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Diesel is Bruno's ex-boyfriend and has a minor apperance in a 2009 film, Bruno.
Diesel is Bruno's long time boyfriend as they have been together for nine years.
We first see him at the beginning of the film, where he was seen walking with Bruno through Vienna. The two were shown committing bizarre sexual acts.
When heard that Bruno was fired from his show Funkyzeit mit Bruno at the airport, Diesel broke up with him after he stated him that he humiliate him before departed from him with another man leaving Bruno heartbroken. He was never seen nor mentioned again throughout the film.
In one of the deleted scenes, Diesel traveled to Texas to confront with Bruno while interviewing with Mel Lewis, a white supremacist Christian. The two then started an arguement by Diesel accusing Bruno of having a relationship with Lewis which Bruno denies it. Diesel hits him that he had sexual relationships with his friends from Austria. Bruno then tried to claim Lewis that they are together but Lewis declined it; causing Diesel to leave after stating that their relationship is over much to Bruno's sadness.
In another deleted scene, when Bruno was having an interview with Professor Gerald Lushington, a message from Diesel pops out despite their breakup. Bruno then texts him back sexually and apologizes to Lushington over this. While interviewing, Bruno was distracted communicating with Diesel over with sexual comments. Bruno then again apologizes to Lushington