Katsuki Bakugo, also known as Kacchan by his childhood friends, is a student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School, training to become a Pro Hero. He is the deuteragonist of the series. According to his character profile in Volume 1 of the My Hero Academia manga, Bakugo has two very specific hobbies: mountain climbing and spicy food. Considering his explosive Quirk, it's no surprise that Katsuki's food tastes just as hot as the explosions he creates with his sweat. Mountain climbing may seem like an unexpected hobby for the fiery student, but it correlates with certain aspects of his personality. Bakugo likes challenges and climbing mountains is an activity full of challenges. Believe it or not, Bakugo was originally supposed to be a kind and loving character who would inadvertently come across as offensive or insulting whenever he misspoke. Series creator Kōhei Horikoshi decided that the softer version of Bakugo was too boring and chose to make him truly annoying. To be fair, the dynamic anger he exudes in every scene keeps the tension high throughout the anime.