Fictional Characters Wiki

Ami Saeki is a main character in the Xilam series Shuriken School. She is one of Shuriken School's students. She is also friends with Kita Shunai as shown in the episodes 1 and 6. She is voiced by Jessica DiCicco.

Ami Saeki

Appearance and Personality

Ami is an Asian girl with long blonde hair with a red hairbow on her head. Her clothing is a sailor fuku uniform having a white polo, blue ascot and skirt, white socks and black Mary Jane shoes.

Ami is shown to be adventerous and friendly. She was even shocked when Kita Shunai touched the spikes from the pipe, and tried to help her parents and prevent them from falling off the roof, along with their other friends. She is also a tomboy as shown as she wanted to know if there was a dead body in the students' basement. Her short temper is scary to other students, but a soothing balm to Kita Shunai.


  • Kita Shunai
  • Classmates
  • Her Parents