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Tommy Turner (Voiced by Trey Parker) is a 4th grader who first appeared in the season 1 episode, "Partial Terms of Endearment". Tommy is the boyfriend of Stewart Stevens since his first appearance. Tommy has since become a breakout character for the first part of the series and is associated with the main characters. Tommy is shown to be nice, kind, brave, attractive, loving, caring, hot-headed, strong, athletic, funny, smart, clever, perverted, and compassionate. He can also be very cocky at times, but he's usually pretty humble about it. Sometimes he argues with his girlfriend, especially during their fights which are shown throughout the series (as seen in the episodes, "The Sweet Smell of Success" and "Stewart's First Date"). He can be a little sexist towards his girlfriend, as well as other female characters as they will sometimes make comments that imply otherwise. Though he does seem like a good guy, Tommy can do some bad things, such as getting into fights, lying, cheating on his girlfriend, etc. Tommy said that Stewart is the greatest girl ever in the episode "Stewart's First Date" when she was kissing him. Tommy said to another boy that Stewart is a slut in the episode "The Sweet Smell of Success", when she kissed him after Tommy had been fighting her. He also said that Stewart is a whore in the episode "Stewart's First Date".