Mokko is a minor antagonist in the Star Wars franchise, serving as the main antagonist of the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode "Retrieval".
He is the owner of the ipsium mine on the desert planet of Ipsidon where he manipulated a group of young miners to mine ipsium for him, in which he would reward the "top earner" with a minimal portion of food whilst keeping the rest to himself, starving the rest of the miners.
After his manipulation of his workers was outed by Benni Baro, Mokko was confronted by his workers and Clone Force 99. The standoff ended in Mokko's death as he fell from a walkway over molten ipsium, during which he attempted to pull Benni down with him when he offered his hand. Ultimately, the workers came together and saved Benni, leaving Mokko to die alone.