Hare is a character from Toei Animation's Manga Aesop's Fables. He is based on the hare from one of the original Aesop's fables, The Tortoise and the Hare. He and Tortoise have a race to see and settle on just who's the fastest. He was voiced by Noriko Tsukase in the Japanese dub and Lionel Wilson in the English dub.
About Hare[]
Hare and Tortoise are debating about who is the fastest. Amused by how slow Tortoise walks, Hare pokes fun at him, taunting him and repeatedly calling him a slowpoke. Tortoise gets offended and tells him to stop calling him that. Aesop, Silkwing, and Skitter are walking down a path to where they are and see this happening. Aesop and Silkwing ask them just what is going on and the latter asks them why they can't act like friends. Tortoise explains it to them and he says that Hare makes him mad whereas Hare says Tortoise makes him laugh as that's exactly what he does. Aesop suggests the two have a race to find out just who's faster than the other.
Midway into the race, Hare decides to take a break and rest. Aesop does the same while Skitter gives both of them massages. Tortoise never takes a break at all and continues, slowly but surely getting to the end. When Hare notices how far Tortoise has gotten, he gets back up and re-enters the race. He tries to reach the end, which is a tree at the top of a hill. Hare tries his best to dash towards it and he almost makes it before Tortoise, but Tortoise manages to beat him narrowly. Hare realizes when he's been defeated, admitting that Tortoise is faster than him, in a way, after all. He compliments Tortoise for his victory and the latter is modest as everyone has a hearty laugh.
Physical Appearance[]
Hare is a small and short rodent with mostly neon carrot fur. The inside of his ears is pastel cream as are his muzzle and one side of his short, stubby, cotton tail. He has short, curly, brown hair with a matching nose and eyes. He wears a red handkerchief, denim suspenders overalls with two gold buttons, and goes barefoot.
Hare starts out being cocky, smug, overconfident, and procrastinatory. But later he learns to humble himself. He's also jolly and friendly.