The Archmage is an evil sorcerer who served under Prince Malcolm in Castle Wyvern. His goal was to a powerful invincible sorcerer by gathering three ornaments: the Grimorum Arcanorum, the Eye of Odin, and the Phoenix Gate. He tried to use magic to usurp his throne and was banished for it. He returned in a vengeful mood, however, and struck Prince Malcolm down with a poisoned blow-dart. Since he still had the Grimorum Arcanorum in his possession, which contained the spell necessary to provide an antidote for the Prince, Hudson (formally known as Mentor), Goliath, and Demona (formally known as Angel of the night) pursued him to his nearby cave to recover the book. In the ensuing battle, the Archmage permanently blinded Mentor in one eye, but lost the Grimorum to Goliath, and while charging at him, stumbled and fell into a chasm, seemingly to his doom. But it was not the end of the Archmage. Before he could strike the bottom of the chasm, a powerful wizard who bore a striking resemblance to him appeared and saved him, then revealed that he was a future form of the Archmage, having finally achieved the ultimate power that he had coveted for so long. This "future Archmage" then whisked his former self off to the year 995, to obtain the aid of the Weird Sisters in gaining the Grimorum, Eye of Odin, and Phoenix Gate, then to 1020, to have the Sisters recruit Demona and Macbeth for his cause. At last, he took himself to Avalon in 1995, where the Sisters presented the "original Archmage" with the three magical artifacts. The Archmage donned the Eye of Odin and was transformed into a nearly all-powerful sorcerer, then devoured the Grimorum Arcanorum in order to bring it into Avalon with him, and finally took up the Phoenix Gate. Now transformed into an exact duplicate of his future self, he led the initial attack on the Avalon Clan, hoping to use Avalon as his base for conquering the world. After the first battle, he then went back in time to rescue his former self, thus entering the time loop again. After seeing his former self depart for the year 984, the Archmage attacked the Avalon Clan again. He almost destroyed it, but fortunately, the full fury of his hatred for Goliath defeated him; he foolishly made his assault during the night instead of waiting for morning when the Avalon gargoyles would be stone, and also, when he faced Goliath head on, instead of immediately destroyed him, merely contented himself with magically torturing him. This oversight gave Goliath the opportunity to finally snatch the Eye of Odin from the Archmage's brow. Once the Archmage lost the Eye, he could no longer contain the Grimorum's energies inside him, and was destroyed in the ensuing magical conflagration, alongside the Grimorum itself. The terror of the Archmage is finally over.