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The Pesties

The Pesties are the tertiary antagonists of the 1999 film The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland. They are one of Huxley's former henchmen.

According to the press kit, their names are M'Lady, Tanya, Lyle, Little Ricky, Howard, and Sydney, but while the last three are named in the film (the red, orange, and blue ones specifically), the other blue one is referred to as Charlie. The colors for the remaining characters are lavender and tan.

Three of the Pesties appeared in the sing-along video The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland: Sing and Play. They later made a cameo in Sesame Street 4-D Movie Magic as part of Oscar's polluted vision of Sesame Street, where they scurry through people's legs in the theater. In season 42 (episode 4260), they appear alongside Jason Jones on the program Grouchology. After years of absence, the pesties return on The Furchester Hotel episode "Power Cut".


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