trini and her friends teleport to the Command Center. Jason asks Zordon what's happening? Zordon informs them that Rita has buried a bird like monster named the Hatchasaurus in the ground near the power plant. Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe. It shows a very ugly monster. Zordon tells them not to be fooled by it's appearance. It is controlled by an ultra intelligent internal computer called Cardiatron. Your mission is to get inside the Hatchasaurus and disconnect the Cardiatron. Trini and Kimberly are not looking forward to that. Zack asks how? Zordon tells them to have confidence in your skills. I know you will find a way and wishes them good luck. Trini and her friends morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive and the zords are summon immediately. The Rangers leaped into their zords as giant Hatchasaurus appears. Red Ranger thinks they could use some help. Pink Ranger agrees. Red Ranger uses the Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord. Dragonzord arrives and immediately begins battling Hatchasaurus. It's an intense battle. Hatchasaurus makes a couple of strikes, but so does Dragonzord. Eventually Dragonzord grabs a hold of Hatchasaurus. Red Ranger announces that Dragonzord has got him, let's finish him guys! The rest of the Rangers are ready. Sabretooth Tiger, Triceratops, Pterodactyl, and Mastodon all fire at Hatchasaurus. Hatchasaurus is hit several times, goes flying through the air and lands on the ground. Hatchasaurus gets back up and Tyrannosaurus fires at it. Hatchasaurus is hit and blows up. The next day, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Zack, and Jason are teleported to the Command Center. Zack asks what's wrong? Zordon informs them that the Hatchasaurus has not been defeated. Kimberly can't believe it. We totally shredded that thing! Zordon reminds them that they still have to destroy Cardiatron, it's computer. Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows images of Hatchasaurus pieces reforming. Trini can't believe what she is seeing, this is impossible. Jason thinks they will need the Megadragonzord to take this monster down. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Zack, and Jason are worried. The teens continue to gaze at the viewing globe until Zordon reminds them there is only one way to defeat the Hatchasaurus. Billy adds we must disconnect the Cardiatron. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Jason, and Zack morph and teleport out. Hatchasaurus begins attacking the city. The Power Rangers arrive in their Megazord. Red Ranger tells Hatchasaurus, you want a fight, you got it! Megazord and Hatchasaurus battle. Megazord lands several punches. Hatchasaurus strikes the Megazord hard enough to make it go back several steps. Hatchasaurus charges at Megazord and rams it. Megazord continues to fight Hatchasaurus. Hatchasaurus grabbed Megazord and uses it's chest to shoot Megazord with electrical currents. When Hatchasaurus released Megazord, it fell to the ground. Red Ranger warned the rest of the Rangers to brace themselves, it's headed straight for them. Hatchasaurus leaped on top of the fallen Megazord. Hatchasaurus struck the Megazord several times. Red Ranger pulled out the Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord for help. After a few moments, Red Ranger knew sometime was wrong, when Dragonzord did not appear. He continued to play the Dragon Dagger, but no Dragonzord. Blue Ranger informed them that something was interfering with his mega receptors. Hatchasaurus continued to strike the Megazord. Red Ranger decides it's time for the power sword. It arrives, knocking Hatchasaurus off the Megazord. Megazord gets up and grabs the power sword. Hatchasaurus charges at it once more. Megazord and Hatchasaurus battle. Hatchasaurus picks up Megazord, spins around, and then throws it aside. Blue Ranger informs them that their power is down by fifty percent. Megazord gets back up. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, it's time we finish this dude. The Megazord uses it's power sword against Hatchasaurus as it charges towards them. Hatchasaurus is defeated. Thanks to Cardiatron, Hatchasaurus is put together again, this time with the addition of horns. Dragonzord has arrived, but he is unable to help the Rangers. Red Ranger notes to the rest of the Rangers, it looks like we have to finish him again. The Megazord raises it's power sword and battles Hatchasaurus as Dragonzord helplessly watches. At one point, Hatchasaurus grabs a hold of the power sword. Red Ranger notes there is something wrong and has Blue Ranger check it out. Blue Ranger soon discovers there's an outside energy source working against the zord. Red Ranger realizes Dragonzord is locked in Rita's spell and they are on their own. Megazord manages to break the power sword free from Hatchasaurus and the battle continues. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, they got to disconnect that computer. Red Ranger leaves the cockpit and leaps inside of Hatchasaurus. Soon several explosions emerge from Megazord. Megazord drops it's power sword. The remaining Rangers notes that Hatchasaurus is charging towards them. Megazord and Hatchasaurus battle again. The Rangers continue to have a difficult time against Hatchasaurus. Dragonzord struggles against the spell and soon falls to the ground. Yellow Ranger notes, he's helpless. Black Ranger shouts out, Jase, the Dragon flute! Red Ranger begins to play the Dragon Dagger while still inside Hatchasaurus. Dragonzord continues to lay on the ground. When Red Ranger yells out, Dragonzord power! This is enough to break the spell Dragonzord is under. Dragonzord quickly gets back up and is able to move freely. Megazord grabs a hold of Hatchasaurus. Dragonzord walks over and uses it's tail to strike Hatchasaurus. This knocks Red Ranger and Cardiatron out. The rest of the Rangers are stun to see Cardiatron. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Black Ranger watch from the cockpit as Red Ranger battles and eventually destroys Cardiatron with the Power Sword and Dragon Dagger. Red Ranger summons Titanus and Ultrazord is formed. Hatchasaurus charges towards Ultrazord. Ultrazord fires all weapons and Hatchasaurus is destroyed. After the battle, Trini and her friends return to the Youth Center. Zack checks the chart for the competition. Zack is very excited as he walks over to his friends. He tells Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason that Cameron made it to the highest martial arts level. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason are very happy for Cameron. Zack is concern that Cameron might be mad at him for leaving him yesterday. Kimberly is confident everything will be okay. Trini notices Cameron has entered and points him out to Zack. Zack walks over to Cameron. Kimberly is right, after an apology from Zack, Cameron is happy to have Zack back in his corner. Zack joins his friends. The match between Cameron and Biff begins. Initially Biff does very well against Cameron. Biff knocks Cameron to the mat several times. Zack steps forward and whispers to Cameron to use the new leg move. Cameron does so, knocking Biff down. With more confidence, Cameron starts knocking Biff to the mat. Soon the match ends and the judges call is Cameron is the winner. The crowd applauds. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Zack, and Jason cheer. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Zack, and Jason walk over to Cameron to congratulate him. Cameron asks Zack if he made him proud? Zack replies, absolutely. Proud because you believed in yourself. Trini and her friends grin, all in high spirits.

