Shauna Chalmers is a character from the television animated series The Simpsons. She is ex-girlfriend of Jimbo Jones and the daughter of Gary Chalmers (known as Superintendent Chalmers) and Rosemary Chalmers. She is voiced by Tress MacNeille.
Physical Appearance[]
Shauna has medium-length brown hair and freckles. She wears red lipstick and gold hoop earrings. Shauna also sports two tribal tattoos on her upper arms.
Shauna is most often seen wearing jeans, a short white tank top that reveals her navel, and brown flip-flops. She has also been seen in a red bikini when swimming and a red devil outfit at Halloween. Sometimes, Shauna wears a red bandana on her head, mostly in her earlier appearances.
- In "Diggs", Shauna is seen smoking in church, and is seen smoking again in "What to Expect When Bart's Expecting".
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