Jiro and Mitsu are characters from the Hanna-Barbera, animated sitcom pilot, Duffy's Dozen. They are fraternal twins and the youngest, adoptive children of Mr. Duffy and Mrs. Duffy.
About Jiro and Mitsu[]
Jiro and Mitsu are the last of the Duffy kids mentioned and introduced, shown hugging each other closely. They are also shown getting wet by the family's pet sheepdog, Thirteen, who shakes water out of his fur on them while they give him a bath. They're then shown sleeping in the camper with the other Duffys and at the various places they visit, like Mount Rushmore, as they're travelers who go sightseeing all over America.
The twins and the other Duffys are having corn cobs for lunch at Yellowstone park. Each of the family members takes a corn cob as the plate is passed over, except Jiro, who asks where his is when the plate gets to him. It turns out a bear had eaten the corn as well as some other food after getting into the camper, since Alan gave it a cookie. The bear has a claw stuck in a hole of Mr. Duffy's bowling ball and walks away with it. As Mr. Duffy goes after the bear and his ball, the family goes off to get a stretcher for him should he end up injured by the ursine. The family, including the twins, return to where they find Mr. Duffy and the bear with a park ranger accompanying them. After the park ranger shoots Mr. Duffy with a sedative dart to put him out like a light, Jiro and Mitsu carry on with the traveling with the rest of the family.
Physical Appearances[]
Jiro and Mitsu are slender twins with black hair, matching eyes, and tan skin. They're Asian, Japanese to be exact. They both wear yellowish orange shirts, gray bellbottoms, and white shoes. The differences between them are their hairstyles and shirts. Jiro has cropped hair and Mitsu's is a bob with choppy bangs. Jiro wears a long-sleeved shirt whereas Mitsu's shirt has short sleeves.