The Youth Center was hosting the Junior Martial Arts competition over the weekend. Trini sat with Billy and Kimberly in the audience. Zack is talking to one of his students, Cameron, to help prepare him for the matches. After awhile, Zack joined them. After a few moments, Jason walks over to his friends. He points to his communicator and whispers that there is trouble. We got to go. Zack becomes upset, why now? Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason all feel bad for Zack and Cameron. Zack reluctantly walks over to Cameron, who is stretching. When Zack is done talking to Cameron, who is clearly upset, they leave the Youth Center. Trini and her friends teleport to the Command Center. Jason asks Zordon what's happening? Zordon informs them that Rita has buried a bird like monster named the Hatchasaurus in the ground near the power plant. Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe. It shows a very ugly monster. Zordon tells them not to be fooled by it's appearance. It is controlled by an ultra intelligent internal computer called Cardiatron. Your mission is to get inside the Hatchasaurus and disconnect the Cardiatron. Trini and Kimberly are not looking forward to that. Zack asks how? Zordon tells them to have confidence in your skills. I know you will find a way and wishes them good luck. Trini and her friends morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive and the zords are summon immediately. The Rangers leaped into their zords as giant Hatchasaurus appears. Red Ranger thinks they could use some help. Pink Ranger agrees. Red Ranger uses the Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord. Dragonzord arrives and immediately begins battling Hatchasaurus. It's an intense battle. Hatchasaurus makes a couple of strikes, but so does Dragonzord. Eventually Dragonzord grabs a hold of Hatchasaurus. Red Ranger announces that Dragonzord has got him, let's finish him guys! The rest of the Rangers are ready. Sabretooth Tiger, Triceratops, Pterodactyl, and Mastodon all fire at Hatchasaurus. Hatchasaurus is hit several times, goes flying through the air and lands on the ground. Hatchasaurus gets back up and Tyrannosaurus fires at it. Hatchasaurus is hit and blows up. The next day, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Zack, and Jason are teleported to the Command Center. Zack asks what's wrong? Zordon informs them that the Hatchasaurus has not been defeated. Kimberly can't believe it. We totally shredded that thing! Zordon reminds them that they still have to destroy Cardiatron, it's computer. Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows images of Hatchasaurus pieces reforming. Trini can't believe what she is seeing, this is impossible. Jason thinks they will need the Megadragonzord to take this monster down. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Zack, and Jason are worried. The teens continue to gaze at the viewing globe until Zordon reminds them there is only one way to defeat the Hatchasaurus. Billy adds we must disconnect the Cardiatron. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Jason, and Zack morph and teleport out. Hatchasaurus begins attacking the city. The Power Rangers arrive in their Megazord. Red Ranger tells Hatchasaurus, you want a fight, you got it! Megazord and Hatchasaurus battle. Megazord lands several punches. Hatchasaurus strikes the Megazord hard enough to make it go back several steps. Hatchasaurus charges at Megazord and rams it. Megazord continues to fight Hatchasaurus. Hatchasaurus grabbed Megazord and uses it's chest to shoot Megazord with electrical currents. When Hatchasaurus released Megazord, it fell to the ground. Red Ranger warned the rest of the Rangers to brace themselves, it's headed straight for them. Hatchasaurus leaped on top of the fallen Megazord. Hatchasaurus struck the Megazord several times. Red Ranger pulled out the Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord for help. After a few moments, Red Ranger knew sometime was wrong, when Dragonzord did not appear. He continued to play the Dragon Dagger, but no Dragonzord. Blue Ranger informed them that something was interfering with his mega receptors. Hatchasaurus continued to strike the Megazord. Red Ranger decides it's time for the power sword. It arrives, knocking Hatchasaurus off the Megazord. Megazord gets up and grabs the power sword. Hatchasaurus charges at it once more. Megazord and Hatchasaurus battle. Hatchasaurus picks up Megazord, spins around, and then throws it aside. Blue Ranger informs them that their power is down by fifty percent. Megazord gets back up. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, it's time we finish this dude. The Megazord uses it's power sword against Hatchasaurus as it charges towards them. Hatchasaurus is defeated. Thanks to Cardiatron, Hatchasaurus is put together again, this time with the addition of horns. Dragonzord has arrived, but he is unable to help the Rangers. Red Ranger notes to the rest of the Rangers, it looks like we have to finish him again. The Megazord raises it's power sword and battles Hatchasaurus as Dragonzord helplessly watches. At one point, Hatchasaurus grabs a hold of the power sword. Red Ranger notes there is something wrong and has Blue Ranger check it out. Blue Ranger soon discovers there's an outside energy source working against the zord. Red Ranger realizes Dragonzord is locked in Rita's spell and they are on their own. Megazord manages to break the power sword free from Hatchasaurus and the battle continues. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, they got to disconnect that computer. Red Ranger leaves the cockpit and leaps inside of Hatchasaurus. Soon several explosions emerge from Megazord. Megazord drops it's power sword. The remaining Rangers notes that Hatchasaurus is charging towards them. Megazord and Hatchasaurus battle again. The Rangers continue to have a difficult time against Hatchasaurus. Dragonzord struggles against the spell and soon falls to the ground. Yellow Ranger notes, he's helpless. Black Ranger shouts out, Jase, the Dragon flute! Red Ranger begins to play the Dragon Dagger while still inside Hatchasaurus. Dragonzord continues to lay on the ground. When Red Ranger yells out, Dragonzord power! This is enough to break the spell Dragonzord is under. Dragonzord quickly gets back up and is able to move freely. Megazord grabs a hold of Hatchasaurus. Dragonzord walks over and uses it's tail to strike Hatchasaurus. This knocks Red Ranger and Cardiatron out. The rest of the Rangers are stun to see Cardiatron. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Black Ranger watch from the cockpit as Red Ranger battles and eventually destroys Cardiatron with the Power Sword and Dragon Dagger. Red Ranger summons Titanus and Ultrazord is formed. Hatchasaurus charges towards Ultrazord. Ultrazord fires all weapons and Hatchasaurus is destroyed. After the battle, Trini and her friends return to the Youth Center. Zack checks the chart for the competition. Zack is very excited as he walks over to his friends. He tells Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason that Cameron made it to the highest martial arts level. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason are very happy for Cameron. Zack is concern that Cameron might be mad at him for leaving him yesterday. Kimberly is confident everything will be okay. Trini notices Cameron has entered and points him out to Zack. Zack walks over to Cameron. Kimberly is right, after an apology from Zack, Cameron is happy to have Zack back in his corner. Zack joins his friends. The match between Cameron and Biff begins. Initially Biff does very well against Cameron. Biff knocks Cameron to the mat several times. Zack steps forward and whispers to Cameron to use the new leg move. Cameron does so, knocking Biff down. With more confidence, Cameron starts knocking Biff to the mat. Soon the match ends and the judges call is Cameron is the winner. The crowd applauds. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Zack, and Jason cheer. Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Zack, and Jason walk over to Cameron to congratulate him. Cameron asks Zack if he made him proud? Zack replies, absolutely. Proud because you believed in yourself. Trini and her friends grin, all in high spirits.

