Fictional Characters Wiki

A Musician enters Mopatop's Shop in the episode "Musical Sounds", looking for some sounds for his music. Luckily for him, Puppyduck has just dropped a box of musical sounds, so the shop is filled with sounds. The Musician records all the sounds in his hat. In the early 90's before he became Marvin for the episode "Mud" in the show, the musician monster had colored spots placed on the puppet to show that he is a singer during the sketches with Milton on Baseball and the Anything song.

His singing skills are about as almost the same as the singing techniques when he was Do Re Mi Monster on Muppet Time, even though on the baseball sketch that he violated Milton's policy which his singing gets interrupted to remind him that he wouldn't be able to win the baseball game if he didn't compete in the game with proper behavior for the singing. However, the monster led Milton into singing after the baseball started singing on his baseball mitten.

Fictional Characters Wikia has a collection of images and media related to Musician Monster (Mopatop's Shop).
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