The Addams Family is a group of fictional characters created by American cartoonist Charles Addams. The Addamses are a satirical inversion of the ideal American family; an eccentric, wealthy clan who delight in the macabre and are unaware that people find them bizarre or frightening. The family consists of Gomez and Morticia Addams, their children, Wednesday and Pugsley, and close family members, Uncle Fester and Grandmama, their butler Lurch, and Pugsley's pet octopus, Aristotle. The dimly seen Thing (later a disembodied hand) was introduced in 1954, and Gomez's Cousin Itt, Morticia's pet lion Kitty Kat and Morticia's carnivorous plant Cleopatra in 1964. Pubert Addams, Wednesday and Pugsley's infant brother, was introduced in the 1993 film Addams Family Values.
- Gomez Addams
- Morticia Addams
- Wednesday Addams
- Pugsley Addams
- Uncle Fester
- Grandmama
- Lurch
- Thing
- Cousin Itt
- Kitty Kat
- Cleopatra
- Aristotle
- Ophelia Frump
- Granny Frump
- Cousin Melancholia
- Margaret Addams
- Pubert Addams
- Debbie Jellinsky
- What Addams
- Great Auntie Sloom