Fictional Characters Wiki

Boog is a character from Fanboy and Chum Chum.

Early Life[]

When Boog was little, he had to stay in a plastic bubble on account that he is allergic to everything. When he accidently bopped himself he said "Someday when I get out of this bubble, I'm gonna inflict this kind of pain on others someday... someday..." and he does that to this day.

Present Life[]

Now, the only employee of the Frosty Mart to Lenny Flynn-Boyle, Boog is a bully who isn't afraid to get in anyone's way. He plays Chimp Chomp almost all of the time and has the urge to bop almost anyone. Notably, Fanboy and Chum Chum seem to be his main target of inflicting his bops towards. While there may be opportunities where he would succeed, Fanboy and Chum Chum would usually have the upper hand at stopping the bopper from harming them, whether it's to their own wits or karma-induced.

Physical Appearance[]

Boog has a large and bulky build. He is larger than almost everyone, and is pale apricot skinned. He has a large, blonde mullet with bangs swept to the left, and has a soul patch below his mouth. His Frosty Mart Uniform consists of an overall pink color with yellow stripes, along with pink buttons that keep his uniform patched and closed. He also has his name printed on his uniform above the Frosty Mart's logo. Boog usually wears a light blue shirt with shreds at the sleeves and a white collar, with grey army camouflage jeans, under his Frosty Mart uniform. He wears a pair of black ankle boots on his feet, perfect for marching up to someone to bop them. He also wears a red, white and blue wristband on his right wrist, which he considers a sign of bopping.


Boog is a short-tempered bop-happy bully who is obsessed with the video game Chimp Chomp, which he plays at the Frosty Mart, often instead of working. Whenever someone is in his way, he bops them with his two mighty bopping fists (formally dubbed Fisty and Slappy). Usually, before bopping, he says something very serious to him (i.e. "I'm so bopping you!" or "There ain't no stopping' this chimp when he's bopping'!). He also has a tendency to cry out for Chimp Chomp at times, especially when giving up part of it for something he really wants.

