Fictional Characters Wiki

"You ready to taste the world's best Weenie?" - Chef Knaystee


Cartoon Violets 4[]

Upon meeting Chef Knaystee You will be offered one of his weenies that can be bought for 50 dollars and must be purchased to complete the game.

Cartoon Violets 5[]

Chef Knaystee can be seen working in the Hunthouse Kitchen, where he will speak to Hezian Mallor and give him some Prime moose when he is shown the note from Bikerbitch.


Chef Knastee has blonde hair and a moustache and wears an outfit with no shirt.


Chef Knaystee is often always grumpy, the only exception to this is when he is dealing with a paying customer. He also has a long time hatred of the Homeless and the Poor.


Hezian Mallor[]

Chef Knaystee is friends with Hezian Mallor as shown in Cartoon violets 5 as He calls Hezian his best customer as Hezian buys a lot of food constantly to sustain his body.

Biker Bitch[]

They are not seen Interacting in game but are friends, as she also buys many supplies and food from him, which she often cooks for Hezian

Other customers[]

Chef Knaystee Loves nothing more than Paying customers and will try his hardest to charm them into a purchase. Anyone who is unable to pay will be met with verbal abuse from Chef Knaystee and occasionally thrown knives. Anyone found dead inside the store, which is more often than you think, will usually be turned into food.
