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Rebecca "Red" McArthur is the main protagonist on the animated television series Red And Friends. She is voiced by Jennifer Howell and first appeared with her friends Millie Larsen, Shauna Krawly, and Aubrey Iverson.
Red is an elementary school student who commonly has extraordinary experiences not typical of conventional small-town life in her hometown of South Park, Colorado. Red is generally depicted as logical, brave, patient and sensitive. She is outspoken in expressing her distinct lack of esteem for adults and their influences, as adult South Park residents rarely make use of their critical faculties.
Like the other characters, Red is animated by computer in a way to emulate the show's original method of cutout animation. She also appears in the full-length feature film Red And Friends: All Hell Breaks Loose (2003). as well as related media and merchandise. While Splavec portrays Red as having common childlike tendencies, her dialogue is often intended to reflect stances and views on more adult-oriented issues and has been frequently cited in numerous publications by experts in the fields of politics, religion, popular culture and philosophy.