Raven (Real name: Rachel Roth) is a character on the newer animated interpretation and is one of the five anti-heroic protagonists (alongside Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy and Cyborg) of the 2013 reboot Teen Titans Go!. Raven is a half-human, half-demon sorceress living on Earth, lending a hand to the anti-heroine team The Teen Titans. Raven is the token smart member of the team even with the genius Robin and super-genius Cyborg on the team. She is also in love with her team-mate, Beast Boy, who acts as her cheerful and fun-loving foil.
Where Robin uses his smarts for strategy and Cyborg uses his super-genius for inventing new gadgets, Raven tends to apply her intellect to basic problem-solving and ancient lore and tries to be the most sophisticated of her team. Raven has a variety of dark powers tied to her demon-half.
She is voiced by Tara Strong
Out of five Titans, Raven is the only one whose characterization in Teen Titans Go! TV Series remains faithful to that of the original 2003 series, as both are portrayed as seemingly emotionless, quiet, intelligent, speaking in a monotone, studious, and sarcastic goth girl. Even so, this Raven has a livelier side which completely unveiled if she stripped off her cloak: Her brooding side is revealed be partly a side effect of dark powers in her signature cloak, as anyone who dares to the cloak would have their minds corrupted to less antagonistic than the 2003 TV Series, arguably since Teen Titans Go!'s Trigon is portrayed more like a comic relief despite still a threat that must not be underestimated and genuinely love his daughter despite their odds.
Perhaps due to her being most mature, Raven is the only one who least prone to behave out characters unlike the rest of Titans. Even so, she still capable to behave jerkish in her own right for the sake of the show's silly format, where she displayed a colder, less patient, and snarkier personality at times.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Bestowing Powers: It is shown in Super Robin that she can give people powers like her father, Trigon.
- Duplication: It is also shown in Double Trouble that she can duplicate objects.
- Enhanced Strength: In Legs as her alter ego Lady Pegasus, her kicks were strong enough to break apart stone, to the point that she used them to carve a statue out of a boulder.
- Hand-to-Hand Combat: In Legs, Raven was shown to be a capable hand-to-hand fighter. She only fights with her legs and feet in the episode though.
- Magic: She is very skilled in casting magic spells which range from creating clones, transformations, and giving life to inanimate objects.
- Telekinesis: She can control anything that is enveloped in soul-self.
- Teleportation: She can teleport herself or others anywhere.
- Purification: When she becomes her true demonic form, she can purify herself with help of lost souls.
- Raven Attack: She can generate a giant raven made from her soul-self. It is presumed this is her most powerful attack, although it is not known, for both her attempts to use this move have failed.
- Soul-self: (the dark colored energy she uses is called soul-self)
- Solid Soul-self Constructs: She can mold anything with the energy from her soul-self, into solid forms like hands, shields, tools, or inter-dimensional portals.
- A very little details has been revealed about Raven's background in Teen Titans Go!, likely depicting sexual relations between humans & an incubus is a little too graphic for a kids' show
- Raven is the only left-handed titan
- Rachel Roth is merely an alias temporarily used by Raven while she's on Earth. Her Real name is Raven, marking her the only titan to use an actual name
- Raven is the only titan to who does not celebrate it in the series
- Raven can be reading a book the resembles The journals from Gravity Falls
- Raven wears her hold down way more often in Teen Titans Go! then the original series.