Trini and her friends were in Ms. Appleby's classroom. Ms. Appleby had given them a video assignment. Trini presented hers to the class. It was a documentary on the problems of pollution, even in Angel Grove. Trini wanted to put together a clean-up club and her friends wanted to help. After school, Trini and her friends met at the Youth Center. Ernie was involved in the clean-up club as well. Trini and her friends had set up several recycling bins for the Youth Center. Trini now wanted to tackle the Angel Grove park. Trini and her friends left the Youth Center. Trini and her friends were surprised at the amount of trash the park had. They quickly set to work cleaning up the park. Trini and her friends had gotten a lot done. The putties suddenly appeared. Trini and her friends battled and defeated the putties. But more problems loomed. A monster was attacking Angel Grove. Trini and her friends morphed. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled the monster. It was a difficult battle and the Power Rangers had to retreat to the Command Center. Zordon filled in the teens with information about the latest monster. Billy soon came up with a way to defeat it. Trini and her friends morphed once more. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled the monster. Soon the zords were called and the Megazord was formed. The battle continued until the Power Rangers destroyed the monster. Trini and her friends returned to the Youth Center. They watched the TV which showed the victory of the Power Rangers. Trini and her friends went back to work on the various recycling projects in the Youth Center. Bulk & Skull came in and accidentally knocked over their newspaper pile as they were video taping their project. The following day, Trini and her friends were back in Ms. Appleby's classroom. Ms. Appleby was waiting on Bulk & Skull's video project. Skull ran into the classroom late, but reassured Bulk that the video was okay. Ms. Appleby played the video. It showed a lot of Bulk & Skull's screw ups. Trini and her friends laughed.

Trini and her friends were walking down the halls of Angel Grove High School when they spotted a water fountain spraying the hall with soap and Mr. Caplan on the floor, covered in soap suds. Trini and her friends hurried over to Mr. Caplan to help him up and Jason turned off the water fountain. For their trouble, they got detention. Trini and her friends were confused. After school, they sat in detention with Bulk & Skull. Mr. Caplan was monitoring them, but step out for a moment. Jason happened to be sitting in Bulk's favorite desk and pointed out to Jason that his name was written on it. Trini pointed out that Bulk hadn't even spelled his name right. Skull reminded Kimberly of their date, which Kimberly adamantly denied. Skull took out the enormous lunch his mom had packed to the amusement of Trini and her friends. Billy decided to take notes on Bulk & Skull's behavior. Bulk & Skull even had a small TV set to watch. Their cartoons were interrupted by the announcement that the Power Rangers, once Angel Grove's heroes, were now attacking the city. Trini and her friends were alarmed and confused. Kimberly keep an eye on the hall and announced the coast was clear. But she was soon caught by Mr. Caplan and brought back to the classroom. Trini and her friends knew they needed to do something. Zack came up with an idea. Zack decided to do a magic show for Bulk & Skull in which he could make Trini, Kimberly, Jason, Billy, and himself disappear. Bulk & Skull went along, covering their eyes and ears and counting to one hundred. Trini and her friends teleported out of the classroom. They soon found out that Rita had created her own evil set of Rangers using the monster Twin Man's abilities. Trini and her friends morphed and went into battle against the evil Rangers. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers destroyed the evil Rangers and the Twin Man. The city thanked them and were sorry they had doubt them. Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull had gone crazy searching for the missing teens in the classroom and decided to get them in trouble with Mr. Caplan. Bulk & Skull had left the classroom as Trini and her friends teleported back in. Bulk & Skull dragged Mr. Caplan into the classroom and they were surprised to see Trini and her friends sitting at their desks. Mr. Caplan was not happy and gave Bulk & Skull more detention. Bulk & Skull wanted to know how they had done their magic trick and Kimberly told them they used mirrors. Trini and her friends were amused by Bulk & Skull's confused expressions.

Trini and her friends were walking down the halls of Angel Grove High School. Kimberly had a newspaper and she was reading it to her friends. Angel Grove was having a Power Ranger day and hoped the Power Rangers would should up. Kimberly was confident that they would and Trini and her friends grinned. Later, Trini and her friends were at the park, where the event was being hosted. Trini and her friends were amused when Bulk & Skull appear in super hero costumes and took to the stage. Bulk gave a speech and the two gave some super hero poses, much to the amusement of Trini and everyone else in the crowd. But the laughter died when Bulk & Skull vanished form the stage. Soon the rest of the crowd vanished as well. Angel Grove was empty except for Trini and her friends. The teens morphed and called for their zords. The Megazord was formed and Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers went into battle. The Rangers battled the monster, but it was tough. They had to call in Dragonzord for extra help. The battle continued to be difficult and the Rangers used Titanus as well to help in the battle. Unfortunately, although the Rangers won the battle, Titanus was buried beneath the ground. Trini and her friends went to the Command Center. Zordon told them of Rita's plan.

Trini and her friends knew they had to work hard. Billy and Alpha 5 worked on getting some answers to help them. The teens were soon back in battle. Trini and her friends morph, summoned their zords, and formed the Megazord. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle. Red Ranger also summon Dragonzord to help in the battle. It was a difficult battle. The teens had to retreat and ended up in the park once more. Trini and her friends had lost their communication to Zordon. Billy thought he could help. Trini and her friends went to Billy's lab, where he worked to get things back in order. Goldar and several putties appeared outside of the garage. Goldar taunted the teens. Trini and her friends were able to teleport out of the garage and back into the Command Center before Goldar could do anything. Soon the teens were ready once more. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers went into battle with their Megazord. Red Ranger summon the Dragonzord as well. Titanus was unearthed and he joined the battle as well. The Rangers destroyed the monster. When they did so, all the citizens were returned to Angel Grove. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers walked through the crowds that had gathered for Power Rangers day. The mayor welcome the Rangers. As Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers walk through the crowd, they spotted their friend Tommy. The Rangers took to the stage and received numerous cheers. Afterwards, Trini and her friends return to the Command Center. Zordon gave them the option of returning to their normal lives or continuing as Power Rangers. Trini and her friends were not about to give up being Power Rangers and told Zordon so. The team was ready to continue.

Trini and her friends were attending a class at Angel Grove High School. The teens were planting trees, that would later be planted in a park. Mr. Caplan stopped by Trini and her friends' table. Mr. Caplan was impressed with what he saw. Bulk & Skull were there as well They tried to pass off a fake plant as something they had planted. When Kimberly noted the price tag still on the plant, Bulk & Skull realized they had fooled no one. Trini and her friends laughed. The teens' trees were selected to be planted in the park. Trini and her friends happily planted the trees. All was going well until the teens spotted Squatt. Trini and her friends wondered what Squatt was up to. But they didn't have time to investigate as they were soon battling several putties. The teens destroyed the putties. Trini and her friends teleported to the Command Center. Zordon informed the teens of Rita's latest plans as Trini and her friends watched on the viewing globe. Jason teleported out to investigate further. The Command Center soon received the alarm that Red Ranger was under attack. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack morphed and headed to the park. Soon Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers were battling a monster and Scorpina. The zords were summon and the Megazord form. The Rangers battled the monster until they destroyed it. The following day, Trini and her friends were back in school. They were very pleased with their success with Rita's monster and the trees in the park. Trini and her friends sat in the classroom. They all had a good laugh when Bulk & Skull entered covered in muck and debris.

