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Madame Rouge (real name Laura De Mille) is a supporting villainess in the DC Comics universe and a member of the Brotherhood of Evil.


As Laure De Mille, Madame Rouge was a French stage actress who suffered from schizophrenia following a car accident. Eventually, she caught the attention of the Brain and his associate named Monsieur Mallah. With Mallah's help, the Brain performed surgery on De Mille that was, from his perspective, successful, sublimating her good personality and allowing her evil personality to remain dominant. Later on, DeMille's split personality manifested again, with her good personality occasionally appearing. She adopted the name Madame Rouge and was given powers by the brilliant Brain, becoming the first female member of the super-villain group the Brotherhood of Evil. Madame Rouge was romantically linked to the Doom Patrol's leader, Niles Caulder ("The Chief"), who was able to help Madame Rouge overcome her evil side. She fought the Doom Patrol many times, until they seemingly sacrificed their lives to save a small New England fishing town from the Brotherhood of Evil. Years later, during a conflict with the Teen Titans, Madame Rouge was knocked into machinery that restored her original personality, but ultimately killed her in the process. She later returned briefly in her undead form as a member of the Black Lantern Corps.
