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Manami Tomikura or (富蔵愛美) is character from the hentai Kagachi-sama Onagusame Tatematsurimasu: Netorare Mura Inya Hanashi and from the CG game. Her original name is Tomizo Aimi. She is an unfaithful wife of Takahiko Tomizo.
She is 24 years old, and married. But she dont takes pleasure with her husband. She is a beautiful young woman of reputation in the district who left the beauty of a girl. She ignores sexual issues and she even defers to Takahiko, but recently she only remembers the lack of material but she is an indecent woman.
She left school for a moment to marry her husband and devote herself to family life, but she plans to start all over again. When she goes to the home village of Takahiko, she will be one of the women subjected to the ritual and will eventually appreciate it.
Physical description[]
Manami Tomikura has long light brown hair and brown eyes with pale skin.
Takahiko Tomikura: Her husband
Ayaka Tomikura: She is priestess with her
Tokuzo Chotaro: Her step father
Voice Actor[]
She is dubbed by Misonoo Mei.