Jacqueline "Jackie" Ingrid Bouvier (nee Gurney), also known as Grandma Bouvier or Mrs. Bouvier, is the mother of Marge, Patty and Selma, the widow of Clarence "Clancy" Bouvier, the mother-in-law of Homer Simpson, the daughter of Ferdinand and Alvarine Gurney (nee Bisque), the sister of Gladys and Lou Gurney, the daughter-in-law of Pepe and Bambi Bouvier (nee Petitbois), the maternal grandmother of Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, the granddaughter-in-law of Henri Petitbois and Marie St. Jacques, and also the adoptive maternal grandmother of Ling Bouvier.
- Clarence "Clancy" Bouvier (husband, deceased)
- Patty Bouvier (daughter)
- Selma Bouvier (daughter)
- Marge Bouvier (daughter)
- Homer Simpson (son-in-law)
- Bart Simpson (grandson)
- Lisa Simpson (granddaughter)
- Maggie Simpson (granddaughter)
- Alvarine Gurney (mother, deceased)
- Ferdinard Gurney (father, deceased)
- Gladys Gurney (sister, deceased)
- Lou Gurney (brother, deceased)
- Pepe Bouvier (father-in-law, deceased)
- Bambi Bouvier (mother-in-law, deceased)
- Arthur Bouvier (brother-in-law, deceased)
- Jojo Bouvier (brother-in-law, deceased)
- Chester Bouvier (brother-in-law)
- Charlene Bouvier (sister-in-law, deceased)
- Herman Bouvier (brother-in-law)
- Ling Bouvier (adoptive granddaughter)
- Henri Petitbois (grandfather-in-law, deceased)
- Marie St. Jacques (grandmother-in-law, deceased)
- Abraham Simpson - Her son-in-law's father, her youngest daughter's father-in-law, and also her grandchildren's paternal grandfather.
- Mona Simpson - Her son-in-law's deceased mother, her youngest daughter's deceased mother-in-law, and also her grandchildren's deceased paternal grandmother. It is unlikely that Jacqueline knew Mona.
- Orville Simpson - Her son-in-law's deceased paternal grandfather and also her youngest daughter's deceased grandfather-in-law.
- Yuma Simpson (nee Hickman) - Her son-in-law's deceased paternal grandmother and also her youngest daughter's deceased grandmother-in-law.
- Henri Petitbois - Her mother-in-law's deceased father and her father-in-law's deceased father-in-law.
- Marie St. Jacques - Her mother-in-law's deceased mother and her father-in-law's deceased mother-in-law.
- Willard Hickman - Her son-in-law's deceased maternal great-grandfather.
- Theodora Hickman - Her son-in-law's deceased maternal great-grandmother.
- Zeke Hickman - Her son-in-law's deceased paternal great uncle.