Paul the Monkey (better known as Paul the Three-Eyed Monkey, or simply Paul) is a mascot of the DNA Productions logo and a minor character in the Nickelodeon show The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius. Paul lives in DNA Island, a world where citizens of Retroville coexist with modernized DNA Productions employees enjoy "primitive" versions of modern conveniences such as telephones, automobiles, and washing machines. Paul's trademark catchphrase yell is "Hi, I'm Paul!", a phrase that was originally his club's cheer, and later adopted as part of the end from DNA Productions on and used in The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius. Since the original series' run, Paul the Monkey did not appeared in the 2001 film, Planet Sheen, Video Games, and Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast. Paul the Monkey's appearance has three brown eyes, a gogo squeez nose, his chin, and teeth. He was a computer-animated, three-eyed monkey named after and voiced by one of their employees Paul Claerhout. DNA Productions was an animation company founded in 1987 by John A. Davis and Keith Alcorn. Its most successful project was the film Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius and its animated spin-off show for Nickelodeon. DNA closed down in 2006, following the box office disappointment of The Ant Bully.