Oliver Hartman-Wong is a young boy who, along with his friends, is lost in the mystical world of Poptropica. He appears in the Poptropica comic strip, Poptropica graphic novel series, and Mystery of the Map Island.
As shown in The End of Time, When Oliver was 6, his dad had left him and his mother, causing them to feel upset. 2 years later, Oliver's mom Sandy meet Mya's dad Kevin, and eventually the two of them got married. Oliver was perfectly happy with this, since he had a new dad and sister, but Mya couldn't stand him. After the end of their adventure in Poptropica, Mya, Oliver, and Oliver's friend Jorge have a better relationship.
He is a little boy with strawberry blonde hair, fair skin, and a red and blue striped shirt. He has blue jeans and a light blue collared undershirt. When he was younger he had gaps in his teeth.
Being the smartest of the of boys in the group, he's more down to earth like his sister. However, he still can be goofy. He's very eccentric, and sometimes doesn't think things through. He has an interest in history, and bugs.
Oliver is very excited to meet new people, such as when he tackled Kevin when he first met him, and was very excited to meet Mya at the mere mention of her name.
Oliver sometimes has a habit of doing things without thinking, such as climbing a tree during his and Mya's parent's wedding when he was supposed to take a picture, tracking mud into the house when digging for bugs, and destroying the Aegis before Octavian could use it. Mya at one point tells him that he had a habit of doing the first thing that comes to his head, and not thinking about how it'll effect other people.
Oliver and Mya at one point had opposing ideals about the citizens of Poptropica, as Mya wanted to save the people of Pompeii, and Oliver knew that trying to change history would lead to more trouble. Although in the end they both realized that it didn't matter, as there is an infinite amount of timelines.
In his fantasy of the H.M.S. Terror, he imagined it being a speed boat and he was a spy, showing his fun-loving personality.
Role in Poptropica (comic)[]
Oliver stars in the comic strip with Jorge.
Role in Poptropica Graphic Novel Series[]
He is one of the main characters, along with Mya, Jorge, and Octavian.
Role in Mystery of the Map Island[]
Oliver, along with Mya and Jorge, were exploring the island until they got kidnapped by Erik the Red. There they waited until Octavian came along and asked for the map and in exchange, he would set them free. Oliver doesn't trust Octavian, but Jorge says that they should believe him because he wouldn't tell a lie. Oliver gives Octavian the map, and then Jorge asks him to set them free. But Octavian doesn't, and quickly slips on a disguise and leaves. And that's when a Poptropican breaks the jail door with an axe and frees them. Jorge quickly thanks the Poptropican and gives them a half-eaten candy bar as a reward. Afterwards, they decide that they'll need a disguise to get out of the fortress. Your Poptropican then puts the Big Guy's furs on Jorge, and Erik's helmet onto Oliver. After they get past all the Vikings, they slip the disguise off. But then the Big Guy sees them and chases them, and they all slip down the chute one at a time. They then take off on a log, while the Big Guy chases after them, throwing boulders at the log in the process. Jorge is the first one to be knocked out if a boulder hits the log. After they escape the Big Guy, they rush over to Octavian, who was just about to leave. They tell him he's not going anywhere, but Octavian says there's nothing that can stop him from sailing off the island. For a moment they all thought that they were doomed, until your Poptropican throws the half-eaten candy bar at Octavian, who has attracted some dodos. The dodos then try and get at the candy bar, and Octavian runs away. They then pick up the map that Octavian dropped, and give you the island medallion.
Despite the initial sadness from Oliver's father leaving, Sandy and Oliver have a strong and loving bond. Sandy is a supportive and encouraging mother who always believes in Oliver and his abilities. Despite Oliver’s odd quirks, she does not judge him and tries her best to care for him.
Oliver Senior[]
Not much is directly revealed about Oliver's biological dad, except that he left Oliver and his mom, Sandy, when Oliver was 6 years old. This had a significant impact on Oliver, leaving him feeling upset and abandoned.
Mya initially struggles to accept Oliver and resents having a stepbrother. However, through their shared adventures in Poptropica, they eventually develop a close sibling bond.
Kevin is a kind and supportive figure in Oliver's life. He provides Oliver with fatherly guidance and support. He becomes a positive influence in Oliver's life, filling the void left by his biological father.
Despite their differences, Oliver and Jorge are incredibly close. They trust each other implicitly and are always willing to go the extra mile to help one another.
Spencer Albright[]
- Poptropica (comic)
- Poptropica (graphic novel series)
- Mystery of the Map Island
- He is named after his biological father, Oliver Senior.
- He loves bugs and insects.
- He also loves history.
- His personality is slightly different in the novels than in the comic strip. In the comic strip, he is known to be a school bully and is obsessed with his image. In the graphic novels he is not afraid of being a nerd and is nicer.
- He is a fan of Walrus Den, as his mother threw a Walrus Den themed party for him.
- In the comic strip, it's implied he's not a fan of the Wizard of Oz, because as soon as he realized he and Jorge were on Oz Island, he knew he wasn't going to like it.
- He likes building things with Playdoh and Legos.
- Based on Mya's flashback, he and Mya met 2 years after his dad left.
- In the comic, a running gag is for a female character to fall in love with him. Those included a Frankenstein girl, a dinosaur, a Pirate Penguin, and Konkisha.
- He has a fake Tumblr account: https://www.tumblr.com/barbiehotwheelsfan420.