Totoko Yowai (弱井 トト子 Yowai Totoko, alternatively spelled as トトコ in the 1988 anime), created by Fujio Akatsuka, is a recurring character in the series Osomatsu-kun. Her name derives from the word for "weak", yowai (弱井) as well as a childish word for fish, "toto" (トト). An older counterpart of Totoko also exists as part of the cast in the 2015-2016 spinoff anime Osomatsu-san.
Totoko Yowai is a girl who desperately strives to become a fish-themed idol in order to gain fame and fortune. Despite this, however, she is a kind-hearted and friend who tries to get along with others. In her core, she deeply cares about those close to her, as evidenced with the Matsuno siblings.
- "Let them go! We're not part of your damn tournament." (to Captain Tiger)
- "What the hell are you talking about, Wadagaki?" (to Sakura Wadagaki)
- "Don't believe every rumor that you hear, bitch." (after defeating Sakura Wadagaki)
- "I'm done entertaining with you maggots."
- "Let me give you a break." (after defeating Mizuchi the Harlequin Rabbit)
- "What the hell is that?"
- "It's Chief Lion. Tenko Shimura's goon. Allegedly, he's fast and dangerous."
- "Get them evacuated. I'll keep this son of a bitch occupied."
- "Yeah, and what of it, huh?"
- "Stay the hell away from my friends." (after defeating Chief Lion)
- "That lady with a long red hair and black angel wings is Red Crow? Wasn't she one of Captain Tiger's goons back in the day?" (Totoko to Zorori, describing Sailor Red Crow)
- "Understood."
- "I'll kick your ass on their behalves, Red Crow." (to Sailor Red Crow, before fighting her)
- "You lose as fast as you kill." (after defeating Sailor Red Crow)
- "Choromatsu, where's Sailor Galaxia?"
- "You're not yourself, Sailor Venus." (when confronting Eternal Sailor Venus in Galactica Palace)
- "The Sailor Guardians are dead? Kotaro Shimura is Tenko Shimura's dad? No wonder he sent the Sailor Animamates after me, Osomatsu, Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu. The seven of us kicked his ass.