Ice King (Real name: Simon Petrikov) is a character in the animated series Adventure Time. The character was introduced as the main antagonist and, as Simon Petrikov, develops into a supporting character in later seasons. The character is voiced by Tom Kenny.
Originally depicted as an evil but incompetent wizard obsedded with kidnapping princesses, the character of Ice Kingbwas further developed in later seasons of the show. These later seasons portrayed Ice King as a lonely man driven insane by the magical crown which grants him ice powers. In the show's third season, he is revealed to have once been an ordinary human named Simon Petrikov before falling under the influence of the crown. He regains his memory after being stripped of his powers in the series finale Come Along with Me.
Altrough the character initially garnered a lukewarm reception from critics, his later backstory and character development into a Tragic figure were widely acclaimed. The crown's influence over Ice King came to be seen as a complex depiction of social isolation, notably Alzheimer's and bipolar disorder. The episodes I Remember You and Simon and Marcy, which focus on the Ice King's paternal relationship with Marceline the Vampire Queen, are often considered two of the show's best.