The Zillo Beast was an unnamed Zillo Beast that lived around the time of the Clone Wars on the planet Malastare. It is the main antagonist of the "Zillo Beast" arc in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, it was awoken by an electro-proton bomb used by the Galactic Republic during the Battle of Malastare, against the Confederacy of Independent Systems's battle droid army. It was subsequently stunned by a group of RX-200 Falchion-class assault tanks, after the beast rampaged and destroyed many Dug tanks and Republic vehicles. The Republic transported back to their capital world Coruscant to be studied by Doctor Sionver Boll, but it broke free and began to ravage the surface of Coruscant, even coming close to killing Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in the process. Boll was ordered to research the zillo beast's skin in order to make a synthesized version for clone armor. As such, the Republic was forced to put the beast down, but Palpatine ordered Doctor Boll to clone it.