Trini and her friends are helping out at an adopt an animal fair. The event is being held in the park. An elderly woman approaches their booth with a pig. Trini thinks the pig is cute. The elderly woman asks the teens if they can find a good home for her pig, Norman. The elderly woman is teary eye and Trini and her friends reassured they will find a good home for Norman. The elderly woman leaves. After a few moments, Bulk & Skull approach their booth. Bulk likes the pig and the teens give him Norman. Zack soon joins his friends and tells them of him seeing an elderly woman turned into a putty. The teens realized Rita is up to something. The following day, Trini is helping out Billy at his lab. They are soon joined by Zack. They are trying to find out what Rita is up too. Soon it is time for school. Trini, Billy, and Zack join Kimberly and Jason at their lockers. They are cautious and want to keep an eye on things. Later, Zack contacts his friends. Rita had turned Norman into Pudgy Pig. Trini and her friends teleport to the Command Center. Soon the teens are in action. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers go into battle. After the battle, the Rangers go looking for Pudgy Pig. They soon find him at a farm house, in love with another pig. Underneath the monster, is still Norman the pig. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers have to go into battle once more. This time their Megazord is formed. The Rangers battle a giant Goldar and defeat him. Billy also made a device that reverted Pudgy Pig back into Norman. The next day, Trini and her friends are back in school and in class. Bulk & Skull are there as well. Mr. Caplan brings in a pig and Bulk & Skull freak out. Trini and her friends laugh.

Trini and her friends were at Angel Grove High School, hanging out at their lockers. Trini, Jason, and Zack were making plans to go scuba diving later. Bulk & Skull also planned to be at the lake, but for some fishing. Kimberly and Billy were invited, but Billy had a fear of fish and Kimberly didn't want to ruin her good hair day. After school, Trini, Zack, and Jason were at the beach. They double checked their equipment before getting into the water. They had a great time in the water. After they got up, they were contacted by Zordon. Pink Ranger and Blue Ranger were in trouble. They had been fighting one of Rita's monster, who happened to be a fish. Blue Ranger had been terrified. Trini, Zack, and Jason quickly morphed and went to help the rest of the Rangers. The Rangers defeated the monster. Trini and her friends went to the Command Center. Billy felt awful, he had let the team down with his fear. Zordon informed him that Rita had the monster increased his fear. It was time to head out into battle once more. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive, ready to battle the monster. The zords were sent and the Megazord formed. The Rangers continued their battle against the monster. It was a difficult battle for them, but they eventually destroyed the monster. The following day, Trini and her friends were at the Youth Center. Billy and Ernie had returned from a fishing trip and Billy had done real well. Bulk & Skull entered the Youth Center, claiming they had a great day of fishing as well. Bulk asked Skull to display what they had caught and Skull pulled out a can of tuna. Frustrated, Bulk decided to take a look inside Billy's bag to see what he had caught. Bulk emerged with a lobster dangling from his nose. Trini and her friends laughed as Bulk and Skull tried to remove the lobster.

Trini and her friends were participating in a series of field day races. Trini and her friends were all on the same team. Bulk, Skull, and Angela were on the opposite team. The two teams were tied and it was down to which team won the tug-of-war competition. Trini and her friends pulled hard and eventually the opposite team landed in the mud. Most specifically Bulk, Skull, Angela, and Mr. Caplan who had gotten knocked in. Trini and her friends were thrilled to have won the trophy. Zack offered his assistance to Angela. After the games, Trini and her friends noticed the trophy was gone. They were pretty sure who had taken it, Bulk & Skull. Trini, Billy, and Zack went in one direction to find the trophy, while Kimberly and Jason went to another. As Trini, Billy, and Zack searched they were attacked by putties. Trini, Zack, and Billy battled and destroyed the putties. The following day, Trini and Billy entered the Youth Center. Jason and Kimberly were there sitting at a table. Trini told them about the usual weather that was occurring outside. The teens were suspicious that Rita was up to something. The four teens teleported to the Command Center. Sure enough, Rita had created another monster capable of creating blizzards. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason morphed and went into battle. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger battled the monster, but they soon needed Zack's help. Zack left his date with Angela to help his friends. Even with Black Ranger's help, it was still a difficult battle. Soon the zords were called and Megazord formed. The battle continued until the Rangers destroyed the monster. Trini and her friends returned to the Command Center in triumph. Zack suddenly remembered his date with Angel and took off. Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy went to the Youth Center. They were soon joined by Zack, whom Angela had gotten angry with and dumped her popcorn on him. Trini was helping Ernie with his plants with a police officer came in with a very muddy Bulk & Skull and asked if anyone could identified them. Bulk pleaded with them and Billy told the police officer that they need the two. The police officer released them. Soon after Bulk discovered he had a frog in his pants, much to the amusement of Trini and her friends.

Trini and her friends were by their lockers at Angel Grove High School. They were talking up about a big upcoming test. Billy's uncle would be letting them use his cabin in the mountains for a study group. Trini and her friends were excited. The following day, Trini and her friends were inside the cabin studying. It had been going well and they decided to have a lunch break. Afterwards, the girls retired to their room, while the guys went into their room. Trini and Kimberly went to sleep easily. Trini had a very bad dream and it ended with Zordon telling her she was no longer a Ranger. Trini awoke with start and sat up in her bed. Kimberly had done the same thing. Both the girls were shaken. The following morning, Trini and Kimberly were still jittery. Jason, Zack, and Billy entered their room, they were also shaken up. When Zordon contacted them, Trini and her friends initially wanted to ignore the signal. Jason soon had a change of heart. Zordon informed them that Rita was behind their nightmares and they needed to go to a cave and destroyed the crystal of nightmares. Trini and her friends really didn't want to, but they teleported to outside the cave. Their unease increased when they saw the place was guarded by putties. Soon the teens were surround. Trini and her friends battle the putties, but without their confidence, they were not doing well. Jason managed to run into the cave. As soon as Jason destroyed the crystal, Trini and the rest got their confidence back. This time they easily destroyed the putties. Trini and her friends morphed, summon the zord, and formed their Megazord. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle and defeated Goldar. A few days later, Trini and her friends were back in school. Trini and her friends had all done well on the test and were pleased with their studying. Bulk & Skull did not do so well. Bulk then had to sneeze and his sneeze blew off Mr. Kaplan's toupee. Trini and her friends laughed.

Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy were at the Youth Center. They were all worried for Ernie, who was in financial trouble and may have to shut down the juice bar. Jason walks in with a dog. Jason tells Trini and the rest that the dog had followed him. Ernie offers the dog some water. Ernie's kindness makes Trini and her friends more determined to help Ernie out. Jason and Kimberly leave to go to the park and find the dog's owner. Later, Trini and her friends are summon to the Command Center. Earlier Jason had developed a terrible rash. Zordon and Alpha 5 confirms this is another of Rita's plans. Alpha 5 makes a ointment to help Jason with the itching. Trini and Zack return to the Youth Center to keep an eye on the dog. They are soon contacted by Zordon, Red Ranger and Pink Ranger need their help. Trini and Zack quickly morphed and go into action. Blue Ranger is there as well. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle the monster. Soon the zords are called and the Megazord formed. The battle continues until the Rangers destroy the monster. Trini and her friends return in triumph to the Youth Center. Jason's rash is cured. A lady enters the Youth Center and is happy to see her dog. Trini and her friends tell the lady that Ernie had been the one to find the dog and take care of it. In gratitude the lady gives Ernie a reward check. It's enough to save Ernie's business. Bulk & Skull enter the Youth Center. They had at one time the dog as well and were hoping to cash in on the reward. Now both of them have the terrible itching rash that Jason had earlier. Billy decides to help them out by giving them flea collars that they have to wear for a week. Bulk & Skull slam their heads onto the tables as Trini and her friends laugh.

Trini and her friends are at school at Angel Grove High School. Ms. Appleby is having the class put together a time capsule. Each student is required to place something into the time capsule. Trini places a current newspaper, so the future people could see the events of the time. Trini and her friends, because of their grades, are selected to buried the time capsule. Trini and her friends go to the park where a sign is marking where the time capsule should be buried. As they dig, they are interrupted by several putties. Trini and her friends battle the putties. After the putties are defeated, Jason spots Baboo and Squatt trying to run off with the time capsule. Baboo and Squatt drop the time capsule and teleport away. Trini and her friends wondered what Rita would want with their time capsule. Soon the teens are called into battle. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle the monster. They soon have to retreat to the Command Center. Alpha 5 sprays them with extra protection. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers head out again. The Rangers battle the monster once monster. At one point the Rangers are teleported to another dimension, but they soon break free. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and form their Megazord. The Rangers battle and destroy the monster. After the battle, Trini and her friends enter the Youth Center. Bulk & Skull soon entered as well with a very long sub sandwich for the time capsule. Trini and her friends laugh and tell Bulk & Skull it is too late, as the capsule is already buried. Things turn serious and Trini and her friends really believe the future will be a better place if they all work together.

Trini and her new kung fu Master were training at the Youth Center. Trini was doing well, but her Master wanted her to try a new technique - the style of the praying mantis. Trini took the cage with the mantis and sat at the table with her friends. Billy was thrilled with the specimen, not so much Zack. This gave Bulk & Skull an idea. Bulk & Skull approached Trini and her friends' table and announced they would be teaching cockroach style of kung fu. Trini pointed out there was no such thing, but that did not deter Bulk & Skull. Later, Trini was in the park, training when Zordon contacted her. There was trouble in the park. Trini quickly morphed. Yellow Ranger and Mantis battled. Soon the rest of the Rangers arrived. Mantis told Trini she had no honor because she had not battle Mantis on her own. Mantis then vanished. Trini and her friends went to the Command Center. Trini was troubled over what Mantis has said to her. Nothing her friends said made her feel any better. Afterwards, Trini return to the Youth Center. Trini was training when Ernie called her over. Ernie had a note from her Master. Trini read the note. Her Master wanted her to go to the park for some additional training. Trini went to the park, but instead of finding her Master she found Praying Mantis. Trini morphed. Yellow Ranger was determined this time to battle Mantis on her own. Yellow Ranger was dong well until Mantis summon several putties. Yellow Ranger pointed out she did not have any honor. Mantis agreed, she was a monster. Soon the rest of the Rangers arrived. Mantis grew to giant size. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Ranger summoned their zords and formed the Megazord. The Rangers battled and destroyed Mantis. Trini and her friends returned to the Command Center. Zordon praised Trini for the way she had conducted herself. Trini and her friends return to the Youth Center. They watch the TV announcer give another glowing review for the Power Rangers. Trini's Master entered and Trini trained with him. She had learned a lot and did everything perfectly. Bulk & Skull tried to stir up some business for the their cockroach kung fu and gave a demonstration. During the demonstration, the jar broke and the cockroaches got lost. Trini and her friends laughed.

The Youth Center was hosting a Parent's Day. Trini, Jason, and Zack, along with their parents were already there. Skull was there as well, filming the event. Skull's parents were talking to Mr. Caplan. Ernie was busy with the crowd and food. Bulk just entered with his parents. Ernie had lost his balance and the cake he was holding landed on Bulk and Bulk's mom. Kimberly's mom and her boyfriend came in looking for Kimberly. Kimberly's mom asked Trini if she knew where Kimberly was. Trini didn't know. Kimberly's dad was there as well. Another young girl came up and told them Kimberly was outside. Trini told them she would get Kimberly. Trini found Kimberly sitting outside by herself. Kimberly was worried about her divorce parents. Trini reassured her everything was okay and both of her parents were wanting to see her. Several putties arrived. Trini and Kimberly battled the putties but they were having a difficult time. Soon Zack and Jason appeared outside to help out the girls. While the four teens were busy battling the putties, the Dramole monster had done it's work. Billy was under a evil spell and everyone had vanished to another dimension. Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Zack entered the Youth Center, confused as to what had happened. They knew Rita had something to do with it. Trini, Zack, Jason, and Kimberly teleported to the Command Center. Zordon told them what had happened to Billy and how he had hurt Alpha 5 and taken the dagger. Trini managed to fix Alpha 5. Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger teleported to the dimension where Billy was. They tried to stop Billy from giving the dragger to Goldar, but they were too late. As soon as Billy gave Goldar the dagger, the spell he was under was broken. The battle went outside. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon the zords and assembled the Megazord. The Rangers had to battle Dragonzord. The Rangers could not defeat Dragonzord. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers had run out of time. Earlier Goldar had demanded their power coins if they wanted to see their parents again. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrived where Goldar was waiting. Each one turned in their power coin. The moment they did so, they demorph. But Goldar did not keep his word. Goldar had all the power and knew it. Goldar took their coins and refused to release the parents. Trini and her friends returned to the Command Center. Alpha 5 used the viewing globe and the teens could see that the adults were okay. Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy didn't know what to do since Goldar had all the power coins. Jason pointed out Goldar didn't have all the power coins and showed them Tommy's.

