Damien, is one of the major characters of 2023 of the Canadian animated show Total Drama Island. He serves as a member of Ferocious Trout.
He is voiced by Daniel Keith Morrison.
Damien is young teenager who has a dark skin complexion with a short goatee and hair. He also wears a yellow cap, a dark blue leather jacket over his dark yellow vest, dark blue pants and white sneakers.
Being a newcomer, Damien has never seen Total Drama before and is thrown off guard at the many deadly dangers. However, he is rather knowledgeable about the digestive tract and other scientific topics and is shown to be one of the most intelligent contestants. While he's cowardly because he wasn't prepared for how hostile challenges on this show can be, Damien doesn't leave his teammates behind. In fact, in episode 5, he saves his teammates from raptor by causing an explosion, which of course he somehow pulled it off.