Fictional Characters Wiki

Kouchu Misako is the main character of the series.


Season 21[]

Kouchu went to the Daro region and befriended Daisy, his rival-friend, and told him she was a part of the Drao league. Kouchu went with his friends for his first 2 badges. Then, he was given a CrystalRist, a Ring that can glow in caves.

Season 22[]

Kouchu went to get the second 2 badges from the Daro region leaders to compete in the Daro league. After that, Kouchu met again with Marcy, and was shocked that she caught over 500 Marukas to help her to win over Kouchu.

Season 23[]

Kouchu went for the other 2 badges and went to the Shinkal Tower. He defeated the Shinkal Masters and recieved the hearts stone, which he can enter the "Tower of Life" Tourament.

Season 24[]

Kouchu got his other 2 badges and went in the league. Kouchu defeated the league, but loses against Watashi, which is Top 16. Kouchu then competes in the Tower of Life to get to Natalie. All the stones are collected and Kouchu is ready for Natalie.

Crystal Monsters[]

In Hand[]

Kouchu met Exxagorious in Dandfordon region and decided to train together. They team up in Daro region.

Kouchu catched a Flyrius and it decided to team up with Kouchu

Kouchu made friends with Flamite because it was making him laugh by making faces. From fun times to serious times, it got more powerful and stronger.

In Storage[]

The first Crystal Monster Kouchu caught. It competes with him in the league, but faints in the 3rd round.

Kouchu catches it as a Sludger in the PowerPlant.

The second Crystal Monster Kouchu caught. It competed in the league, but lost in the first match.

Kouchu catches a Kubat in the cave. But it brings Kouchu food instead of battling with him but they made good friends.

Kouchu catches an Eggor because it made trouble in the Jarbon region, pranking everyone. Eggine promise to work together with Kouchu on his journey.

Kouchu caught 30 Pioneers

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Kouchu did it better than the past, with his Crystal Monster, Roaracryst. They work together to catch it. Mooselette was impressed by Kouchu's skills. They have been good friends since.

Kouchu didn't caught this Crystal Monster, but it hatched from the egg Professor Greg gave him. They work together to make Flameme a Flameract.

Kouchu went on the seas to fish and he caught a goofy Droponout, and decided to catch it because he is fun to catch.

Kouchu went to the Jarbon power plant, and a Duggine tripped him over. Kouchu and Duggine made.friends to each other. They team up since in the Orbon Tournament.

Kouchu tripped over Slamshog and it shocks Kouchu, so Kouchu tries to catch it. But it saids it was owned by as trainer, Calvin, but it was released by him to Kouchu.

Kouchu befriended Hitmonchog by a match on one on one wild crystal monster battle.

Kouchu was tired of moving on Orbon, but Dragiar flew him there. Kouchu and Dragiar became fast friends, and was Kouchu's first Orbon

Kouchu was suffering in a long, snow storm, he then fell on the cliff. Icelerg saved him and builds him a igloo. Icelerg was then caught by Kouchu.

Kouchu went into a hike, but spot a Rockmarious and decided to catch it.

Kouchu was surfing, then, he found out that he was surfing on a Whooshrag.Kouchu catch this Crystal monster.

Kouchu was kicked by Kickaurus, and he decided to catch it.

Kouchu catch this first Crystal monster in the Oregon region

Kouchu found a Googoat at the contest hurt in the barn. He heals it and Googoat starts to like him.

Kouchu caught this Crystal Monster and is able to ride it in the ocean.

Kouchu make friends of Skittous because Kouchu saved it from the Furious Five

Rilous was saved by Kouchu and Rilous wants to be Kouchu's Crystal Monster, so he keept it.

Kouchu went in the bug contest in the Oregon region, and caught a Bugzappine. He decides to keep it because it looks stronger.


Kouchu went to the Daro beach and spotted a Starkine, and it touched him

Kouchu looked at Whalewa with his crew, and Whalewa gave them all the ride.

Kouchu and his crew splitted into teams, and Marcy's Maruka was with Kouchu and the part of his crew.


Kouchu befriended Ununkun and was able to save it from the evil.
