The "Blue Squadron", or Pilot Birds, are counterparts based on Jay, Jake and Jim in the Angry Birds Star Wars universe. They are part of the Rebel forces against the Pork Side, and normally fly jets.
Unlike the other characters of the game, the Blues are not based on a specific character, but an entire group, and their names are Wedge Antilles (born 21 BBY on Corellia), Biggs Darklighter (born 19 BBY on Tatooine; died 0 BBY near the Death Star I, Yavin system) and Garven Dreis (born 25 BBY on Virujansi; died 0 BBY near the Death Star, Yavin system). They are also known as Jay Antilles, Jake Darklighter and Jim Dreis respectively.
The Blue Squadron fly in the formation of one and then split to confuse the enemy. They are reliable and dedicated to fighting the Sith. According to the encyclopedias of the characters, you must be "blue" in order to be a part of the army. Their helmets are worn with pride to represent who they are, while the orange stripe running down in the middle allows them to see each other more clearly.