Goldilocks's Father (name unknown) is a minor character from Burbank Animation's 1991 adaptation of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. He is the paternal parent of Goldilocks. He was voiced by Lee Perry.
About Goldilocks's Father[]
Goldilocks's Father and mother are first seen heading off for work. Her mom tells her not to let any strangers enter the house while they're away and to check on the mushroom soup that's left cooking in a pot on the stove. Goldilocks and her parents wave good bye to each other before her parents leave.
After Goldilocks returns home from her adventure in the enchanted forest the next day, her parents inquire about her whereabouts. She tries to tell them about what she saw there, such as the talking animals, including the bear family she met. But neither of her parents are convinced, as they believe she's just fabricating everything and they scold her. But unbeknownst to them, it's all for real and more credible than they realize.
Some time later, Goldilocks is called downstairs. When she goes to see her parents, her dad tells her that he and his wife don't know what they would do if anything were to happen to their daughter, and are only concerned for her well-being. They also say that they had a talk and Goldilocks's mom offers her tickets to attend a circus, asking her if she's interested in going. She is and, with joy, she gives her mom a great, big hug, wrapping her arms around her neck.
Physical Appearance[]
Goldilocks's father is a slim man with fair skin, parted brown hair with a short tail that curves in the back of his head, and brown eyes. He wears a suphur spring green shirt with rolled up, cuffed sleeves and a split collar that has one black, round button; an olive green vest; brown pants; and black boots.
Goldilocks's father is caring, nurturing, loving, selfless, giving, and kind. He and his wife seem to have a genuinely close relationship with their daughter, and a very good parents.