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Lilia is the Character for Ys II: Castle in the Heavens.

OVA Ys II Lilia


The setting to help Adol who was blown by Ys does not change, but although he died of illness once when he was young, he became a girl who was given the life of a monster by Keith and survived, and he played an active part as an important person who holds the key to the story. ing. She longs for Adol, who helped her as a sacrifice of a monster, and rescues Adol, who was imprisoned by a villager who feared retaliation for her monster, and escapes with her. She then meets Feena and Reah, who are jealous of Adol's relationship. While she was away from Adol, she was attacked by a demon and was asked to give Adol a pendant when she was escaped by Feena and Reah, but Lilia saw Adol worried about Feena and Reah. I hid it without giving it from jealousy. After she returns to the village, she goes hunting for monsters, and she is captured and abducted by the Temple of Salmon. Only Lilia did not petrify while the people around her were petrified by the curse that Dalles cast to bring Adol to darkness. Lilia thinks it's a pendant blessing, but from Keith, Lilia didn't petrify because she was given the life of a monster when she was young and survived, and the blood of the monster is flowing in Lilia. I was surprised to be told. From Keith, cooperating with the goddesses (Feena and Reah) is to erase the existence of demons (Feena and Reah erase the magic from the world by having Adol destroy the black pearl that is also the body of Darm. I was trying to solve everything (because the monsters born from magic also disappear), and it is said that erasing the existence of monsters will kill Lilia herself and should not cooperate, but Lilia is still Adil Choose to save us. Lilia, who is also a monster, suffers severe pain under the influence of Darm's power to capture all monsters, but desperately blows a silver harmonica, restores the runaway Adol to sanity, and seals Feena and Reah. Immediately after being saved, it is absorbed by Darm and disappears. She is about to be hijacked by Darm as her vessel, but she finds out the sadness of the Darms and the demons and she tears. Her thoughts weakened Darm, giving Adol a way to defeat Darm. After all, Adol quickly set out on an adventure, and Lilia lonely saw off Adol.


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