Fictional Characters Wiki

Yoyo is an autistic tall orange teenager monster on 5, Rue Sésame, the French version of Sesame Street. He's very emotional and anxious, but he loves people and makes friends easily.

He is recycled from the Sesame character Narf, but with live hands. His other international appearance is The Furchester Hotel; the monster is named "Sorbet" (which the puppeteirs stripped his original name after the episode "Furchester on Wheels") and is part of the member of "The Tea Time Monsters". The monster's eyes were altered in the late 2000's and returned in 2009.

Book Appearences[]

  • Hide & Seek, Near & Far

Media Appearances[]


Fictional Characters Wikia has a collection of images and media related to Yoyo (5, Rue Sésame).
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