Rogers with his new uniform
Cap casually jogs over 26 MPH and only consider it as a warm-up
Cap lifts 50+ tons of metal while physically and mentally extremely exhausted and incredibly injured.
Cap uses his agility to take down a S.H.I.E.L.D. Quintet one-on-one
Cap shows off his immense durability
Cap sends a 3 ton Ford Truck flying with ease
Rogers riding his motorcycle after the Avengers split up
Rogers and the Avengers discuss Ultron
Rogers tries to save a car
Rogers listens to Nick Fury
Rogers begins training the new Avengers
Rogers explores the Smithsonian Exhibition
Rogers and Barnes during WWII
Rogers fighting Georges Batroc on the Lemurian Star
Rogers meets Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner
Rogers and Barnes prepare for their final mission together
Rogers after seeing Bucky fall to his presumed demise
Rogers has a meeting with Alexander Pierce
Rogers fights one of Ultron's Sentries
Rogers agrees to go to war against Ultron
Rogers and the Maximoffs confront Tony Stark
Rogers stops a train from crashing into Seoul
Rogers tries to reason with the Maximoff twins
Rogers learns Ultron wants to steal Vibranium
Rogers speaks to Scarlet Witch about Stark
Captain America storms a beach with other American soldiers
Rogers and Romanoff in disguise at the mall
Captain America attacking the Cadre mercenaries
Captain America in Chicago
Rogers reading files about his allies from World War II
Rogers discusses cultural references
Rogers chases down the Winter Soldier
Rogers skydives after Thor, Iron Man and Loki
Rogers discusses Loki's plan with the other Avengers
Rogers recruits the Howling Commandos
Rogers witnesses the birth of the Vision
Rogers destroys an Ultron Sentry
Rogers finds the wounded Helen Cho
Captain America hijacks the Valkyrie
Rogers confronts Red Skull
Rogers watches the operation on Nick Fury
Rogers fights Ultron Sentries
Rogers recovers from his vision
Rogers discusses the Maximoff twins
Rogers battles the army of Ultron Sentries
Rogers argues with Tony Stark
Rogers confronts Natasha Romanoff
Rogers finds Bucky Barnes
Rogers speaks to Thor during the battle
Rogers is interrogated by Red Skull
Rogers and Fury with the new Helicarriers
Steve Rogers after Project Rebirth.
Rogers with the men he saved from a HYDRA base.
Rogers and Thor at Clint Barton's home
Rogers saving Romanoff from the destruction of Camp Lehigh
Rogers with the Howling Commandos
Rogers commanding officers to protect areas of New York
Steve shortly after awakening from his 67-year sleep
Rogers attempts to lift Mjølnir
Captain America with captured German soldiers
Rogers about to crash-land into the ice
Rogers being choked by the Winter Soldier
Rogers talks to Nick Fury in the secret base
Steve Rogers in the Captain suit with his shield
Rogers breaks into a HYDRA fortress
Rogers returning home after visiting Carter
Coulson excited to meet Captain America
General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Captain America planning the next operation
Abraham Erskine and Steve Rogers
Rogers about to face a Quinjet
Rogers and Falcon attack the Project Insight Helicarriers
Rogers sees the Helicarrier
Thor and Captain America fight together
Rogers speaks to Romanoff in their stolen car
Howard Stark provides Rogers with his new shield, weapons, and uniform
Rogers talks to Sam Wilson
Captain America and Iron Man capture Loki in Germany
Rogers stars as "Captain America" in a propaganda movie serial
Captain America being released from ice after 67 years
Rogers and Peggy Carter share a kiss
Barnes walking away after saving Rogers
A newspaper about Rogers' disappearance
Bucky tries to comfort Steve
Steve Rogers tours America as the colorful mascot known as "Captain America"
Rogers speaks to Peggy Carter
Rogers, surrounded by HYDRA soldiers
Rogers is thrown out of a building
Rogers prepares to rescue the P.O.W.
Rogers looks at Coulson's vintage cards
Rogers after fighting HYDRA soldiers in an elevator
Steve Rogers is rejected for military service
Rogers pilots a HYDRA bomb ship
Rogers discovering SHIELD has HYDRA's weapons
Rogers refuses to fight Bucky Barnes
Rogers mourns Bucky Barnes' death
Rogers questions Natasha Romanoff
Rogers is recruited by Senator Brandt
Rogers is attacked by Red Skull
Rogers recruits Romanoff and Barton
Rogers and Romanoff question Jasper Sitwell about HYDRA
Rogers wakes up in Hospital
Rogers speaks to Natasha Romanoff
Rogers visits Peggy Carter
Rogers and Romanoff speak to Zola
Rogers speaks to Bruce Banner
Rogers speaks to Sam Wilson at the party
Rogers agrees to party with the Avengers
Rogers says goodbye to Tony Stark
Rogers shooting at the attackers
Rogers speaks to Bucky Barnes
Rogers speaks to Peggy Carter while in Italy
Steve Rogers, minutes after his transformation.
Captain America confronts Baron Strucker
Rogers receiving his first mission in the new century from Nick Fury
Captain America meets Thor Odinson after a battle in the forests.
Rogers prepares for the experiment
Rogers meets Doctor Erskine
Rogers leads an assault on a HYDRA base
Rogers leads the Avengers
Rogers and Wilson just before leaving to search for Bucky
Rogers captures Abraham Erskine's assassin
Rogers confronting Barnes
Captain America and Thor prepare to fight