Princess Katharine is a character from Disney's Gargoyles. She was the Princess of Castle Wyvern who formally at first prejudiced against the gargoyle clan, thanks in part to her father using them as bogeymen to make her behave. But after Goliath saved her life from the vikings who kidnapped her and her people during the night the Vikings destroyed almost yhe entire Wyvern Clan, she finally realized the error of her ways against the gargoyles. She felt more guilty how she had treated them upon learning the rest of the Wyvern Clan had been destroyed and the remaining gargoyles had been turned to stone by the Magus in his grief in thinking Katharine had been killed by Hakon before discovering Goliath saved her. She promised Goliath that she and her people will watch over the gargoyle eggs of his clan as if they were their own in order to make up for how she had treated them in the past. She, the Magus and Tom (now a knight and guardian of the eggs) moved into Avalon, where the eggs have hatched and grown and were given all names, including Angela.