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Fictional Characters Wiki

Amber is a character from Mythical Falls. They are princess of the forest Biome.


Amber is a pink German Shepard. They have light pink fur on her ears and mouth. They are like the wild. They have green eyes. they also have dark magenta like claws.


Amber have a fun personality. They are jumpy a lot. They are shy sometimes but not as shy as Marie. They aren't strong. Don't really get along with humans. When Amber is mad they growl sometimes likes fighting with others. But Amber is loving.


Amber have a similar story Sage. They are Princess of the forest biome. When they and Cleo were young they never really got along with each other. Amber was a nice girl but different. They would use to get bullied. Cleo taught Amber to be strong. Later Cleo and Amber worked for Hybrid to get their parents back until Leo came. Amber was then betrayed. They then went back to Mythical Falls. They met Hooty who was 7 years old and Hannah who was 8. They though Amber was the princess of the forest biome. They claims they aren't but Hooty says is how they dressed like the while. They loved the way they were dressed. Amber loves to sing they would normally sing to Hooy and Hannah. They learned Spanish from Hooty and Hannah since Hooty and Hannah were Latino and Latina. She is 15 years old.


  • Amber is a sweet girl but she gets aggressive sometimes and gives people a hard time.
  • Amber is selfish sometimes. They are also greedy. They try not to be.
  • Amber is very hyper even when they are with friend they act all jumpy.
  • Sage and Amber have a brother and sister relationship.
  • Amber is named after a color even though their eyes are pink.
  • Amber loves the color pink.
  • Amber is a princess.
  • They like to call themself ugly and unattractive only because when Leo broke up with them and also they think Cleo her sister is more beautiful and smart.
  • Amber is American
  • They do know a little bit of Spanish.
  • Amber loves to sing. They love singing in the shower. They do sing about her feelings. They do sing when they are fighting or on adventure though Leo and Cleo and the demons find it annoying.

