Lanford is a Night-Blooming Yellow-Leaved Deathwort, owned by Mokey Fraggle on Fraggle Rock.
Lanford resides in a corner of Red and Mokey's room, right in between the girls' beds; the character debuted in the second season episode "A Cave of One's Own," in which Mokey and Red first move in together. Although Mokey adores her plant, Red (for the most part) shows a distinct dislike for him.
In The Secret Society of Poobahs, it is shown that Lanford is a member of the Poobahs.
In the third season episode "The Beanbarrow, the Burden and the Bright Bouquet", Lanford became covered in red spots. Then, after being sung a lullaby (by Red, who was somewhat reluctant), he blossomed flowers. This episode also marks one of the only times the two have gotten along.
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