After checking on their parents in the viewing globe, Trini and her friends knew they had to do something. Tommy was inside the empty Youth Center. Zordon had Alpha 5 teleported Tommy to the Command Center. Tommy was surprised to see Trini and her friends. Jason gave Tommy his power coin. Tommy didn't understand. Zordon explained what had happened. Tommy wanted to help, but he didn't know how. Zordon planned to infuse some of his power into Tommy. It was risky, but it was a risk Tommy was willing to take. Trini and her friends anxiously watched as the process began. Green Ranger was back. Green Ranger immediately teleported to where Goldar was. Trini and her friends watch on the viewing globe as Green Ranger battled Goldar. Green Ranger was still pretty weak and Zordon gave him more power. With the added strength, Green Ranger used his flute to take back control of Dragonzord and send him back to the ocean. Green Ranger managed to get the power coins back before being teleported back to the Command Center. Green Ranger was out cold as Trini and her friends gathered around him. Tommy was placed on a reclining chair and Trini and her friends kept a watch on him. Zordon had vanished during his last infusion of power to Tommy. Billy thought if they used their power coins, they could bring back Zordon. Trini and her friends used their power coins and brought Zordon back. Tommy was still out and it was time for another back. Trini and her friends morphed and went back into action. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled Dramole. Soon Green Ranger joined them. The zords were summoned, the Megazord was formed, and Dragonzord was summoned as well. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers continued their battle. With Titanus help, the Rangers destroyed Dramole. Trini and her friends returned to the Command Center in triumph. Tommy was back on the team, even though his power was limited and could go out at any time. All the parents had been returned to the Youth Center with no memories of what had happened. Trini and her friends went to the Youth Center. Trini gave her dad a big hug and told her parents how much she appreciated them. Bulk & Skull were there and were bored. Bulk & Skull started a food fight. Trini and her friends dash out into the hall and watched with much amusement as all the parents kept the food fight going.

Trini and her friends are in school, sitting in Ms. Appleby's class. Ms. Appleby is giving back them back the results of their test. After class, it is clear Billy is upset. Billy got a B on his test, his first. Trini and her friends try to cheer Billy up, but Billy is not happy. Bulk & Skull, catching the conversation, tease Billy about his B. Later, at the lockers, Trini and her friends catch up to Billy. Zack and Jason suggest they go out and play some basketball, but Billy is not interested. Billy wants to get into the science club and to do that, he must do well on his next test. Trini offers to help him study. Trini and Billy go to the Youth Center. Trini quizzes Billy on the upcoming test and he does really well. As they study, they are contacted by Alpha 5. Trini and Billy go out into the hall. Alpha 5 tells them that Jason, Kimberly, and Zack are tied up and cannot break free of the magic rope. Trini and Billy teleport to the Command Center. Zordon fills them in on Rita's latest monster, Grumble Bee. Trini and Billy morphed. Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger battle Grumble Bee, but they are defeated. Trini and Billy return to the Command Center. Alpha 5 has new information that will help them free their friends. Trini and Billy teleport to the park. Trini and Billy try to free their friends, but they soon are contacted once more. Grumble Bee is back. Trini and Billy have no choice but to leave. Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger battle Grumble Bee once more. Meanwhile, Jason, Kimberly, and Zack manage to free themselves. Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger are soon joined by the rest of the Ranges. The Rangers battle several putties as well as Grumble Bee. Alpha 5 sends them a new weapon. The weapon helps, but they soon needs their zords. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers form their Megazord. The Rangers have a difficult battle against Grumble Bee. But they destroy him. The following day, Trini and her friends are at the Youth Center. Tommy is upset that he had missed the battle. Trini reassures Tommy that he needs to save his strength. Billy walks in and he is thrilled, he got into the science club. Trini and her friends are happy for Billy. Trini and her friends spot Bulk & Skull. They are stunned because it looks like Bulk & Skull are actually studying. Trini and her friends walk over. Bulk tells them if they don't pass their next test, Ms. Appleby is going to get the six top students to tutor them. Trini and her friends quickly figure out it is them. Trini and her friends help Bulk & Skull study for their test.

Jason and Tommy were at the Youth Center. They had started a class to teach defense moves to the moms of Angel Grove. Trini and Kimberly helped out by giving a demonstration of what to do when attacked. After the class, Trini and her friends gathered around the counter. Billy and Zack were there as well. Ernie had come up with a new shake and t was a hit with the teens. Soon Bulk & Skull walked up. They had heard about the class and hoped to meet some babes. Trini and her friends didn't tell them that it was a class for moms. Instead they told them when the next class would be. Later, there was trouble in Angel Grove. Trini and her friends teleported to the Command Center. Rita had unleashed another monster, a two-headed parrot monster. The teens morphed and went into action. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled the monster, but it was difficult. Tommy had an idea and left. Green Ranger returned with a mango. But heads wanted the mango and were soon arguing with each other. This made it easy for the Rangers to defeat the monster. But Rita soon had the monster grow. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed the Megazord. Green Ranger summoned his Dragonzord. The Rangers continued their battle against the monster. It was difficult and Titanus was brought in to help. The Rangers destroyed the monster. The following day, Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy all sat at the counter at the Youth Center, talking to Ernie. Ernie asked Kimberly about her parrot, which was the reason Tommy had used to ask for the mango. Kimberly had no idea what Ernie was talking about. Trini laughed with her. Trini and the rest soon had a bigger laugh when Bulk & Skull arrive and were very disappointed to see only moms. The moms were insulted. Jason and Tommy had Bulk & Skull attacked the moms. Two of the moms easily defeated Bulk & Skull. Trini and her friends laughed.

Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason stood in the doorway of the Youth Center. Zack had been doing a magic show and Angela was very impressed. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason walked up to Zack and teased him a bit about Angela. Zack laughed along with them. Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly were ready to go, but Zack wanted to stay behind. Zack let it slip that the real reason he wanted to stay behind was Angela. After a bit more teasing, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason left. Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly were walking in the park when several putties appeared. Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy battled and defeated the putties. Afterwards, they contacted Zordon. There was more trouble and the four teens teleported to the Command Center. Rita had sent in another monster. Zack was still at the Youth Center, and Zordon wanted him to stay there, to protect the kids. Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy morphed and went into the city. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger were once more battling putties. But they were soon also battling the monster. Black Ranger arrived with balloons, which confused the rest of the Rangers. Black Ranger outwitted the monster by having him peck the balloons and one of the "balloons" was a rubber ball. With the monster's peck trapped, the Rangers defeated the monster. Rita made her monster grow. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed the Megazord. The battle continued. The Rangers destroyed the monster. The following day, Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy sat at a table at the Youth Center. Zack entered all dress up. Zack was excited about his movie date with Angela. Unfortunately he didn't realize the date would also include the kids he had entertained at the magic show. Trini and her friends covered for Zack by telling Angela Zack always dressed up for the movies. Trini and her friends watch Zack and Angela leave for their date with the kids.

