Lindsay was a camper in Total Drama Island, as a member of the Screaming Gophers. She later returned as a castmate in Total Drama Action, as a member of the Killer Grips, and participated in Total Drama World Tour, as a member of Team Victory. She was seen with the original contestants on a yacht in the first episode of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and had a cameo appearance in Runaway Model. She returned as a contestant for Total Drama All-Stars, as a member of the Heroic Hamsters. Lindsay's big heart and childlike nature made her one of the most well-liked competitors on the show. Although the other contestants are frequently annoyed by her severe lack of intelligence, Lindsay has been shown to only have pure intentions. A major running gag on the show involves her having problems remembering the name of the others, even if that person is her boyfriend. At times, such as in Dial M for Merger and Get a Clue, she goes beyond the expectation of her peers and demonstrates that she has the ability to solve problems, and likes to be called "Her Hotness" as she does so. She shows herself to be an underdog, and hates to be underestimated by her peers, and does her best to defeat them and prove herself. Unfortunately for Lindsay, due to her naive nature, she is often fooled by false-friendships and easily manipulated by the show's antagonists.
Lindsay is a French-Canadian girl with a beige complexion, waist-length hair blonde, that is kept in a light-sapphire blue dodger-bandana which matches her doe-eyes that have triangular eyebrows above them. She has a long-neck, slender build, pand an hourglass figure completed with well-endowed breats.
She wears a tight brown tank-top with a red crop-top underneath that shows her cleavage and exposes a bit of midriff. She also wears an arange mini-skit and brown cowgirl boots with heels.