Fictional Characters Wiki

The "almighty Sarlacc" was the sarlacc that inhabited the Great Pit of Carkoon on the planet Tatooine. It floated through space until landing on Tatooine, during the time when the planet still had lush rainforests. The sarlacc then hibernated long enough that it woke to a desert climate. Although most sarlaccs ate flesh, this one preferred vegetation, and especially did not want to eat sentient beings. Despite attempting to communicate this to visitors in the Sarlacc language, they did not understand and regularly pushed each other into the Almighty Sarlacc's mouth. Unable to spit them out, it would store them it its ninth stomach.

The almighty Sarlacc spoke to the protocol droid C-3PO about its state of constantly being force-fed, delighted to find someone who could understand its language. It told C-3PO about its life and experiences, and asked that it stop being force-fed living beings. When it discovered that C-3PO was in the service of Luke Skywalker, it attempted to convince him that serving others was not his higher purpose. C-3PO explained that he was created to serve, and that he needed to assist in a great struggle. After C-3PO was gone, the sarlacc was left with only the company of Boba Fett, but was glad when he escaped.

Sometime after Fett's escape, he and Fennec Shand returned to search for Fett's armor. To escape from the almighty sarlacc's tentacles, Shand destroyed it with a seismic charge.
