Jolly, pompous, talkative, cowardly, stern, strict, uptight, shiftless, cantankerous, easily flustered, anxious, nervous, kind-hearted, stubborn, loyal, intelligent, courageous, serious, no-nonsense, fussy, demanding, controlling, orderly, irritable, grouchy, posh, panicky, feisty, obedient, professional, proper, organized, gentle at heart, handsome, dignified, lawful, good-hearted, caring, well-meaning, good-natured, sympathetic, comforting, friendly, considerate, soft-hearted, tender-hearted, protective, generous, charitable, selfless, benevolent, helpful, responsible, mature
Occassionally: Paranoid, bossy, cranky, grumpy, stressed
Cogsworth is one of the supporting characters in Beauty and the Beast . He is the Beast ’s fussbudget majordomo who was changed into mantel clock during the Enchantress’ curse.