Koska Reeves is a Mandalorian woman from the Star Wars universe, who appears from the second season of The Mandalorian. An active member of Bo-Katan Kryze's Nite Owls five years after the Battle of Endor, Koska is actively working with her leader to recapture the Mandalorians' homeworld, Mandalore, ravaged by the Galactic Empire. Koska briefly followed fellow Axe Woves as her new leader after Bo-Katan failed to claim the Darksaber, a weapon with which to claim Mandalore's sovereignty, but rejoined her again after Bo-Katan defeated Woves on Plazir-15 and legitimately obtained the Darksaber. Koska then joined with all of the remaining Mandalorian clans guided by Bo-Katan to reclaim Mandalore, resulting in the utter defeat of the Imperial remnant hidden on her world.