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Stewart Milan Stevens is a recurring antagonist on the adult animated television series Red And Friends. She is the sister of Bebe Stevens and a friend of Red, Millie, Shauna, Aubrey, Wendy, Annie, and other girls her age. She is voiced by Kristen Schaal and first appeared in the pilot episode on February 20, 1997. Stewart is shown to be one of the popular girls at South Park Elementary. Stewart is shown to be manipulative, selfish, friendly, vain, snobby, self-absorbed, a liar, and a bit of a bully. However she is also kind, sweet, caring, loyal, brave, strong, responsible, honest, and even has a sense of humor. She is also a spoiled brat who loves attention and being in the spotlight.
She's known for having a very good memory and never forgetting anything that happens to her or anyone else. She likes to be treated like a princess but hates getting any type of attention from other people. Stewart is shown to have a foul-mouth and curse frequently, especially when she's annoyed. Since season 9, Stewart has been hated by fans and many don't like how she's treated throughout the show. Her personality has changed drastically since the beginning of the series; however, she still has some characteristics similar to her early years. In season 10, she is shown to be extremely jealous of her sister Bebe who's more popular than her. Stewart always gets in fights, cuss a lot, throwing tantrums, bullying others, and is always lying. She can also be vindictive towards people who get close to her sister Bebe. Stewart seems to be really competitive with her sister Bebe. She also has a tendency to lose her temper whenever something threatens to take her place as the most popular girl in school.
Stewart is shown to be a pervert, in a season 12 episode, she told her boyfriend that she isn't wearing underwear. In season 14, she was caught kissing a male student behind the bleachers, however, she admitted that it wasn't actually him, just his penis. She also had sex with a boy named Jake in the same episode. Stewart is shown to have a cute voice, despite what she says. She is also a foul-mouthed child, and will say inappropriate things if provoked, such as saying the word "cock" or using the F word. Stewart has a big mouth and uses profanity whenever she feels the need. While not all of her words are obscene, she often drops f-bombs. Many of her insults are sexually-related, such as calling someone a "dirty bitch" or "slut", and she'll occasionally call someone a "whore". Another sexual insult that she likes to use is calling someone a "dickhead". Stewart dislikes the word "pussy" so she replaces it with the word "cunt". The last one is very rare because she rarely says cunt.
Stewart is shown to have very bad manners. She doesn't know how to act properly around other people, and often acts rudely. She'll only tell the truth to those whom she trusts and likes, while lying to everyone else, including her friends. She's shown to have no filter between what comes out of her mouth, which makes her very blunt and crass. Stewart can be rude and disrespectful to other people. She's shown to be very stubborn and selfish. However, she does care about her family and friends, and shows it every now and then. Stewart is shown to be vain and superficial. She doesn't take criticism well and will become offended by it. She is shown to be a masochist and enjoys embarrassing herself to gain attention. She is shown to be a control freak, always wanting to be the center of attention and loved by everyone. Stewart is shown to be very selfish. She always wants things to revolve around her, and tends to make everything about her. Her rude behavior and mean comments are usually directed at other people, instead of herself. Stewart is shown to be a very tough person, and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She won't let anyone stand in the way of her plans, even if they're completely wrong.