Fictional Characters Wiki

Pre Vizsla is a major antagonist in the 2008-2020 animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He first appeared as the main antagonist of the Mandalore arc in Season 2, and later as a minor antagonist in Season 4 (serving as the main antagonist of the episode "A Friend in Need") and one of the main antagonists of Season 5 (appearing as the secondary antagonist of the Shadow Collective arc).

He was the leader of the Mandalorian terrorist organization known as the Death Watch and waged a crusade against the pacifist government of Duchess Satine Kryze to restore the warrior past of Mandalore. Despite his claim of being a true Mandalorian, his methods display the opposite as he doesn't truly value the honor or courage his people were known for, thereby making him a hypocrite who tarnished the Mandalorian name even more so than Satine's pacifistic movement.
