Tortoise is a character from Toei Animation's Manga Aesop's Fables. He is based on the tortoise from one of the original Aesop's Fables, The Tortoise and the Hare. He and Hare race each other to see who's the fastest.
About Tortoise[]
Tortoise has a debate with Hare about who is faster. He is upset that Hare keeps taunting him and calling him a slowpoke. He tells Hare to stop, but Hare just keeps at it. This is when Aesop, Silkwing, and Skitter see this as they walk along the path. They ask what all of this is about and Tortoise explains to them. He tells them that Hare makes him mad and Hare says that Tortoise makes him laugh. Aesop proposes that the two animals have a race to settle this at once. Tortoise and Hare agree to it. After the race starts, Hare is in the lead at first, but then he decides to take a break in the middle of it. He lies down on some grass and rests with Aesop while Skitter gives them messages. Tortoise, on the other hand, doesn't take a break and continues while Silkwing follows, flying behind him. As he struggles to press on, Silkwing suggests he should do something to get there faster like walk on all fours. It seems like it will take forever for him to reach the end, which is a tree on a hill. When Hare spots that Tortoise is now ahead of him, he hurries and dashes to the finish line. Since Hare procrastinated, Tortoise manages to beat him narrowly and wins. Being a good sport about this, Hare admits that Tortoise is faster than him and compliments him for it. Tortoise says modestly, "Aw, sucks, you're making my shell blush!" and everyone laughs heartily.
Physical Appearance[]
Tortoise is a small, slender, and short reptile. He is bald, has black eyes, and Earls green scales. His shell is dark forest green with an Earls green outline and matching square swirls on the shell. The front side of his shell is also dark forest green with a line in the middle that separates the plates on each side.
Tortoise is sensitive and can get indignant easily when he's teased. He is more serious than Hare, as he doesn't waste any time. He is determined and persistent, never quitting for a minute. Furthermore, he is humble or modest.