Fictional Characters Wiki

Cloud is a 15 year old fangirl created by dibs_on_pibs & voiced by Angelattes. She is a fan-girl of Senpai.


Cloud is a young girl with pink hair and cyan eyes. She wears a blue uniform with a pink tie similar to Senpai's, as well as a blue skirt, white socks, and blue shoes.


  • Cloud owns a Wattpad account where she only posts Safe For Work. She has 2 followers.
  • Cloud gets very disheartened when her friends make fun of her obsession with Senpai.
  • Cloud is a big crybaby and very emotional.
  • Cloud has a pet hamster named 'Senpai JR'.
  • Cloud used to be an avid fan of Danganronpa and My Hero Academia.
  • Cloud isn't a Yandere. She is a pacifist. She's just a bit obsessive.
  • Cloud once sold her dad's car for A Rare Hating Simulator Poster.
  • Cloud is very good at rhythm games.
  • Cloud isn't a copy of Sky, but was inspired by Sky.
  • Cloud has ADHD.
  • Cloud's MBTI is ENFP.
  • Cloud's hair is naturally pink.
  • Cloud's favorite game next to Hating Simulator is Animal Crossing.
  • Cloud has a habit of overspending her dad's money.
  • Cloud wears her dad's tie and shirt hence the oversized sleeves.
  • Cloud drinks Boba all the time even though she doesn't like the taste of it because she wants to look cool in front of her friends.
  • Everyone bullies Cloud for being a fangirl.
  • Cloud hates capitalism.
  • Cloud is British.
  • Cloud's favorite dessert is Candyfloss.
  • Cloud's favorite TV show is My Little Pony