Ferb Fletcher, also briefly known as "Darth Ferb" during his time as a Sith Warrior, is an inhabitant of the planet Tatooine. He and his stepbrother Phineas enjoy a perpetual summer, learning the ways of the Jedi from Obi-Wan Kenobi. They live one moisture farm away from Luke Skywalker. After the Death Star plans accidentally fell into the step brothers' hands, they went on a mission to return them to the Rebel Alliance. By mistake, he was transformed into a Sith Warrior by Darthenshmirtz's Sith-inator. As a Sith, Ferb used a red lightsaber. Soon after the transformation he duels Phineas in which he defeats his step-brother though before he could finish him the sith-inator is destroyed reverting him back to his old self.
Ferb Fletcher (Star Wars)