Trini and Tommy were at the Youth Center. They had been watching Kimberly practice her routine on the balance beam. Kimberly had exciting news, she was going to be on a popular game show. Kimberly wondered who her opponent would be. Just then Bulk & Skull entered the Youth Center. It turned out Skull was going to compete against Kimberly for a new car. Later, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Zack, and Jason sat in the audience for the show "Trick Or Treat". Bulk & Skull were sitting in the audience as well. The host of the show appeared and Kimberly and Skull were called to the stage. Trini, Billy, Zack, and Jason held up signs and cheered for Kimberly. Kimberly was doing well on the show, but Skull was close behind. After awhile, Zordon contacted Trini and her friends. Rita had created the Pumpkin Rapper and the teens had to go. Trini, Billy, Zack, and Jason signed to Kimberly that there was trouble. Kimberly pretended to feel faint. Trini, Zack, Billy, and Jason raced onto the stage and helped Kimberly off. This meant Skull automatically won the car. Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly teleported to the Command Center. The viewing globe showed the problems Rita's monster was creating. The five teens morphed and headed to the pumpkin patch. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers searched for the monster. Soon their helmets were covered by a pumpkin. Pink Ranger had not been trapped and she used her bow and arrow to free her fellow Rangers. Soon Pumpkin Rapper appeared before them. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers had a tough time against him. Tommy, who had been competing in a karate tournament, was called in to help. Green Ranger arrived to help Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers. The Rangers destroyed Pumpkin Rapper.

Trini, Jason, Billy, Zack, Kimberly and Tommy were at their lockers at Angel Grove High School. Zack and Jason had volunteered to train Roger to make Ernie's second soccer team. Bulk & Skull came over and tease Trini and her friend. Bulk & Skull then try to give a demonstration of how they can play soccer, and the ball almost hit Ms. Appleby. Trini and her friends help Ms. Appleby gather her papers and Bulk & Skull were given detention. After school, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy hung out at the Youth Center. They were soon contacted by Alpha 5. Jason and Zack had been in the park with Roger, when they were attacked by putties. Trini, Billy, and Kimberly immediately teleported to the park. Trini stayed with Roger, while her friends battle and defeated the putties. Once Trini and her friends got Roger home safely they returned to the Command Center. Rita had created another monster. Trini and her friends morph and headed out to battle. The five Rangers battled Rita's monster. Green Ranger soon arrived as well. The Rangers formed their Megazord and Green Ranger called for his Dragonzord. The Rangers battled the monster and eventually destroyed it. After the battle, Trini and her friends return to the Youth Center. Ernie had posted the list for players for his second team. Not only did Roger make the team, but he was captain as well. Bulk & Skull came in and gave Roger a hard time about wasting his time training. Skull had glue stuck to his hands. Bulk wanted the soccer ball and tried to grab it out of Skull's hand. The glue was stuck to the ball as well and the ball went back and hit both Bulk & Skull in the face. Then milk shakes got dumped on them. Trini and her friends couldn't help but laugh.

Trini and Kimberly are by their lockers at school, when Jason and Tommy walk up. They are surprise to see Tommy and Jason arguing with each other. Bulk & Skull walk up as well and are happy to see the two arguing. Bulk & Skull encourage the fight. Ms. Appleby walks up before anything can happen. Bulk & Skull arrange a fight between Tommy and Jason at the Youth Center. Trini and Kimberly are not happy. After school, Trini, Zack, and Kimberly go to the Youth Center. As promised, Bulk & Skull have Jason and Tommy ready to fight each other. Alpha 5 contacts Zack, and Zack breaks up the fight. Zack signals to Jason and Tommy that they are needed in the Command Center. Trini and her friends teleport to the Command Center. Rita has another monster on the loose. Soon Jason and Tommy are arguing over who can defeat the monster. Zordon sends Tommy and Jason out to battle the monster. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack wait anxiously in the Command Center. After awhile, Red Ranger and Green Ranger break out of the spell. Trini, Billy, Zack, and Kimberly are very happy. They morph and join the two Rangers in their battle against the monster. Soon the Rangers form their Megazord and the battle continues. Green Ranger has his Dragonzord join the battle as well. The Rangers destroy the monster. After the battle, Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy return to the Youth Center. Tommy and Jason are there as well, teaching a martial arts class. Trini and the rest are happy to see Tommy and Jason are friends once more. Bulk & Skull come in. Their clothes are in tatters after the angry mob attacked for the default on the fight. Bulk & Skull still want Jason and Tommy to fight, but they are in so much pain, they can't do anything and collapse on the floor. Trini and her friends are amused.

Trini, Billy, Zack, and Jason entered the Youth Center. Ernie needed someone to run an errand for him and Jason volunteered. Trini, Zack, and Billy joined Tommy. Kimberly was coaching her cousin Kelly for cheerleading. Kelly got frustrated and left. Kimberly and Tommy left to go after her. Trini, Billy, and Zack stayed at the Youth Center. They were enjoying their drinks at the counter when Kimberly and Tommy returned. They told them Kelly had been taken by Baboo and Squatt. Trini and her friends teleported to the Command Center. Jason joined them. Jason had been attacked by the Lizzinator when he had been doing errands for Ernie. The alarm went off, there was another attack. Trini and her friends morphed and went into action. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled and destroyed the putties. Lizzinator was there as well. Lizzinator jumped into an abandon car and tried to run over the Rangers. Red Ranger and Green Ranger managed to stop him. Lizzinator grew to giant size. Green Ranger summon the Dragonzord. The Dragonzord battled Lizzinator. Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed their Megazord. The battle continued and it was difficult. Titanus was called in. With the help of Titanus, the Rangers destroyed Lizzinator. After the battle, Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleported to the cave where Kelly had been held captured. Kelly had already driven away Baboo and Squatt by making them dizzy with various cheers. Kelly was thrilled to see the Rangers. The following day, Trini and her friends were at the Youth Center. It was tryouts for cheerleading for Angel Grove Junior High School. Bulk & Skull arrived. Bulk tried to show his cheers and ended up ripping his pants. Bulk & Skull discreetly left. Trini and her friends watch as Kelly try out for the squad and made the squad. Trini and her friends were happy for Kelly.

Trini and Kimberly walked into the Youth Center. Tommy was sitting at the counter and he looked dejected. Trini and Kimberly walked up to him. Tommy was upset. Tommy wanted to try out for the football team, but since he had spent most of his life training for karate, he knew nothing about training for football. Trini and Kimberly gave him encouraging words. Ernie walked up and told them he used to play football and would be happy to train Tommy. They all had a good laugh watching Skull train Bulk for the football team. Trini and Kimberly left for some tag football in the park. Tommy stayed behind to train with Ernie. Jason, Billy, and Zack were at the park as well. Trini and her friends had a good time playing tag football. Suddenly putties arrived. Trini and her friends battled and defeated the putties. Trini and her friends were contacted by Alpha 5 and quickly teleported to the Command Center. Rita had another monster on the loose. Trini and her friends morph and went into action. Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Blue Ranger battled the monster. The monster summon putties, and they were all dressed like a football team. The Rangers battle the putties. During the battle, the monster teleported them to another dimension. Later, Green Ranger rescue his fellow Rangers. The Rangers quickly formed their Megazord and together with Dragonzord battled and destroyed the monster. The following day, Trini and Kimberly went to the Youth Center. The football team was going to be announced. Trini and Kimberly kept their fingers crossed for Tommy. Mr. Caplan announced the team. Jason, Billy, and Zack all made the team. Mr. Caplan was done announcing the team, until Zack picked up a piece of paper that had the rest of the team names on it. Mr. Caplan read the names. There was even the surprise of Bulk making the team. Tommy had made the team as well. Trini and Kimberly were thrilled for Tommy. The friends gathered around, excited for each other.

Trini and Kimberly are at the Youth Center. Tommy and Jason were training. Jason left, but Tommy came over and joined the girls. Tommy tells them about the assignment and he can't believe his fault his forgetfulness. Trini and Kimberly tell him that they will help him with the problem. Bulk & Skull stop by their table to give Tommy a hard time and then leave. Tommy and Kimberly leave. Later, Trini, Jason, Zack, and Billy are at the Command Center. Soon Kimberly and Tommy join them. Kimberly and Tommy tell them about being attack by a evil Pink Ranger and Green Ranger. Zordon tells them that Goldar has distributed Badges of Darkness to four putties to become evil Ranges. There is no evil Red Ranger at this time. Unable to do anything at this time, the teens return to their lives. Trini organized a notebook to help out Tommy. The following day at school, all his friends' attempts to help Tommy have backfired. Tommy takes off. Zordon contacts the teens and tells them that Rita Repulsa had selected Commander Crayfish to lead the evil Rangers. Kimberly asks about Tommy, and Zordon tells them that Tommy is not answering his communicator. The five teens morphed and battle the evil Rangers and Commander Crayfish. Eventually Zordon gets a hold of Tommy. Zordon tells Tommy that the Rangers need him and Tommy morphs to help the Rangers. Green Ranger joins the rest of the Rangers in their battle. The Rangers have a difficult time against the evil Rangers and Commander Crayfish. They retreat back to the Command Center. Zordon gives them weapons that looks like their old ones, but more powerful. The Rangers return to the battle and their new powerful weapons help. The battle escalates to zords, and the Rangers soon defeat Commander Crayfish and the evil Rangers. The following day, at school, Trini and Kimberly tell Tommy that it's okay to have faults. Jason, Zack, and Billy join them telling Tommy that your true friends will accept you as you are. They all watch Bulk & Skull stroll down the hall dressed in tuxes. Bulk & Skull present Ms. Appleby with a gift. Ms. Appleby insists that Bulk & Skull open the gift as she just had her nails done. Bulk & Skull have no choice but to open the gift and have silly string spray all over them.

Trini, Billy, and Jason are at the Angel Grove Park. They are attacked by putties. Trini, Jason, and Zack battle and destroy the putties. They are contacted by Zordon who tells them that Rita plans to unleash the pearls of stillness. Trini, Billy, and Jason conclude that Zack has the pearls of stillness and plans to give them Angela. Trini, Billy, and Jason race for the restaurant that Zack, Tommy, Angela, and Kimberly are at. Trini, Jason, and Billy enter the restaurant and call out to Angela to stop. Angel is about to put on the pearls of stillness, which she thinks are pearl earrings. Angela doesn't hear them in time and puts them on. Everyone in the restaurant, including Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly are still as statues. Later, the spell will be broken when Tommy and Zack manage to toss Oysterizer back into the ocean. When the spell is broken Angela is furious with Zack, thinking it's one of his jokes and leaves. Zack fill sin Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly on what is going on and how they are going to have to use the zords under water. The teens leave and morph. They take their zord under the water and battle Oysterizer. The Rangers are having a difficult time as their zord was not built for water. They contact Tommy for help. Tommy summons Dragonzord to help the Rangers. Dragonzord enters the battle and gets Oysterizer back on land. Dragonzord runs into difficulties and the Rangers in their zord help him out and destroy Oysterizer. The following day, Trini is at the Youth Center with Trini. Zack wants to try one more time with Angela and Trini tell shim to just be himself. Bulk & Skull are ready to do their part, playing their instruments as Zack serenades Angela. Angela is touched and apologizes to Zack. They kiss until Bulk & Skull begin signing again.


Power Rangers Heroes

Mighty Morphin
Jason Lee Scott | Billy Cranston | Zack Taylor | Trini Kwan | Kimberly Ann Hart | Tommy Oliver | Rocky DeSantos | Adam Park | Aisha Campbell | Zordon | Alpha 5 | Ninjor | Bulk & Skull | Aurico | Delphine | Cestro | Tideus | Corcus
Tanya Sloan | Trey of Triforia | Auric the Conqueror
Theodore Johnson | Justin Stewart | Carlos Vallerte | Ashley Hammond | Cassie Chan | Blue Senturion | Phantom Ranger | Dimitria | Waspicable | Alpha 6
In Space
Andros | Zhane
Lost Galaxy
Leo Corbett | Kai Chen | Damon Henderson | Maya | Kendrix Morgan | Karone | Magna Defender | Mike Corbett
Lightspeed Rescue
Carter Grayson | Chad Lee | Joel Rawlings | Kelsey Winslow | Dana Mitchell | Ryan Mitchell | Captain Mitchell | Angela Fairweather
Time Force
Wesley Collins | Lucas Kendall | Trip | Katie Walker | Jen Scotts | Eric Myers | Circuit
Wild Force
Cole Evans | Max Cooper | Danny Delgado | Taylor Earhardt | Alyssa Enrilé | Merrick Baliton | Princess Shayla | Animus
Ninja Storm
Shane Clarke | Dustin Brooks | Tori Hanson | Hunter Bradley | Brake Bradley | Cam Watanabe | Sensei Kanoi Watanabe
Dino Thunder
Conner McKnight | Ethan James | Kira Ford | Trent Fernandez
Jack Landors | Schuyler Tate | Bridge Carson | Elizabeth Delgado | Sydney Drew | Anubis Cruger | Sam | Nova Ranger | Kat Manx | Boom
Mystic Force
Nick Russel | Charlie Thorn | Xander Bly | Madison Rocca | Vida Rocca | Daggeron | Udonna | Leanbow | Clare | Jenji | Fire Heart | Snow Prince
Operation Overdrive
Mack Hartford | Dax Lo | Will Aston | Ronny Robinson | Rose Oritz | Tyzonn | Andrew Hartford | Sentinel Knight
Jungle Fury
Casey Rhodes | Theo Martin | Lily Chilman | Robert James | Dominic Hargan | Elephant Spirit Ranger | Bat Spirit Ranger | Shark Spirit Ranger | Master Mao | Master Phant | Master Swoop | Master Finn | Master Guin | Master Lope | Master Rilla
Scott Truman | Flynn McAllister | Summer Landsdown | Ziggy Grover | Dillon | Gem | Gemma | Dr. K | Colonel Mason Truman
